What’s New With Behavior Plans? Ventura County SELPA Mary E. Samples, Assistant Superintendent
What happened to the Hughes Bill? Repealed July 1, 2013 What does this mean? 2
What’s gone… No more BICM certification or requirements No more Functional Analysis Assessment with required elements No more Behavior Intervention Plan with required elements 3
What stayed….. Behavior Emergency Reports for emergency interventions or serious property damage IEP within 2 days of behavior emergency 4
What’s New? Behavior Analysis/ Review Worksheet (BARW) Functional Behavior Assessment form TWO Positive Behavior Intervention Plan forms – one basic – one comprehensive 5
Behavioral Analysis/Review Worksheet- BA/RW An informal tool to figure out what is going on with the behavior: Description, frequency, etc Antecedents and Consequences Communicative function Replacement behavior that meets the same need Possible reinforcers
More about the BA/RW Typically developed prior to the meeting Input from school staff (general and special education), parents and others Not attached to the IEP, considered to be a worksheet May be kept in the student’s file (cum or Sped) The BA/RW is located in SIRAS under Tools/Added Forms/Behavior
Functional Behavior Assessment- FBA Used if an assessment is needed to figure out what is going on with the behavior For complex behaviors or behaviors which are not responding to interventions Requires a signed Assessment Plan Should only be completed by someone with training in functional behavior assessment and analysis IEP within 60 days with a Written Report The FBA template is on the SELPA website under Assessment Reports
Two new BIPs in SIRAS Positive Behavior Intervention Plan “PBIP” Comprehensive Behavior Intervention Plan “CBIP” (The former PBSP Forms A, B and C are no longer available)
Which BIP form when? The law no longer requires specific elements to be included in a BIP. Therefore, the IEP Team should decide which form is most appropriate.
Positive Behavior Intervention Plan- PBIP Consider this plan for behaviors that: Are mild Are not complex Do not require complicated interventions or reinforcement strategies Can be addressed by classroom staff Typically developed by the Special Education Teacher who may use the Behavior Analysis/Review Worksheet (BA/RW)
Comprehensive Behavior Intervention Plan- CBIP Consider this plan for behaviors that: Baseline information Are more intensive or problematic Are more complex Require multiple interventions, reinforcement strategies and fading plans
More About CBIP CBIP also has more detailed: – Reactive Strategies – Data Collection system – Communication plan
Annual Goals PBIP- Requires at least one goal CBIP- Requires at least one goal for the reduction of the problem behavior or general skill development, and one goal to increase the replacement behavior
BIPs in SIRAS Both are available for all IEPs If you choose one, the other is no longer available If you click the Behavior Intervention Plan button on the SIS page, it requires you to develop one
Classroom Implementation Plans Available for both PBIP and CBIP Available in SIRAS under Tools/Document Library: – Click on name of student – Click on form Put in the name of the staff who will use the form Edit to address the responsibilities of that staff Print out Repeat for as many different staff who need one!
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When is an FBA required? Lesser intensive interventions via the IEP are not effective and IEP team determines need Parent request and district agrees Behavior Emergency report on a student with no FBA-based BIP and IEP team indicates need Tenth day of suspension, with a pattern and Manifestation of the Disability 26
When are a PBIP or CBIP required? As part of an IEP for behavior interfering with learning If an FBA has been conducted and indicates the need 27
In Summary….. It is the vision of the Ventura County SELPA that teaching students appropriate social and behavioral skills is a vital and integral part of the Special Education program. IEP teams must consider the most effective ways to develop and implement behavior supports and interventions that will enable students to access their educational program. The skills that we teach will help the young person to be successful in all future areas of life!
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