Global Experiences and Career Development Melanie Parker, Executive Director Global Education & Career Development
GECD Career Services Global Education Prehealth Advising Helps students plan and prepare for their careers, internships, and employment. Connects them to employers & industry. Helps students to Study Abroad, and discover other opportunities to go abroad. Helps students explore and prepare for application to medical and health profession schools. Helping MIT Students Find Their Path and Start the Journey
MIT Global Education Programs Study Abroad Internships Service/Service Learning Research
Global Experiences Prepare MIT Graduates as Global-Ready Leaders Participation Internships: 543 Study Abroad: 140 Service: 89 Research: 49 TOTAL: 821
MIT Students in the World 45 Countries (Top 10: Israel, Germany, Italy, Spain, China, France, India, Japan, Mexico, United Kingdom)
Global Competency Understands global economic and political trends Demonstrates cross cultural communication Knowledgeable of world events, culture, and history Works well in different cultures Recognizes that own world view is not universal Source for global competencies: Deardorff, D. (2004). The identification and assessment of intercultural competence as a student outcome of internationalization at institutions of higher education in the United States.
Source: IES Abroad Recent Graduate Survey, 2012
MIT Global Participants Report Increased Skills
Other Benefits openness higher grades on-time graduation higher earnings maturity world view emotional stability independence initiative tolerance big picture thinking problem solving leadership
Global Program Alumni Work Trends Tend toward international or multicultural jobs Cite the global experience as a key factor in their success Many indicate that global experience influenced their career choice Report high levels of career satisfaction More competitive in job market because of language and cross-cultural communications Global experience influenced their professional ethics
Study Abroad and IROP Malgorzata Hedderick, Associate Dean Global Education & Career Development
Guiding Principles for Study Abroad at MIT Spearheaded or supported by faculty members and by academic departments Providing students with firsthand experience at overseas universities or MIT faculty led High-impact learning Sustainable partnerships with overseas partners
Spectrum of Study Abroad Programs at MIT By duration : semester, academic year, IAP (month of January), summer, spring break By entry point : short introductory programs, intense IAP and summer programs, and full emersion semester and year-long programs By type: exchanges, other in-house, direct enrollment, and IEO programs, language programs and programs in the major, hybrid programs
Examples of Study Abroad Programs at MIT Cambridge-MIT Exchange: started in 2000; by end of total participants (354 MIT, 365 Cambridge) Departmental Exchanges: Oxford, Imperial, ETH, HKU, Pretoria, SciencesPo MIT-Madrid Program : including optional internship IAP-Madrid Program: Spanish language program LSE, Chinese language programs, LLIC Pretoria and Sabanci spring break programs
Study Abroad: Three-part Engagement Process PREPARATION Health and safety Academics Cultural awareness Goal setting PROGRAM Understanding how students in other cultures learn & problem-solve Experiencing other culture firsthand Learning how to be a part or lead multicultural teams Foreign language acquisition RE-ENTRY Revisiting goals Integrating learning Understanding & articulating gains for career and life Peer advisor program
IROP: INTERNATIONAL UROP UROP: faculty-mentored research - was launched 45 years ago and currently 88% of students participate at some point while undergraduates. IROP: UROP where student does some or all of the research in a foreign setting Two scenarios: 1.Undergraduates are actively supporting the overseas research of MIT faculty 2.Students are doing a more independent research that complements the research interests of MIT faculty Predominantly conducted during summers
IROP: 2013 Snapshot In AY and summer 2013 IROP projects took place in 26 countries, including Brazil, Ecuador, UK, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Singapore, Switzerland and Turkey Approximately $440K of MIT funding committed for this period: for weekly wages for students and travel expenses
Examples of IROP Projects CHILE: Optimal Design of Permeable Fiber Network Structures GHANA: Organic Waste Management ISRAEL: Waterborne Pathogenic Bacteria in Greywater Systems ITALY: Energy Control in Electric Vehicles SPAIN: Aging and Alzheimer's Disease Model UK: Nanoparticle cellular toxicity