1 CHAPTER 13 Modern Myths
2 Preview Questions A myth is a popular story that sounds believable, but isn’t true. Are these two statements myths or truths? Guess! Fortune cookies were invented in China. Refried beans are fried twice. (Answers are on the last slide.)
3 Preview Questions Do you know any myths? Tell one to your partner.
4 Have you heard that keeping batteries in your refrigerator will make the batteries last longer? Or that swallowing gum is bad for you because the gum stays in your system for seven years? Most everyone knows these myths, and many people enjoy retelling them. But what most people don’t know is that these stories aren’t true! In fact, storing batteries at room temperature is best. And swallowing gum doesn’t seem to hurt the body. The body digests gum just like food. Have you heard that keeping batteries in your refrigerator will make the batteries last longer? Or that swallowing gum is bad for you because the gum stays in your system for seven years? Most everyone knows these myths, and many people enjoy retelling them. But what most people don’t know is that these stories aren’t true! In fact, storing batteries at room temperature is best. And swallowing gum doesn’t seem to hurt the body. The body digests gum just like food.
5 How about this one? In New York City, baby alligators are flushed down toilets and learn how to survive in the sewer. Myth or fact? Myth! New York City officials say they’ve never found an alligator in the sewer. Alligators can’t stand living in sewer conditions. Clearly, it’s not always easy to tell if a myth is true or not. Checking the popular website snopes.com is one way to uncover the truth. The site was created in 1995 by the Mikkelsons, a California couple who believe in doing “rumor research.” Why is Snopes so popular? Apparently people like learning the truth even more than they like hearing a myth! How about this one? In New York City, baby alligators are flushed down toilets and learn how to survive in the sewer. Myth or fact? Myth! New York City officials say they’ve never found an alligator in the sewer. Alligators can’t stand living in sewer conditions. Clearly, it’s not always easy to tell if a myth is true or not. Checking the popular website snopes.com is one way to uncover the truth. The site was created in 1995 by the Mikkelsons, a California couple who believe in doing “rumor research.” Why is Snopes so popular? Apparently people like learning the truth even more than they like hearing a myth!
6 Reading Comprehension 1.Many myths seem believable.TF 2. Swallowing gum isn’t bad for you.TF 3. New York City has alligators in the sewer.TF 4.According to the Mikkelsons, rumors are more popular than the truth.T F True or False?
7 G RAMMAR P RACTICE To learn / Learning the truth behind a myth can be fun! Consider these myths: Many people believe that listing your address with the “National Do Not Registry” is a good idea. But that’s a myth; it doesn’t stop people from to send / sending you junk mail. Here’s another one: many parents want their children to eat / eating carrots because they believe it will keep them from to need / needing glasses. This is also false, but carrots are still good for you. Choose the correct word. More than one answer may be correct.
8 Answers to Preview Questions Both are myths. 1)Fortune cookies were invented in California in the 1930s. 2) Refried beans are fried once. The problem comes from the translation of the Spanish word refritos, which means well-fried, not refried. Both are myths. 1)Fortune cookies were invented in California in the 1930s. 2) Refried beans are fried once. The problem comes from the translation of the Spanish word refritos, which means well-fried, not refried.
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