CopyClear – 2014 Review Eoghan Nolan, Joe Clancy, Lynne Tracey & Mags McLoughlin January 2015
2014 Update – Overview Submissions were up 48% year on year in 2014 – from 4,124 in 2013 to 6,117 in 2014 There is no particular spike in numbers from any category or across any medium to explain this significant level of growth Approval rates were up, with 93.2% of all submissions being compliant versus 91.4% in 2013
Category Review Beer continues to be the single largest category, comprising 72% of all submissions, up from 63% in Spirits account for over 16% of all submissions with wine being the third largest category at 4%.
Submissions by Category
The Beer Category Beer is the single largest category and has shown consistent growth in the last two years. 72% of beer submissions originate in Ireland with 10% being international adaptations and 19% created elsewhere. The non-approval rate for beer submissions in 2014 was 7.5%, down from 9.1% in 2013.
Beer Submissions
Submissions by Medium Digital continues to be the single largest medium with 12.3% of all submissions in the owned-on-line space and 21.3% in paid-for on-line media – a combined total of 33.6% - this is down from a total of almost 40% in In actual numbers submissions are up year on year from 1562 in 2013 to 1950 in TV submissions are down from 11% in 2013 to 8% in 2014 – although it must be remembered that this does not necessarily reflect media spend as inputs & outputs with regard to TV are not analogous.
Submissions by Medium Outdoor continues to be a strong medium, comprising almost 25% of all submissions although this is down from 28% in 2013 The share of radio submissions has increased to over 6%, up from 3.7% in 2013 Press and magazines continue to decline, down to 9% of all submissions
Submissions by Medium
Where do the submissions come from? 70% of all submission come from Irish based Agencies with ‘Irish based advertising agencies’ the single largest cohort with over 35% of all submissions Irish based Media Agencies now submit 13.4% of all material – up from 9.7% in 2013 Overseas Ad Agencies are responsible for over 16% of all submissions
Where does the material come from?
Where is the work made? 73% of all work submitted is created in Ireland – up from 69% in 2013 For the first time we are able to break out adapts of international work from material created elsewhere – almost 17% of material is created elsewhere with just over 10% adaptations of overseas material.