Outline – Culture wars 1) Gay marriages 2) Evolution 3) Abortion 4) Affirmative action
Obama‘s position on gay marriage 90‘s – Obama supports gay marriages in 1996 (IL Senate) X undecided in 1998 2004 – Obama supports only civil unions (U.S. Senate campaign) 2008 – Obama supports only civil unions, but also supports extension of gays in Cus Obama administration: 2011 – repeal of Dont Ask, Dont Tell No repeal of DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) 2012 – Obama openly supported gay marriages Source: Washington Post, NYTimes
Gay Marriage in the U.S. Source: freedomtomarry.org
Public opinion in the U.S. Source: Nate Silver, Fivethirtyeight.com
Evolution vs. Intelligent design Intelligent design – science ??? Current situation in states Epperson v. Arkansas Decision belongs to school boards
Evolution vs. Intelligent design state by state
Public opinion in the U.S.
Obama‘s possition on evolution Supports teaching evolution Against teaching intelligent design No concrete steps Decided by school boards. Debate still in progress
Abortions Roe v. Wade 1973 Right to privacy extended to women‘s decision to have an abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy Pro-Choice × Pro-Life >2% => approx. 1 million/year In 32 states Medicare coverage in cases f rape, incest or life endangerment In 36 states parental approval for minor needed
Obama Pro-Choice „We must remember that this Supreme Court decision not only protects a women‘s health and reproductive freedom, but also affirms a broad principle: that governmet should not intrude on privat family matters. I remain commited to protecting a women‘s right to choose and this fundamental constitutional right.“
Contraceptives and morning-after pill without prescription Contraception coveren by health plan Obamacare (PPACA) -> DISPUTES Unspecified extra payment for elective abortions in the program Salary lower than 4× poverty level -> contribution from federal government => all taxpayers pay for elective abortions
Affirmative action Precedent = Grutter v. Bollinger, 2003
Affirmative action Future of affirmative action programs at public universities depends on the outcome of Fisher vs. University of Texas case Opinions University: need to ensure diversity Opponents: violation of 14 th amendment Obama: supports University of Texas in the case X generally rather cautious approach Supreme Court‘s swing vote = Anthony Kennedy
Affirmative action Opinion poll on use of affirmative action programms in college admissions:
Sources: /support-for-gay-marriage-outweighs-opposition- in-polls/ /support-for-gay-marriage-outweighs-opposition- in-polls/ vernment/where-obama-and-romney-stand-on- the-issues-from-abortion-and-economy-to-taxes- and-war/2012/11/02/56de e2-92f8- 7f9c4daf276a_story.html vernment/where-obama-and-romney-stand-on- the-issues-from-abortion-and-economy-to-taxes- and-war/2012/11/02/56de e2-92f8- 7f9c4daf276a_story.html
Sources press.org/2003/05/14/conflicted-views- of-affirmative-action/ press.org/2003/05/14/conflicted-views- of-affirmative-action/ 02/we-cam-assume-affirmative-action- is.html 02/we-cam-assume-affirmative-action- is.html Need-to-Know-About/134912/ Need-to-Know-About/134912/