The Cape Fear Capital Connection News Hour: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 A Live Internet TV Broadcast of News and Information About Technology, Capital Markets, and Business In The Cape Fear Valley On With Thomas Vass The Private Capital News Network Presents
Segment One: Verdonik on Securities Law Getting the company ready to go public. Last week we discussed how the new Folio Investing Private Placement Service works for companies that are raising capital. At the end of the interview, we asked Blaine McLaughlin how the new account would work when the company went public. Today, we cover more about this transition with our legal expert, Jim Verdonik.
Segment Two: The Medical Research at Wake Forest’s Institute for Regenerative Medicine In the not too distant future, one of the most important pieces of equipment for treating injured soldiers at a combat hospital could be a 3-D printer. Doctors may someday wheel a portable “bioprinter” over to a soldier’s bed, line it up, and print new layers of skin directly onto a severe wound or burn. What are the economic implications for the Cape Fear region?
Segment Three: Special Guest, John Berlau, of the Competitive Enterprise Institute Regulatory Barriers Are Holding Back Investing And Lending Opportunities For Crowdfunding. How do these barriers affect economic growth. Implications for regional economic growth?
Segment Four: John Berlau, On Taxes and Regulations The United States had the highest corporate tax rate of the industrialized world in 2012 at a percent tax rate, and Berlau explained that the U.S. government is also "one of the few countries in the world that has... as high a corporate tax on foreign earnings what our companies earn in Europe and Asia." In addition to causing large corporations to hold profits overseas, how does the high tax rate stunt innovation? Is innovation one of America’s most important initial factor endowment that provides U. S. with a global competitive advantage? What did James Buchanan suggest was the reason why government agents conspire with large corporations to skew policy to their own ends?