Passed: 1933 Abolished: June 1941
Definition Constructing projects paid for by public funds and they were constructed by the government for the use of the public.
What it did. $7 billion was spent on constructing: More jobs Maintaining purchasing powers Improving public welfare “Priming the Pump” How many projects did the PWA construct? Helped construct more that 34,000 projects: Ex. Airports, electricity-generating-dams, aircraft carriers, 70% new schools, 1/3 new hospitals. Made Pennsylvania Railroad between New York and Washington D.C. electrified Gave the government the first network of distributing funds to local districts Later became unrelated to what was going on and was abolished in June 1941
Passed: November 1933 Abolished: March 1934
Definition Created millions of temporary manual jobs for the unemployed
What it did. Built 12 million feet of sewer pipes Built or made things better: 40,000 schools Over 255,000 roads 3,700 playgrounds Almost 1,000 airports Paid people a lot of money to do construction It was kind of successful Cost a lot of $$$ Ended March 1934
Sources html html ssary/pwa.cfm ssary/pwa.cfm nistration nistration pression/tp/new_deal_pro... pression/tp/new_deal_pro...