1 Wastewater Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Large Users Meeting March 15, 2010
City of Hollywood Department of Public Utilities 2 Agenda ■Overview of 5-Year Wastewater CIP ■Completed CIP Projects ■On-going CIP Projects ■Notable CIP Projects ■Main Funding Sources for CIP Implementation
City of Hollywood Department of Public Utilities 3 FY CIP Projects ■The Wastewater Master Plan was completed by Hazen & Sawyer, P.C. in December 2007 (amended in October 2008) and is the basis for most of the proposed CIP projects. ■The next five-year CIP projects were prioritized into three groups based on critical need. Priority 1 projects are the most critical. ■Based on the approved funding, the City is proceeding with the implementation of projects under Priorities 1 and 2.
City of Hollywood Department of Public Utilities 4 CIP Projects (Priorities 1 and 2)
City of Hollywood Department of Public Utilities 5 Completed CIP Projects ■SRWWTP Building “A” HVAC rehabilitation – The project consisted of full replacement of main HVAC components for SRWWTP Building “A”. The project was substantially completed on December 2009 at a cost of $576,010. The contractor is working on final punch list items.
City of Hollywood Department of Public Utilities 6 Completed CIP Projects ■Injection Well Pump Station VFD Conversion – To obtain the operation flexibility for variable plant flow rate, Injection Well Pump No. 3 was converted to VFD. Completed in December The cost of the project was $185,000.
City of Hollywood Department of Public Utilities 7 On-going CIP Projects ■Oxygen Generation System Upgrade. Design-Build contract for approximately $10.4M. Current status approximately 60% complete. Completion date September 2010.
City of Hollywood Department of Public Utilities 8 On-going CIP Projects ■Continue Sewer Rehabilitation & Inflow/Infiltration reduction Program – This project is primarily addressing sewer collection basins H11, H15W and H31. Additional sewer basins (i.e. H-18 and H-12) were added as alternates. The program began on August 2009 with a cost of $6.7 M.
City of Hollywood Department of Public Utilities 9 On going CIP Projects ■Vacuum Truck Sump Upgrade – The purpose of this project is to upgrade and expand the existing vacuum truck sumps by adding sump areas, and by decreasing the existing floor elevations to maximize flow. The construction cost of the project is $224,000. Notice to Proceed was issued on February 2010; completion of the project is expected on May 2010.
City of Hollywood Department of Public Utilities 10 On-going CIP Projects ■Construct McKinley Street Parallel Interceptor – Bids for this project were received on January 8, The lowest, responsive, responsible bidder is GlobeTech Construction. The bid amounts were: $11.5 for concrete pipe and $10.1 for the Hobas pipe. The City to award construction contract on April 2010 based on the installation of the concrete pipe.
City of Hollywood Department of Public Utilities 11 Notable CIP Projects ■Grit Removal System Rehabilitation and Replacement: ●Estimated cost to replace existing system is approximately $19.5M. ●A proper working system is needed to remove grit from the wastewater to protect moving mechanical equipment from abrasion and abnormal wear, reduce conduit clogging, and prevent deposition in treatment basins. ●Existing system has severe sluice gate, weir and concrete deterioration; it also has poor removal efficiency, based on the accumulation of grit in the downstream facilities.
City of Hollywood Department of Public Utilities 12 Grit Removal System Issues Grit accumulation in Oxygen Train Sluice Gate and concrete deterioration
City of Hollywood Department of Public Utilities 13 Notable CIP Projects ■Bar Screens Rehabilitation and Repairs: ●Estimated cost of repairs is approximately $14M. ●Function of the bar screens is to remove large solid objects in the influent flow stream to protect downstream mechanical equipment. ●Severe deterioration has occurred in the concrete around both bar screens and in the bar screen chamber. ●Deficiency of screening facilities have resulted in rag build-up in the downstream process. ●The addition of a bypass to divert flow around the bar screens during repairs is included in the estimate. ●Immediate implementation of repairs recommended in the Master Plan.
City of Hollywood Department of Public Utilities 14 Bar Screens Issues Bar Screen Condition Rag Build-up on Mixer Blades
City of Hollywood Department of Public Utilities 15 CIP Funding ■Rate Revenue - New rates were approved by the City Commission on October 21, ■Stimulus Funding (American Reinvestment and Recovery Act) – On June 20, 2009, FDEP awarded a contract to the City to implement sewer rehabilitation and sewer replacements within the City’s collection/transmission system. The overall amount of the contract awarded is $6.7 M. ■Revenue Bonds Series 2010 – On January 27, 2010, the City completed the bonds acquisition process. Funding in the amount of $48.6 M became available for implementation of water ($15.6 M) and sewer ($33 M) projects as included in the CIP. ■Revenue Bonds Series 2012 – City will begin transactions to pursue additional bonds to cover later years (FYs 2012 to 2014) of 5 Year CIP.
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