MDGs Expanding the Agenda Millennium Development Goals
Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women Existing Indicators approved by GOP Ratio of girls to boys in primary, secondary and tertiary education Ratio of literate females to males of years old Proportion of seats held by women in national parliament Share of women in wage employment in the non agriculture sector Proposed Additional Indicators 1.33% proportion of seats held by women at all levels of governance 2.Incidence of gender based violence per 100,000 women/year 3.Presence / Enactment of appropriate legislation for addressing violence against women including repeal and amendment of existing laws 4.Number of reported cases of smuggling and trafficking of girls and women 5.Proportion of assets owned by women as compared to men Target 4 Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005 and to all levels of education no later than 2015 and eliminate gender disparities in political, economic and social sphere
Proposed Additional Indicators 1.33% proportion of seats held by women at all levels of governance 33% seats have been agreed for women in government At the National Assembly level, women have only 17% seats Representation of women in government employment is largely in women’s and social sector ministries and frequently in non managerial posts
Proposed Additional Indicators 2.Incidence of gender based violence per 100,000 women/year
Proposed Additional Indicators 3.Presence / Enactment of appropriate legislation for addressing violence against women including repeal and amendment of existing laws
Prevailing Domestic Violence Statistics GEM at and GDI at 0.414; world ranking of 120 and 164 respectively Domestic violence reported as high as percent by independent sources Every third household subjected to domestic violence On average two cases of beating of women occur every hour Incest and abuse of Girl Child unrecognized and underestimated High incidence of unsafe abortion (890,000 cases), and ultimately MMR, stemming from hidden violence
Proposed Additional Indicators 4.Number of reported cases of smuggling and trafficking of girls and women
Proposed Additional Indicators 5.Proportion of assets owned by women as compared to men
Extracts from the statement of Dr. Thoraya Obaid on World Population Day “ It is clearer than ever before that human rights must be at the centre of efforts to reduce poverty……Let us commit ourselves to equality, justice and human rights for all. “The benefits of gender equality …include a higher quality of life for women and girls….the costs of inequality are high. “Perhaps the highest cost of gender discrimination [are] the pervasive and shameful human rights violations [that occur].” She urged leaders at every level to speak about equal rights for the entire human family and take concrete action to make these rights a reality