1808: Bayona constitution 1812: Cádiz constitution Constitution 1837 Constitution 1845 Constitution 1869 Constitution 1876 I Republic Next
Constitution Civil War Constitution : PP Government: Aznar 2004: PSOE Government: Zapatero : Transition Goverments: Arias Navarro, Adolfo Suarez, Felipe Gonzalez Back
Characteristics Form of state: Monarchy Bicameral parliament with semielective lower house Not recognized by the Spanish patriots during the war. Most of it´s contents were to be enacted through the 1810s, so it did not actually work. Go back
Characteristics Form of state: Monarchy. Elected Parliament. The crown was granted wide- ranging veto powers, which Ferdinand VII used to prevent the liberal governments from functioning. Go back
Characteristics Form of state: Monarchy. Repeal: Superseded. Partially suspended by Regent Baldomero Espartero to rule by decree between 1840 and 1843 Go back
Characteristics Form of state: Monarchy. Parliament efected by censitary suffrage Repeal: Queen Isabella II and her Government overthrown in the Glorious Revolution of Go back
Characteristics Form of state: Monarchy. Parliament elected by universal male suffrage. Republic declared by the Cortes after resignment of King Amadeo I. Go back
Characteristics Form of state: Monarchy Parliament elected first by censitary, then universal male suffrage from the 1890s. While theoretically democratic, elections were routinely rigged by the governing party, and in practice power was shared by two alternating parties. During Primo de Rivera´s dictatorship many of it´s articles were suspended in ade facto dictatorship. Go back
Characteristics Form of state: Semi-federal Republic. Unicameral parliament, first with universal male suffrage, from the During the civil war ( ) it was abolished by the Nationalists and widely disregarded in the Repulican zone. Go back
Form of state: Monarchy Parliamentar y democracy with bicameral, elective parliament. First in Spanish constitucional history not to grant any emergency power to the Head of State Characteristics Go back