Town of Broadway 2005 Fiscal Year Budget
Expenditures Overview General Fund$643, % Water Fund 309, % Sewer Fund 331,486.45% Capital Improvements 28, % Total Expenditures$1,312, % Percent Change from Last Year
Revenue Overview General Fund$669, % Water Fund 312, % Sewer Fund 331, % Total Revenue$1,312,931 5% Percent Change from Last Year
General Fund Revenue Highlights Real estate and personal property tax rates unchanged Zoning fees continue to increase - growth IDA proceeds increasing – Pleasant View Trash and recycling fees increasing – now break even Use of money and property continue to be low because of interest rates Law Enforcement funding increasing from state – based on population No reserve funds will be used to balance the general fund budget
General Fund Expenditures Highlights Operational spending steady, while drastically decreasing capital expenditures Administration: Administration: bond payment on maintenance building, VRS, Transfer to water, health insurance, donations Public Safety: Public Safety: only increase is VRS Streets: Streets: Streetlight electricity, beautification, snow removal
Continue Sanitation: Sanitation: increased due to new housing and pick-ups Capital Expenditures: Capital Expenditures: last payment on police vehicle
General Fund Expenditures
Water Fund Revenue Highlights Total revenue.79% decrease Moving from 70/30 to 80/20 allocation Connection fees continue to play significant role in revenue due to growth North Fork of the Shenandoah River
Water Fund Revenue
Water Fund Expenditures Highlights Operational expenditures steady – only 3.3% increase No capital expenditures Council members and staff last year at the Plains Mill Spring
Sewer Fund Highlights Increased revenue from new proposed rate structure Largest expenditure is Sheaffer payment Sewer fund becoming less dependent on water fund subsidy Sheaffer Treatment Plant
Sewer Fund Revenue
Sewer Rate Increase Broadway sewer rates continue to be much well below average for the area. The state average is $18.77 per month for using 5,000 gallons Broadway will be $13.71 per month for using 5,000 gallons Town5,000 gallons New Market $28.23* Elkton Grottoes Bridgewater Dayton Broadway Timberville Sewer Rates by Town per Month *trash fees are included
Trash and Recycling Fee Trash and recycling fees now cover expense incurred by the town. Still well below average in comparison to neighboring jurisdictions
Revenue: General Fund$669,131 Water Fund 312,800 Sewer Fund 331,000 Total Revenue$1,312,931 Expenditures: General Fund: General/Administrative$330,626 Public Safety 205,420 Highways 38,500 Sanitation 69,000 Enterprise Funds: Water, Operations$309,399 Sewer, Operations 331,486 Capital Improvements: General Fund$20,500 Water Fund 5,000 Sewer Fund 3,000 Total Expenditures$1,312,931