3.5 Quiz Review: Jeopardy Colonial Conflict (The Road to the Revolution) Mrs. Cady US History Grade 7
Notable People The Acts It’s Intoler able! Why did that happen? ???
He was a the first to die during the Boston Massacre and is considered to be the first casualty of the Revolutionary War. Notable People 100
Crispus Attucks
This man created the now-famous picture of the “Bloody Massacre” that depicted a biased version of the Boston Massacre. Notable People 200
Paul Revere
A Founding Father who started the Sons of Liberty and coined the phrase “No Taxation without Representation!” Notable People 300
Samuel Adams
Who was the King of England from ? Notable People 400
King George III
The Intolerable Acts made this person the new Governor of Massachusetts. Notable People 500
Thomas Gage
In 1767, these Acts began taxing paint, paper, lead, tea, and glass. The Acts 100
Townshend Acts
This Act taxed things like newspapers, licenses, documents and even playing cards. The Acts 200
Stamp Act
Parliament repealed these acts after violent protests (all except the tax on tea), like the Boston Massacre, in the American colonies. The Acts 300
Townshend Acts
Serving as a punishment to the people of Boston for the Boston Tea Party, these acts were the “last straw” that led to the Revolution. The Acts 400
Coercive or Intolerable Acts
Because of this act, the East India Tea Company was allowed to sell its product directly to colonists at a lower price than the colonial merchants. The Acts 500
Tea Act
Boston Harbor was closed until the colonists could pay for this. Intolerable 100
Ruined tea from Boston Tea Party
The Intolerable Acts were passed in this year. Intolerable 200
Land in Canada that colonists won in the French and Indian War was taken away from Massachusetts with this act. (part of Intolerable Acts) Intolerable 300
Quebec Act
Colonists were forced to house and feed English soldiers under this updated Act. Intolerable 400
Quartering Act
The Intolerable Acts were known by this name in England. Intolerable 500
Coercive Acts
Colonists felt this way about being taxed by England. Why 100
Why were tax collectors enforcing the new laws afraid of some colonists? Why 200
Colonial violence (tar and feather, beatings, etc.)
This event resulted in 2 soldiers being convicted of manslaughter, branded on the hand and released. Why 300
Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre occurred because colonists were angry. Why? Why 400
They didn’t want taxes or British soldiers in their cities.
Patrick Henry’s resolutions that were presented to Virginia’s House of Burgesses helped to have this act repealed in Why 500
Stamp Act
This act, passed after the Stamp Act was repealed, said Britain was allowed to tax colonists “in all ways whatsoever.” ??? 100
Declaratory Act
Why did Great Britian feel the need to tax colonists? ??? 200
To pay off the enormous debt from the French and Indian War.
What did colonists argue as a reason why taxes were illegal? ??? 300
“No taxation without representation”
The Sugar Act of 1764, the first act in which Great Britain placed taxes on the colonists also put a tax on this. ??? 400
What are ways in which people protested? ??? 500
Boycott, created secret groups like sons/daughters of liberty, colonial violence, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, etc.