Fall 2012 Bishop Peggy A. Johnson. Retained Current Structure Retained current language around homosexuality Eliminated Guaranteed Appointment but.


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Presentation transcript:

Fall 2012 Bishop Peggy A. Johnson

Retained Current Structure Retained current language around homosexuality Eliminated Guaranteed Appointment but then Judicial Council reinstated it (10/12)

Rejected “Set Aside Bishop” Full Communion with several Pan-Methodist bodies Officially made the UM Women autonomous Created a ministry for Pacific Islanders

Retained the number of church members needed to maintain an episcopal area (NEJ will keep 9 bishops) Adopted a $603.1 million budget (first time lower) Allotted significant funds to European and young adult scholarships Decided not to divest from 3 companies whose products are used by the Israeli military in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Increased number of youth, young adults and persons from central conference on the GC commission Agreed to translate GC materials into Kiswahili Revised the judicial trial process

Changed “Lay Speaking” to “Lay Servant Ministries” Learned that the decision to have each of the 5 jurisdictions bear the cost of their bishops separately was unconstitutional Eliminated long-standing provision for individuals to petition GC. In the future it must come from a local church council or other larger UM unit Elected 4 new members to the Judicial Council

Repentance Service toward the Healing relationships with Indigenous Peoples” NEJ Bishop Weaver gave Episcopal address There was a young people’s address and laity address There was lively worship led by Marcia McFee There was a celebration of the achievements of the 4 areas of focus and our many ministries Collaborations between caucus groups (tent)

Changes to Ministerial Pension Plan (MPP) Current Plan: 1.65% - 100% Lifetime Annuity at GBOP % Other Options Change effective 1/1/14: 1.65% Lifetime Annuity with GBOP only 2. 35% Other Options Only

Other Options for 35% of MPP funds: Purchase Lifetime Annuity with Insurance Co. Set up Cash Installments at GBOP Leave on account at GBOP and draw as needed Take partial or lump sum as taxable income Move funds to an IRA

Each Annual Conference will need to determine whether or not they are going to cover ¾ time and ½ time local pastors. ¼ local pastors will no longer be eligible for coverage under this plan.

The formula for determining the defined benefit (DB) component will change from 1.25% to 1% of the Denominational Average Compensation (DAC) at retirement multiplied by years of service

For Defined Contribution, the standard Church contribution will be 2% of compensation. If a participant contributes to the United Methodist Personal Investment Plan (UMPIP), the church will deposit up to 1% matching funds into the participant’s CRSP DC accounts.

For the Peninsula-Delaware Conference, the billing to the Local Church will continue to be billed at 12% 2% will be deposited to the participant’s DC Account. Up to an additional 1% will also be deposited to the participant’s DC Account if the participant contributes up to 1% to his/her UMPIP account. ( If participant makes no contribution to his/her UMPIP, the 1% paid by the local church will go to the Pension Endowment Fund.) Remaining 9% is pooled and paid as a Defined Benefit (DB) at retirement

Conferences will no longer subsidize the cost of spousal benefits. The initial dollar amount of the benefit paid to a married participant will be reduced to offset the value of spousal benefits.

Participants may designate a disabled adult child as a secondary contingent annuitant. The initial participant benefit will be reduced to pay for this extra benefit.

General Conference changes effective 1/1/13 Increased death benefit for retiree - $20,000 Increased death benefit for spouse - $15,000 Increased death benefit for surviving spouse - $10,000 Increased death benefit for child - $8,000

General Conference changes effective 1/1/13 Increased years of death benefit eligibility for clergy retiring after 1/1/13 New limits on long-term disability duration Enhanced return-to work program (for persons coming off disability)

New benefit effective 1/1/2013 through 12/31/2020 Voluntary Transition Program Facilitate “grace-filled” exit from ministry for eligible ordained clergy who choose to withdraw from ministry Must have 5 years as FE and be in good standing, and must surrender credentials

New benefit effective 1/1/2013 through 12/31/2020 Voluntary Transition Program (continued) 2 weeks severance pay (housing plus cash salary) for each full year of continuous service, up to six months’ pay Paid health coverage, moving expenses up to $3,000, 90 days outplacement services provided, and active death benefits

Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball, West Virginia Area

New Conference Staff Cross Cultural Appointments UM Insurance options now available Safe Sanctuaries and liability insurance

New Congregations (8 in 8 years) New Faith Communities (10 in 8 years) Renewed Existing Faith Communities (Goal is 50% of existing churches increase by 5% per year over 4 years)

Congo Partnership Imagine No Malaria Call to Action Camp Pecometh

Youth Rally – January 4-6, 2013 Mid-winter Retreat – January 8-10, 2013 Lenten Day apart – February 12, 2013 Restoration – March 1-2, 2013 Confirmation Rally – March 16, 2013 May 10, 2013 – Clergy-Lay Banquet

June 6-8, 2013 – UMES “Diversity” Rev. David Anderson “Gracism” Ordination – June 7, 2013