Bids ranged from $992,264 to $1,999,305 JO-SH General Engineering was apparent low bidder Lash Construction 2 nd $1,156,453 Construction to start after the Fair – late August
Qualification Requirements Class A or C34 License “…in business for at least five (5) years providing comparable auger boring with guided boring machine construction method projects” “…Successfully completed a minimum of two previous projects similar in scope and scale to this project. The two similar projects shall specifically include auger boring with guided boring machine construction methods, with a construction dollar amount of a least $500,000 per project”
Staff’s Finding JO-SH General Engineering is “Non- Responsible” Does not meet the five (5) year requirement Did not complete at least two projects similar in scope and scale Did not provide auger boring using a guided boring machine
Recommended Action Approve the award of contract and authorize the City manager to execute an agreement with the lowest responsible bidder, Lash Construction, Inc. of Santa Barbara, for the Thompson Blvd. And US 101 Sewer System Replacement Project, Specification No , in the amount of $1,156,453