Ram B.Bhagat Professor and Head Department of Migration and Urban Studies International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, INDIA 1
2 Points of Discussion The Context- demographic transition and rising working age population; Along with international migration internal migration also important to be integrated in development policy; Recognizing the diversity in the migration pattern;
4 Percent emigrants by social groups,
5 Percent Emigrants by MPCE Class,
6 Points of Discussion There is overemphasis on Diaspora, and PIO compared to Emigrant/NRI; India celebrates Bhartiya Pravashi Diwash and there are Pravashi Bhartiya Awards. Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs started in 2004
POI vs NRI/Emigrant 7 Country Overseas Indians (In million) % NRI USA Malaysia Saudi Arabia UAE UK1.50 NA South Africa Canada Total Ministry of Overseas Indians Affairs. (downloaded on 9 January 2011).
8 Points of Discussion Strengthening Database on Emigration Census National Sample Surveys Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs- Protector of Emigrants; Experiences of Kerala Migration Surveys- 5 rounds Similar State level Surveys in other states like Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Bihar etc
9 Points of Discussion Policy related place of origin- legal and safe migration “In one of the enduring ironies of the present times, we live in a world in which the free movement of capital, goods, and technology is seen as a virtue, but also one in which the movement of people across borders is more difficult than ever in the past. Ironically, in a rapidly globalising world, legal migration is being rendered increasingly difficult. It is in this backdrop that we must see the growing problem of illegal migration and people smuggling. The question is no longer whether to allow migration, but indeed, how to manage migration effectively to enhance its positive effects on development and mitigate the negative “(Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, 2010). Policy related to place of destination- protecting the migrants’ right though bilateral and multilateral process.
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