Europe Overseas Roundtable on Biodiversity and Climate Change 25th of September 2014, Brussels EEA activities on the EU Overseas Frank Wugt.


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Presentation transcript:

Europe Overseas Roundtable on Biodiversity and Climate Change 25th of September 2014, Brussels EEA activities on the EU Overseas Frank Wugt Larsen European Environment Agency (EEA)

The EEA is... An agency of the European Union Analysing, assessing and providing environmental information by producing… European, regional and global environment–related data and indicator sets Integrated environmental assessments Thematic environmental assessments

EEA Environmental indicators “The EEA is an important source and custodian of environment ‑ related data and indicators, and a key provider of environmental knowledge and information services” (Multiannual Work Programme ) 135 indicators across 13 themes

EEA Environmental Assessments Lots of integrated and thematic assessments….

A focus on biodiversity in EU overseas is very timely EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020: Target 6 on averting global biodiversity loss. The International Conference on Biodiversity and Climate Change, Guadelope, October The European environment — state and outlook 2015 (SOER 2015) will be published in March The EEA might include regional assessments.

A need to increase the knowledge base on biodiversity in EU overseas… Last overview of biodiversity in EU overseas from 2008… No common set of biodiversity indicators for EU overseas...

EEA contract on technical support on biodiversity in EU overseas Consists of 3 tasks: Task 1: Prepare policy brief on biodiversity in EU overseas Task 2: Prepare a background report on biodiversity in EU overseas Task 3: Scoping of potential indicators for regular monitoring of biodiversity in EU overseas Biodiversity to be understood in a broader sense (incl. ecosystem services, preferably also include climate change issues).

Task 3: Scoping of potential indicators Explore the option/feasibility of creating a set of indicators for EU overseas. Analyse existing indicator frameworks (SEBI, BIP & CBD) in relation to EU overseas – to what extend is it possible to adapt them? Rely on current monitoring and existing data, i.e. start with what is already readily available. Build on existing local and national activities and good practise.

Task 3: Scoping of potential indicators Explore the option/feasibility of creating a set of indicators for EU overseas. Analyse existing indicator frameworks (SEBI, BIP & CBD) in relation to EU overseas – to what extend is it possible to adapt them? Rely on current monitoring and existing data, i.e. start with what is already readily available. Build on existing local and national activities and good practise.

Streamlining European Biodiversity Indicators (SEBI ) SEBI – Streamlining European Biodiversity Indicators Initiated in 2005 to select a set of indicators to monitor progress towards halting biodiversity loss by 2010 in Europe Partnership between: EEA & ETC/BD, EC, UNEP-WCMC, PEBLDS and Czech Republic SEBI built on the conceptual framework provided by the CBD, and worked with a set of headline indicators within the CBD focal areas Involvement of nearly 150 experts allowed to develop a set of 26 indicators

SEBI indicators 1. Abundance and distribution of selected species14. Fragmentation of river systems 2. Red List Index for European species 15. Nutrients in transitional, coastal and marine waters 3. Species of European interest16. Freshwater quality 4. Ecosystem coverage17. Forest: Growing stock, increment and fellings 5. Habitats of European interest18. Forest: Deadwood 6. Livestock genetic diversity19. Agriculture: Nitrogen balance 7. Nationally designated protected areas 20. Agriculture: Area under management practices potentially supporting biodiversity 8. Sites designated under the EU Habitats and Birds Directives21. Fisheries: European commercial fish stocks 9. Critical load exceedance for nitrogen 22. Aquaculture: Effluent water quality from finfish farms 10. Invasive alien species in Europe23. Ecological Footprint of European countries 11. Impact of climatic change on bird populations24. Patent applications based on genetic resources 12. Marine Trophic Index of European seas25. Financing biodiversity management 13. Fragmentation of natural and semi-natural areas26. Public awareness

2010 Assessments based on SEBI indicator set

Post-2010 policy framework As the 2010 biodiversity target was not met: At global level: CBD Strategic Plan for Biodiversity Aichi Biodiversity Targets under 5 Strategic Goals EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 with 6 mutually supportive and inter-dependent targets

The Biodiversity Indicators Partnership (BIP) The CBD-mandated Biodiversity Indicators Partnership: promote and coordinate development and delivery of biodiversity indicators in support of the CBD etc.