Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission JNNURM PROGRESS REVIEW February – 2008 Reforms-Projects-Funds Mobilisation & Grant Utilisation State :- Chhattisgarh City :- Raipur
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission For Development of Raipur 2 Plan have been Prepared Plan Division Total Cost ¼ Rs.Crores ½ 1- Short term Plan 7 year Long term Plan 25 year Sources of Funds: Central Govt. 80 % State Govt. 10 % ULB 10 %
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission JNNURM CDP – Project Components (Rs.in Crores) * For DPR preparation Selection of consultant is being done. ** Land for these project is to be allotted, request for land allotment sent. *** The advertisement for appointment of Consultant for preparation of CMP reissued. Sectors Investmen t required Status Remarks Water Supply Project worth Rs Crores has been sanctioned from JNNURM. State Government has appointed PHE as Implementing Agency. A sum of Rs Crores have been given as advance to PHE Department. PHE has issued tender notice for all major works & physical work likely to start by February Sewerage and132.07* Advertisement for appointment of Consultant issued. Financial Bid opened. Sanitation Storm Water Drainage110.37* do ---- Solid Waste Management60.66**DPR Under preparation The application for allotment of land has been sent to Collector Raipur. The DPR preparation is underway which is being done by National Productivity Council, New Delhi. Roads and Transport275.00***The Tender Documents for appointment of Consultant for preparation of Regional Mobility Plan has been approved by State Govt. The Advertisement is issued. Others (Shifting of dairies from inner areas to outer areas) 28.69**The application for allotment of land has been given to Collector Raipur. As soon as land is allotted, the Corporation shall proceed for preparation for DPR and hence execution of project. Slum Rehabilitation Sanctioned Project worth Rs crore has been sanctioned by JNNURM. M/s Hindustan Prefeb Ltd. has been selected as Executing Agency. The Corporation has handed over approximately 33 hectare of land to Executing Agency. It is expected that actual execution shall start through Hindustan Prefeb Ltd., New Delhi shortly. Total
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission Projects--Progress Project name: 1. Water Augmentation Approved cost: Crores CSMC approval date: 8/9/2006 No. of packages envisaged 1 Value of packages under tendering The entire work has been entrusted to Public Health Engg. Dept. Govt of C.G. No. of Packages awarded – Total value of packages awarded - Nil Physical Progress: N.A,Under tendering process Expected Project completion (month / year) March 2010 Sector - Water for each project
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission Projects--Progress Project name: Basic Services to Urban Poor Approved cost: Crores CSMC approval date: 28/11/2006 No. of packages envisaged 04 Value of packages under tendering M/s Hindustan Prefeb Limited, New Delhi (GOI Enterprises) has been appointed as a Project Management Consultant as a Executing Agency, Tripartite agreement among SUDA, Hindustan Prefeb Ltd. & RMC has been signed on dtd No. of Packages awarded – Total value of packages awarded - Nil Physical Progress: M/s Hindustan Prefeb Limited, New Delhi (GOI Enterprises) has been appointed as a Project Management Consultant as a Executing Agency, Tripartite agreement among SUDA, Hindustan Prefeb Ltd. & RMC has been signed on dtd sites 33 hect.approx (above dwellings units ) handed over to M/s HPL. Expected Project completion (month / year) March 2010 Sector - Basic Services to Urban Poor for each project
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission Fund Mobilisation-1 st Installment Total projects approved - no. - value in Rs. Cr Separate independent project bank a/c established for each project (Yes/No) Yes ACA released (1st installment only) – in Rs. Cr ACA transferred to implementing agency (IA) (actual) – in Rs. Cr Released to SLNA/RMC State govt. commitment (1 st installment only) – in Rs. Cr State Govt amount transferred to IA (actual) – in Rs. Cr Released to SLNA/RMC ULB /Parastatal commitment (1 st installment only) – in Rs. Cr ULB/Parastatal amount transferred to project account (actual) – in Rs. Cr. Loan Sanctioned from HUDCO for all projects in aggregate
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission Sector No. of DPRs proposed for submission ( next 3 months) No. of DPR preparation commissioned /initiated Budgetary value of proposed projects (if possible)- Rs. Cr. Water Supply NIL {sanctioned) Sewerage NIL Drainage NILIncluded in sewerage project Solid Waste Mgmt. NIL60.66 BRTS / Roads / Other urban transport NIL Heritage & Urban Renewal NIL- Preservation of Water Bodies NILIncluded in sewerage project - Soil Erosion Prevention NIL-- Others BSUP (sanctioned) Project Pipeline – for quarter
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission Sector No. of DPRs proposed for submission ( FY ) No. of DPR preparation commissioned /initiated Budgetary value of proposed projects (if possible)- Rs. Cr. Water Supply- Sewerage DrainageIncluded in sewerage 1 Solid Waste Mgmt BRTS / Roads / Other urban transport Heritage & Urban Renewal --- Preservation of Water Bodies Included in sewerage Soil Erosion Prevention --- Others BSUP-- Project Pipeline – for FY
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission Grant utilisation Project name: Water Augmentation Nos. of months since CSMC approval 11 Estimate month & year when 1 st UC will be submitted to GoI By March 2008 Estimate month & year when 2 nd ACA installment request will be made to GoI By Sept Sector - Water for each project
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission Project name: Basic Services to urban poor Nos. of months since CSMC approval 9 Estimate month & year when 1 st UC will be submitted to GoI By March 2008 Estimate month & year when 2 nd ACA installment request will be made to GoI By Sept 2009 Sector BSUP Grant utilization for each project
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission ULB LEVEL Reforms Reform*Target completion year (as per MoA) Milestones / Activities achieved, since start of JNNURM Accounting Double entry system adopted State level consultancy (E&Y) has been hired for adopting NMAN (Earnest & Young) e-Governance State level nodal agency “CHIPS” in consultation with CMC implementing e-governance activities. Death, Birth Certificates are being issued through choice center Choice center are extension of various govt. office under PPP Mode Property Tax Self Assessment system adopted Study work under progress for adopting GIS based property tax system * Software for tax collection through “Choice Centre” is being developed through CHIPS Study work being done for adopting periodic revision policy for property tax.
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission ULB Reforms ReformsTarget completion year (as per MoA) Milestones / Activities achieved, since start of JNNURM ULB Level User Charge Study work under progress so as to achieve minimum level to meet out expenses being incurred for O&M Internal Budget earmarking The State Govt. has issued guidelines for All ULB’S to at least allocate 10-20% of its budget for urban poor Study work under progress Provision of Basic Services to Poor Projects worth Crores sanctioned The projects consists of housing water supply, sewerage, Road etc. Provision is also there for community hall, primary school, primary health center, Vocational training center etc.
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission Time Line - II State Level Mandatory Reforms Sr.NoReforms Time Line Year Present Status 1 Implementation of decentralization measures as envisaged in 74th Constitutional Amendment Act Scheme has been formulated by SLNA 2Repeal of Urban Land Ceiling and Regulation Act Repealed 3 Amendment of Rent Control Laws balancing the interest of landlords and tenants Being done by housing & Environment department shall be achieved in time 4 Rationalisation of stamp Duty to bring it down to no more than 5% within the 7 Years Shall be achieved in time 5 Enactment of Public Disclosure Law to ensure preparation of medium-term fiscal plam of ULBs and release of quarterly performance information to all stakeholders Consulttation process with ULB’s started 6 Enactment of community participation law to Institution- alize citizen participation and introducing the concept of Area Sabha in urban areas Consulttation process with ULB’s started 7 Assigning or associating elected ULBs into "City planning function" over a period of 7 years; transferring all special agencies that deliver civic services in urban areas and creating accountability platforms for all urban civic service providers in transition At Present Basic Master Planning is being done by Town & Country Planning Department in consultation with Municipal Authorities, however, all most All Civil Services in urban areas are being provided by ULB. However, Steps are Instantiated to start city function from Zonal Levels.
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission Time Line - III Optional Reforms at State and ULB Level Sr. No. ReformsTime Line Year 1 Revision of bye-laws to streamline the approval process for construction of building, development of sites, etc Simplification of legal and procedural frameworks for conversion of agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes Introduction of Property Title Certification System in ULB Earmarking at least 20-25% of development land in all housing project (both Public and Private Agencies) for EWS/LIG category with a system of cross subsidization At Present 15 % of new colony are reserved for EWS 5Introduction of computerized process of registration of land and property Revision of bye-laws to make rain water harvesting mandatory in all buildings to come up in future and for adoption of water conservation measures Already in place for plot size above 2400 SQ.ft. 7Bye-Laws on reuse of recycled water Administrative reforms, i.e.., reduction in establishment by bringing out voluntary retirement schemes non-filling up of post falling vacant due to retirement etc., and achieving specified milestone in this regard Structural reforms Encouraging Public-Private partnership All ready in place
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission