SALALM 2010 Cataloging & Bibliographic Technology Subcommittee Angela J. Kinney Chief, African, Latin American & Western European Division, Library of.


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Presentation transcript:

SALALM 2010 Cataloging & Bibliographic Technology Subcommittee Angela J. Kinney Chief, African, Latin American & Western European Division, Library of Congress

Library of Congress Shelf-Ready Pilot Projects Monographic projects Casalini Libri: Italy Kinokuniya: Japan Garcia Cambeiro: Argentina Smaller scale project with Korean vendor

What is Shelf-Ready Cataloging? Whole item cataloging descriptive and subject cataloging completion of call number holdings/item records tables of contents Physical processing call number labeling item and lccn barcodes security strips, edge stamps shipping

Why are libraries seeking shelf-ready cataloging from vendors? Shortage of resources to keep abreast with processing of foreign imprints Price of cataloging less expensive if done from start to finish by one person with language skills Processing expedited because books go to shelf much faster than usual Patrons benefit from faster access to rich resources available from vendors Fuller records with call numbers and subject headings

Garcia Cambeiro Shelf-Ready Cataloging Project LC and Garcia Cambeiro initiate first agreement (2008) LC provided cataloging training and review Garcia Cambeiro provided LC core level records LC licenses records (2009) All records distributed by LC

Training Two weeks onsite instruction in all aspects of cataloging Cataloging documentation: AACR2, DCM, RIs, SCM, LCSH, LCC Accounts for Catalogers’ Desktop and Classification Web Review of Garcia Cambeiro’s cataloging records remotely by LC LC does authority control per enhanced MLC and HR/IR

What Influences Price Per Record improving proficiency of processing enhancements to technology creating conglomerate of customers independence in cataloging not providing series control

Resources needed for shelf-ready projects Staffing to provide training and review Resources to do cataloging: technology and staff Efficient workflow

Challenges For Garcia Cambeiro Remote access (working outside LC’s firewall) Training new staff to provide cataloging Training anticipated if LC adopts RDA For Library of Congress Remote review of cataloging records Resources needed to have vendor shelf- ready and independent in cataloging


Reorganization of Acquisitions & Bibliographic Access Directorate Library of Congress Initiated October 1, 2008 Reduction of 14 divisions to 9 Physical move of 650 staff and work on hand Renovation of work areas Part of service unit, Library Services

Functions Within Divisions Five divisions which perform cataloging and acquisitions G&S, ASME, ALAWE, USAnglo, OVOP Other divisions catalog only USGEN (Copyright receipts) USPL (CIP receipts) PSD: Sets policy and coordinates RDA training COIN: coordinates training, NUCMUC, PCC

Acquisitions Functions Approval plans Professionals and technicians Bibliographic representatives Overseas Exchange partners (DMEP, IES) U.S. and overseas Gifts

Cataloging Functions Professionals Original, MLC, and copy cataloging Training Technicians IBCR creation Shelflisting CIP verification Copy cataloging

Section Tasks Contract management Invoice payments Budgeting Claiming Ordering Collection Development Selection Inventory control Collection integrity Treatment analysis

Goals of Reorganization Effective use of pre-existing data Copy cataloging Data used by publishers Training of all technicians in copy cataloging In a few years copy cataloging will account for 1/3 of LC cataloging published in U.S. LC currently produces 23% of copy cat in U.S.

Realizing Efficiencies Less handling of materials because staff performing different functions in same sections Moving overseas offices in Egypt, India, Pakistan, Brazil, Indonesia, and Nairobi to be shelf-ready ABA staff labeling so as to move materials directly to stacks Divisions set targets for annual production goals and assess quarterly Staff expect to be cross trained within two years
