2014 Budget Public Hearing April 22, 2014 Presented by: David Barnett, Deputy Mayor Richard Huber, Mayor Township of Springfield
Local, 32% County, 19% Schools, 49% Property Tax Breakout* Estimated *2014 Estimate, Not certified as of 4/22/2014
Minimize the tax burden to residents Maintain a high level of municipal services to residents and businesses Develop new revenue streams Actively control spending and overtime Continue efforts to improve operations and government effectiveness Support business district redevelopment Reduce dependency on budget surplus while maintaining a strong bond rating Budget Objectives
TAX INCREASE per AVG HOUSEHOLD* $48.42 Per Year or 13 Cents Per Day Appropriations 2014$30,720, $29,713,758 Increase$1,006,620 *Local Only
Revenue 2014 (Budget) 2013 (Adopted) Surplus Anticipated $ 2,800, $ 2,995,404 Local Revenues $ 1,208, $ 761,000 State Aid $ 1,753, $ 1,753,357 Construction $ 290, $ 215,000 Grant Money$ 64, $ 32,997 Special Revenue$ 635,000.00$ 818,901 Inter-local Revenue $ 100, $ 100,000 Delinquent Taxes$ 537,000.00$ 630,000 Red Light Camera $ 516, $ N/A Anticipated Revenues $ 7, 903, $ 7,306, Library Tax $ 834, $ 898, Local Taxes$ 21,982, $ 21,508, Local Municipal Tax $ 22,816, $ 22,407, Total General Revenue $ 30,720, $ 29,713,758.42
Appropriations - Detail Delta Salary & Wages$ 11,351,100.00$ 10,961, % Operating Expenses$ 19,369,278.11$ 18,752, % Total Appropriations$ 30,720,378.11$ 29,713, %
Salary & Wages Department2014 Wages2013 WagesDifferenceDelta 1 FIRE DEPARTMENT$2,485, $ 2,366, $ 118, % 2 POLICE$5,115, $ 4,987, $ 127, % 3 STREETS & ROADS$1,257, $ 1,211, $ 45, % Total Top 3 Expenses $ 291, Variations In Other Line Items $ 98, Total Projected Increase $ 389,778.64
TOP 2014 Other Expenses OTHER EXPENSES otherIncrease BUDGET SUMMARYOther Expensesexpenses(decrease ) dollars% 1BAN PRINCIPAL$ 1,145, $ 710, $ 435, % 2MEDICAL INSURANCE$ 4,100, $ 3,813, $ 286, % 3RVSA SEWER$ 2,408, $ 2,250, $ 158, % 4BAN INTEREST$ 238, $ 157, $ 81, % Top 4 Increases $ 960, Variations in other line items $ (343,733.93) Net projected increase 2014 $ 616,841.00
$3,000,000 allocated for capital improvements –New Road Paving and other Road Improvements –Renovation to Chisholm Youth Center –Flood Prevention Upgrades –New Jitney Bus –Replace Obsolete Equipment and Vehicles –Sewer and Storm Improvements –New Fire Safety Equipment –Continue Downtown Redevelopment Efforts Investing in the Future of Springfield
Minimize Tax Burden to Residents and Businesses while maintaining services $48.42 increase per average household for 2014 (local portion only) Maintain a High Quality of Public Safety Services Actively Control Spending and Continue Government Effectiveness Efforts Retain our Strong Bond Rating Investments in Building a Stronger Springfield Continue Business District Redevelopment Initiatives Summary jlaw