2013 Education Laws Jason Hancock Deputy Chief of Staff
This legislation, also referred to as the “FY13 Fix-It Bill,” addresses the over $30 million appropriation problem that was created after the November 2012 referendum repeal of the Students Come First laws. It makes temporary changes to allow the state to distribute the funding for advanced classroom technology, professional development, dual credit, and math and science teachers for the remainder of fiscal year Under this legislation, public schools would receive all expected funds, based on the original FY2013 appropriation. Effective Date: Upon passage and approval Sponsor: Representative DeMordaunt and Senator Goedde H65- FY2013 Public Schools Budget
This legislation unfreezes the frozen movement on the state’s funding grid for educator salaries for those educators who earned additional college credits applicable to FY2011. Effective Date: July 1, 2013 Sponsor: State Department of Education H205- Repeal of education credit freeze
This legislation would update, correct, and clarify law regarding schools bonds and limit bond amortization to no more than 30 years. Effective Date: July 1, 2013 Sponsor: Representative Horman H218- School Bonds
This legislation clarifies that the employment contracts signed by educators for the school year will continue to be governed by the laws that existed at the time the contracts were entered into. Effective Date: March 22, 2013 Sunset Clause: July 1, 2015 Sponsor: State Department of Education H /2013 Professional Personnel Contracts
This legislation clarifies which version of ADA funding protection is law. After the repeal of Students Come First, the Attorney General’s office has written that the version established separately and more recently by H603 in 2012 takes precedence over the 2010 version of the statute. However, the published version of Idaho Code does not recognize the changes brought about by H603 in 2012, and shows the funding protection reverting to its 2010 version after the repeal. This legislation clarifies that the current version of the funding protection is the self-funded, 97% ADA funding protection passed in H603 in Effective Date: Upon passage and approval Sponsor: State Department of Education H % ADA Funding Protection
This legislation would allow districts to employ 9.5% fewer positions without a reduction in the number of funded positions. It would also allow districts to use up to 15% to pay another school district or charter school for instructional services or virtual education coursework. Effective Date: July 1, 2013 Sunset Clause: July 1, 2014 Sponsor: Idaho Association of School Administrators H275- Use-it or Lose-it Flexibility
This legislation provides a way to calculate support units for the Idaho Youth Challenge program. Under the state’s current laws and rules, the State Department of Education would be unable to recognize all of the students who attend the program, due to its accelerated, cohort-based approach to education. Effective Date: July 1, 2013 Sponsor: State Department of Education H226- Idaho Youth Challenge Funding
The legislation restores the ability for the State Department of Education to calculate support units to the nearest hundredth, rather than the nearest tenth. Effective Date: Upon passage and approval Sponsor: State Department of Education H295- Calculating Support Units to the Nearest Hundreths
This legislation clarifies that all certificated employees must receive at least one written performance evaluation each year; and, in the case of instructional staff, the evaluation must include at least two documented observations. Effective Date: July 1, 2013 Sponsor: State Department of Education H317- Teacher Evaluation
This legislation corrects a cross-reference that has changed as a result of the repeal of SB 1184 through Proposition 3. Effective Date: July 1, 2013 Sponsor: State Department of Education H318- Online Course Review Cross Reference
This legislation would enter Idaho into the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children. The compact provides various mechanisms so that military children are not unfairly disadvantaged because of school attendance in multiple states or countries. Effective Date: July 1, 2013 Sponsor: Senator Brackett, Representative Wills H324- Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children
This resolution requests the State Board of Education promulgate administrative rule to provide that cursive handwriting be taught in elementary schools. Sponsor: Representative Linden Bateman HCR003- Cursive Writing
This resolution declares support for an Invent Idaho Day to acknowledge and celebrate creative student work and to invite a display of such project at the Capitol rotunda. Sponsor: Representative Donna Pence HCR016- Invent Idaho Day
This Concurrent Resolution requests that the President Pro Tem of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives appoint an Interim Committee to study issues relating to Idaho’s K-12 education system. The Concurrent Resolution asks that the Interim Committee undertake and complete a study of how to improve and strengthen Idaho’s K-12 system and that the Committee report its findings and recommended legislation, if any, to next year’s Legislature. Sponsor: Representative Reed DeMordaunt HCR033- K-12 Education Legislative Interim Committee
This legislation ends the pilot phase of the Mastery Advancement Pilot Program and makes the program permanent. Effective Date: July 1, 2013 Sponsor: Senator Thayn and Senator Durst S1028- Mastery Advancement Program
This legislation reinstates the requirement for school budgets and master labor agreements to be posted on a district’s website. Effective Date: July 1, 2013 Sponsor: Senator Goedde S1055- Budgets and Master Agreements Online
This legislation would facilitate kindergarten teachers visiting with parents to help strengthen the working relationship between the teacher, the parents or guardians, and the student. Effective Date: July 1, 2013 Sponsor: Senator Thayn S1057- Kindergarten Teacher Visits
This legislation repeals the Early Retirement Incentive Program for teachers. Effective Date: March 21, 2013 Sponsor: Senator Bayer S1089- Early Retirement Incentive Program
This legislation creates a stable, long-term funding formula for the Idaho Digital Learning Academy (IDLA), establishes a portal for online classes, reestablishes the dual credit for early completers program and makes technical changes to the 8-in-6 legislation. Effective Date: July 1, 2013 Sponsor: Senator Thayn and Senator Durst S1091- IDLA/Online Course Portal/Dual Credit for Early Completers/8-in-6
This legislation reinstates the funding for the state’s increased high school graduation requirements for math and science courses. Effective Date: July 1, 2013 Sponsor: State Department of Education S1092- Additional Funding for Math and Science
This legislation codifies the Legislature’s approach to budgeting for public school pupil transportation costs and discretionary funds, which has been in place for FY2011, FY2012, and FY2013. Effective Date: July 1, 2013 Sponsor: Senator Goedde S1093- Transportation
This legislation will prevent Idaho school districts from having to use Idaho taxpayer funds to educate out-of-state students who are placed in Idaho group homes. Effective Date: July 1, 2013 Sponsor: State Department of Education S1097- Out-of-State Students in Residential Facilities
This legislation provides for a negotiations process that is open to the public. Effective Date: March 22, 2013 Sponsor: Idaho Education Association S1098- Open Negotiations
This legislation would lower the requirement for a local school district to declare a financial emergency and requires that Reduction in Force (RIF) decisions not be made solely on seniority or contract status. The legislation also requires school districts to adopt policies establishing methods to recall individuals who have been part of a RIF. Effective Date: July 1, 2013 Sponsor: Idaho Education Association S1146- Financial Emergencies
This resolution honors the Boise School District’s commitment to academic success and achieving the Read Right Program’s Award of Excellence. Sponsor: Senator Buckner-Webb SCR120- Boise School District Read Right Award of Excellence
Questions? Jason Hancock (208) Camille Wells (208)