Declaratory and Townshend Acts
Declaratory Act Followed the repeal of the Stamp Act in 1765 Stated Parliament’s authority was the same in the colonies as it was in Britain 1766 Gave Britain the absolute power to make laws in the colonies and changes to the colonial government Did this even without the colonists being represented in Parliament Remember…. “No taxation without representation”
Townshend Acts Series of acts in 1767 After the French and Indian War, Britain was in huge debt. British were able to put this act into place due to the Declaratory Act There were five acts within the Townshend Acts Most important one – Revenue Act of 1767
Revenue Act 1767 This act gave Britain the chance to collect taxes from the colonists after the repeal of the Stamp Act in 1766 Proposed by Charles Townshend He felt the colonists opposed the Stamp Act because it was a direct tax not indirect, or external, tax This was not the issue. The issue was the colonists wanted representation in Parliament in order to be rightfully taxed. Initial reasoning for this act was to raise revenue for the army in North America It was instead used to pay salaries of colonial governors
Colonial Views on these acts Completely disagreed Felt they were unconstitutional Resulted in boycotts to try and get British competition to help repeal the Townshend Acts Much unrest in Boston as a result Partial repeal on March 5, 1770……… Only the taxes on tea stayed in place.
Group Work! You’re an American colonist and the Declaratory and Townshend Acts were just put in place. How would you react as an American colonist? What would you do in an attempt to fight back against the British? Explain why with your groups!