Climate Change Action Plan T o w n o f Y a r m o u t h F a ll Town of Yarmouth – September 27
Town of Yarmouth Atlantic Climate Adaptation Solutions Project The Atlantic Climate Adaptation Solutions Association (ACASA) is a non- profit organization formed to coordinate project management and planning for climate change adaptation initiatives in Atlantic Canada. ACASA is supported through the Regional Adaptation Collaborative (RAC), a joint undertaking between the Atlantic provinces, Natural Resources Canada and regional municipalities and other partners. As a requirement for the 2010 – 2015 Gas Tax Agreement, municipalities will be required to prepare and submit to Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations a Municipal Climate Change Action Plan (MCCAP). The MCCAP will focus on climate change adaptation, and will describe how municipalities plan to respond to impacts associated with climate change.
Nova Scotia ACAS Sites Minas Basin Yarmouth Halifax Oxford Tantramar/ Amherst Lunenburg In Nova Scotia there are six (6) ACAS sites: In Yarmouth the ACAS project focused upon storm surge and sea-level rise implications.
Climate Change Action Plan LiDAR September 16, 2008
Climate Change is real, it is happening and NS is being affected. It is affecting our communities, people, property, infrastructure, public health and safety, and our economy.
Nova Scotia ESTIMATED STORM DAMAGE COSTS Hurricane Juan, 2003 – 100 million Meat Cove, Oct – 7.2 million Central Nova, Dec – 13 million Southwest Nova, Nov – 5.6 million
Step Two: Identify Impacts Step Five (a): Social Implications Step Five (b): Economic Implications Step Three: Affected Locations Step Four: Affected Facilities & Infrastructure Step Six: Environmental Impacts Step Seven: Priorities for Action Step One: Build a Team Purpose of this planning exercise: Start the process of understanding how climate change will impact and affect Nova Scotia’s municipalities.
Summary of MCCAP Process Establishment of a Climate Change Action Plan Committee with Terms of Reference. The committee has reviewed Steps 2 – 6 of Provincial Guide. Next steps: Further development of the plan and initiating public information sessions.
Climate Change Action Plan
Predicted Higher High Water Large Tide (HHWLT) is 2.85m CGVD28 Projected Relative Sea-Level Rise by 2100: Minimum: 1.0m Maximum: 1.73m HRM’S ground floor elevation a minimum of 2.5m above the ordinary high- water mark. Projected worst case scenario 6.03m CGVD28.
Climate Change Action Plan Adaptation Options Under Consideration - Storm Surges/Sea Level Rise Action 1Amendments to MPS/LUB to safeguard developments from storm surges and sea level rise. Action 2Undertake study for Waste Water Treatment Plant to minimize the effects of storm surges and sea level rise. Action 3Redevelopment plan for up-grades of Milton Dam to consider the effects of storm surges and sea level rise (completed 2012). Action 4Redevelopment plan for up-grades of Milton Bridge to consider the effects of storm surges and sea level rise. Action 5Undertake and implement plan to safeguard Water Street developments, such as up-grades to rip rap and creation of retention ponds in strategic locations along Water Street. Action 6Undertake study and implement environmental safeguards for storm sewer outfalls into Yarmouth’s harbour and the Lake system. Action 7Revise Emergency Management Plan in light of storm surges and sea level rise impacts associated with climate change. Action 8Work cooperatively with the Municipality of the District of Yarmouth in minimizing storm surge and sea level rise impacts along our coastline. Moving Towards Adaptation:
Climate Change Action Plan Moving Towards Adaptation: Adaptation Options Under Consideration - Intense Rainfall Action 1Amendments to Subdivision By-law to incorporate “green” infrastructure standards. Action 2Undertake study and implement environmental safeguards for storm sewer outfalls into Broad Brook. Action 3Revise Emergency Management Plan in light of flooding impacts associated with climate change along the Broad Brook watershed system. Action 4Develop and implement a Storm Management Plan and a Lot Grading By-law. Action 5Work cooperatively with the Municipality of the District of Yarmouth in minimizing intense rain fall impacts along Broad Brook watershed system.