BRITISH SOCIAL ATTITUDES TOWARDS THE MILITARY AND CONTEMPORARY CONFLICT Are the Armed Forces understood and supported by the public?
British Social Attitudes Survey
2011 BSA Survey 3,311 responded Response rate = 54% Data collection June to Sept 2011
Public opinion of Iraq and Afghanistan Success of the missions 27% 30%
Perceived purposes of Iraq
Perceived purposes of Afghanistan
British troops out now? Options for withdrawal from Afghanistan% As soon as possible, without conditions35 As soon as the Afghan government can protect its territory AND prevent it from being used as a base for terrorism 34 As soon as the government in Afghanistan can protect its territory 19 As soon as Afghanistan has become a successful democracy/ AND has a successful economy 5 At a fixed future date, without conditions4
Public opinion of the Armed Forces
Role of the media
Heroes or victims?
Veteran charities Almost 2/3 knew of veteran charity or organisation Two largest charities were the most well-known Royal British Legion & poppy charities Help for Heroes More than 75% had bought a Poppy
Government support for veterans
Who is a veteran? Definitions % Left Service to retire37 Deployed on operations (not necessarily overseas)21 Deployed overseas in a combat mission18 Unsure9 Left Service after four years9 Completed basic training3 Deployed overseas3 Completed a minimum of one day’s service2
The UK civil-military gap
Future role of the UK Armed Forces % Defending the UK against threats from other states28 Assisting police & security forces in anti-terror operations in the UK (incl. crime, terrorism and cyber security) 24 Supporting NATO allies, taking part in UN missions17 Humanitarian aid & disaster relief (overseas or UK)14 Missions against terrorists abroad9 Protecting citizens of overseas countries who are engaged in protest or dissent from attacks by their government/rulers/ removing dictators 8 Ceremonial and public duties1
Summary Public support UK Armed Forces but not missions Public believe military service to have an impact on mental health outcomes Public support priority government health & welfare services for veterans Differences between public and military opinions may have implications for civil-military relations Reluctance of public to support UK military action may be legacy of the Iraq and Afghanistan missions
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