Public Works Dr. Adnan Alshiha
Public Works The community infrastructure Public work covers many functions: Street and traffic Water and sewage Engineering Surveying Zoning/ subdivision control Park maintenance
Public Works Functions Divided in two broad groups: 1- Engineering: Outside consulting services Construction by contract Inspection of construction Engineering records and data 2- Operations: the direct and visible functions
Capital Improvement As part of comprehensive planning, capitol improvements programming is a systematic attempts to predict and plan for the purchase or constructing of major community facilities or assets. Capital Improvement is defined as major projects undertaken by an agency that are not recurring on year-in year-out basis. They include major replacement, purchases, and construction added to the physical plants of community.
Capital Improvement Process Program preparation( inventory of needs, an analysis of priorities, implementation schedule, and formal adaptation.) Basic Financial analysis (community financial capabilities) Intergovernmental relation (coordination with other agencies)
Traffic engineering and control The study and design of traffic pattern movement for vehicles and pedestrian, the development of improvement in traffic facilities, and regulation of vehicle use Traffic control devices: Signs Signals Pavement marking Street designations
Code enforcement Code make life better Building code Housing code The electrical code The plumbing code Subdivision regulation
Water and Sewer system