2010 DCA CDBG Applicants’ Workshop New for 2010 & Important Reminders
Page CDBG Applicants’ Workshop Page 2 Intro. to CDBG Boot Camp New for 2010 – Admin costs Administration allowed as cash match ▪Dollar amounts and percentages must be reasonable ▪Reminder -- Administration allowed as leverage Dollar amounts and percentages must be reasonable
Page CDBG Applicants’ Workshop Page 3 Intro. to CDBG Boot Camp New for 2010 – Appendix O Applicable beginning with the 2008 Competition Especially important to water and sewer projects Review panels access both water and sewer rate dashboards and local government audits during the review process “Rule of thumb” is 1.25% of MHI for water and 1.25% for sewer
Page CDBG Applicants’ Workshop Page 4 Intro. to CDBG Boot Camp New for 2010 – Appendix O Discuss financial alternatives Provide a financial projection of water and sewer rates Provide turndown letters Don’t leave us looking at online information without making your case! ▪Lot’s of cash? ▪Below rule of thumb? ▪No discussion of alternatives?
Page CDBG Applicants’ Workshop Page 5 Intro. to CDBG Boot Camp New for 2010 – Appendix O See the following link for dashboards…
Page CDBG Applicants’ Workshop Page 6 Intro. to CDBG Boot Camp New for 2010 – Appendix P Applicants must: ▪Discuss plans for implementing Section 3 requirements along with other applicable laws and regulations (e.g., the Uniform Act) ▪A brief, thorough description of plans for implementing Section 3 requirements will enhance an applicant’s chances of receiving the maximum score on Feasibility.
Page CDBG Applicants’ Workshop Page 7 Intro. to CDBG Boot Camp New for 2010 – Drainage Standards DOT standards identify a 25-year flood design standard for local road drainage improvements. Standards greater than 25 years must be explained and justified in the CDBG application
Page CDBG Applicants’ Workshop Page 8 Intro. to CDBG Boot Camp New for 2010 – RAS Deadlines All RAS applications, annual updates, or renewals must be submitted in full no later than April 1, 2010 in order for RAS benefits to be applicable to the 2010 Annual Competition ▪Including but not limited to the ability to apply for CDBG funds in RAS areas every year and bonus points.
Page CDBG Applicants’ Workshop Page 9 Intro. to CDBG Boot Camp New for 2010 – Sole Source Approvals Description of the procurement process Tear sheet of the Request for Proposals List of the active, qualified consultants or engineers/architects that were mailed the Request for Proposals Certified return receipt documentation
Page CDBG Applicants’ Workshop Page 10 Intro. to CDBG Boot Camp New for 2010 – Water & Sewer Hookups HUD has made clear that water and sewer hookups on private property cannot be paid for with CDBG funds unless the household served is low- to moderate-income
Page CDBG Applicants’ Workshop Page 11 Intro. to CDBG Boot Camp New for 2010 – Water & Sewer Hookups Applicants should discuss how water and sewer hookups, water and sewer service line replacements, and septic tank closures will be paid for in order to increase the likelihood of a maximum score Note that water and sewer laterals from the street to the private property line are eligible CDBG expenses regardless of income
Page CDBG Applicants’ Workshop Page 12 Intro. to CDBG Boot Camp New for 2010 – Water & Sewer Hookups Applicants should indicate that all target area households will be connected to the CDBG-proposed improvements (and all septic tanks properly closed, if applicable) in order to increase the likelihood of a maximum score
Page CDBG Applicants’ Workshop Page 13 Intro. to CDBG Boot Camp New for 2010 – Water & Sewer Hookups DCA will accept as documentation of low- and moderate-income status area surveys that are three years old or less Applicants may require additional documentation of low- and moderate-income status at the time of project implementation if so desired
Page CDBG Applicants’ Workshop Page 14 Intro. to CDBG Boot Camp New for 2010 – Water & Sewer Hookups Applicants may decide whether to use their own funds to pay for non-low- and moderate-income hookups, to require property owners to pay for non-low- and moderate-income hookups, or to require property owners, regardless of income, to pay for hookups.
Page CDBG Applicants’ Workshop Page 15 Intro. to CDBG Boot Camp New for 2010 – Water & Sewer Hookups Local funds used to pay for hookups may be counted as match or leverage Local governments opting to pay for hookups may wish to check with their local attorney Local governments may have the option of adding a small surcharge to monthly water and sewer bills to cover the cost of hookups
Page CDBG Applicants’ Workshop Page 16 Intro. to CDBG Boot Camp Reminders – Budgets Round to the nearest dollar!
Page CDBG Applicants’ Workshop Page 17 Intro. to CDBG Boot Camp Reminders - Photographs All sets of photographs must be in color Photographs should be dated ▪Assists in showing prevalence and frequency
Page CDBG Applicants’ Workshop Page 18 Intro. to CDBG Boot Camp Reminders – Maps We still see missing concentration maps ▪LMI, substandard housing, and minority concentrations Omitting maps can result in lower scores Omitting maps can raise FHEO concerns
Page CDBG Applicants’ Workshop Page 19 Intro. to CDBG Boot Camp Reminders – Joint Applications Required when less than 51% of beneficiaries are located in applicant’s jurisdiction DCA may grant exceptions, but only in writing Request an exception no later than March 1, 2010
Page CDBG Applicants’ Workshop Page 20 Intro. to CDBG Boot Camp Reminders – Presumed Benefit Presumed benefit only applies to LMC projects Common example ▪Nursing homes in a TA must be surveyed
Page CDBG Applicants’ Workshop Page 21 Intro. to CDBG Boot Camp Reminders – 80/20 Rule Generally, grants will not be made to communities who have utilized over 80% of the proposed grant period and have expended less than 20% of their CDBG funds and have not awarded their primary construction contract(s)
Page CDBG Applicants’ Workshop Page 22 Intro. to CDBG Boot Camp Reminders – Potential Strategy Issue Local governments with high cash balances should explain why they are not being used for their proposed CDBG project
Page CDBG Applicants’ Workshop Page 23 Intro. to CDBG Boot Camp Existing Recipients Make sure wire instructions are correct Sec 3 Reporting
Page CDBG Applicants’ Workshop Page 24 Intro. to CDBG Boot Camp Conclusion Presentations on needed Census Info 1512 Reporting