The Michigan State Medical Society Cheryl Gibson-Fountain, MD Member, Board of Directors Michigan State Medical Society
Overview Legislative Advocacy/Need for Physician Involvement MSMS Strategic Goals/Future of Medicine Payer Advocacy Educational Opportunities Opportunities for Physician Involvement
Legislative Advocacy Protecting and strengthening tort reform MSMS helped pass legislation in both the Michigan House and Senate that will do the following –Better define “economic” damages –Close loophole that allows attorneys to double the statute of limitations –Close other legal loopholes that are being exploited by trial lawyers –Put patients first, not their lawyer
Legislative Advocacy Continued Auto No-Fault –Preserve Michigan’s model auto no-fault system –Proposed changes would cost Beaumont hospital 27 million in first year alone Scope of Practice –Education, not legislation should dictate scope of practice –Nurse practitioners, physical therapists and other non-physicians are constantly pushing to expand their scope through legislative action IPAB Repeal –Work on the federal level to repeal Independent Payment Advisory Board, make sure that un-elected bureaucrats are not making health care decisions
Physician Involvement Is No Longer Optional 148 members of the Michigan Legislature –Only one physician Senator Roger Kahn, MD (R-Saginaw) Other key lawmakers –Chair of Senate Health Policy Committee-Jim Marleau (R-Lake Orion) –Chair of House Health Policy-Gail Haines (R-Lake Angelus) Legislation is being introduced everyday that impacts all manner of what you do and will be able to do going forward Develop relationships with your lawmakers, donate to their campaign, become a resource for them
MSMS Strategic Goals/Future of Medicine Viability of Primary Care Quality & Safety Medicaid Health Care Resources Stewardship Child Obesity
Payer Advocacy MSMS meets monthly with payers to bring issues forward and work towards a more transparent payment system –Focus on PGIP and other pay for performance models –Expansion of PGIP to specialties that can’t currently participate
Educational Opportunities MSMS offers CME and other educational opportunities for physicians state wide –Annual Scientific Meeting in Troy –Yearly Conference on Bioethics –Sports Medicine –Physician Leadership Training –Customizable Training
Opportunities for Physician Involvement Examples of MSMS Standing Committees –Bioethics –Health Care Quality Efficiency and Economics –Third Party Payer –Public Health –HIT –Legislation and Regulation Doctor of the Day Program –Come to the Capitol and be a lobbyist for a day
Your Membership Matters MSMS is the strongest voice that Michigan physicians have and we need every physician to participate –Your membership gives you access to weekly communications, members only section of Michigan Medicine Magazine, and a host of other information outlets. You can join online at
Questions ? Thank you for your membership and thank you for what you do every day for your patients.