What Does MS4 Mean to You? A study of sewer and storm drain cross contamination Presented by Bryn Evans
What will we talk about? A little about surface water quality regulations What a sewer agency is doing about them The goal: A look at future regulations Start thinking of how MS4 might affect sewer agencies…
Cuyahoga River 1969
POTWs Industry Construction Phase I MS4s Phase II MS4s Industrial Point Sources Stormwater CWA amended (1987)
Gutters/inlets Outfalls Pipes Channels
Monitoring, Program Development Monitoring, Pilots, Program Enhancement Monitoring, Pilots, Enhancement, Implementation
Watershed-based Numerical goal compliance point Bacteria is a priority pollutant
Priority Water Quality Conditions Sources Goals, Strategies, Schedules Monitoring and Assessment Adaptive Management Process Source assessment MS4 discharge-focused Implementation strategies
City of Santa Barbara Studies Bacteria in storm drain Human-specific Sewer exfiltration shown to be source (Sercu et al. 2011, ES&T)
Evaluate small sub-watershed area Identify potential areas of: Exfiltration –and – Infiltration Determine frequency Prioritize potential next step implementation
Each phase narrows search Ph I – “Desktop” Portion (GIS, rec dwgs, CCTV) Ph II – Field Investigation (CCTV Storm Drains) Ph III – Field Testing (dye, soil, sampling) Ph IV – Pipe Repair/replacement
Contributing Factors Pipe crossings Vertical separation Sewer pipe condition Storm drain Material/Size Soil type
Watershed Study Area Sewer Pipe Legend
Investigate : Closed Pipe –And – Open Channels Open Channel Storm Drain Closed Channel Storm Drain Sewer Pipe Legend
Sewer Crossing Storm Drain GIS functions Combine sewer data to storm drain and soil data
107 (21%) sewer pipes selected for further study GIS/data accuracy key
Compiled GIS data into categories Missing Data Use record drawings
5 Categories, 12 sub categories Weighted scoring
Recent CCTV available for all mains Identify defects relative to exfiltration
Based on scoring matrix Narrow search down 19 of 507 (4%) sewer pipes above storm drain 12 of 19 (2%) also cross storm drain 6 of 12 (1%) also have defect 2 of 6 (0.3%) also in sandy soil highest rating
Water Quality Improvement Plans required for municipalities Bacteria is an MS4 issue Sewer exfiltration may be a source Process available to implement cost-effective pilot study Allows prioritization of potential sites for next step implementation
Understand applicable MS4 water quality issues Communicate with stormwater department/ municipal agencies Evaluate “potential sites” for exfiltration issues Leverage resources within/outside agency
Bryn Evans, CPSWQ Dudek