Imperialism Today’s UEQ: 1.Why did nations look beyond their borders for ways to build their political and economic strength?
Imperialism is… the practice of establishing colonies & building empires.
More Specifically… It’s when a stronger nation tries to create an empire by dominating weaker nations economically, politically, culturally, and/or militarily.
Why? Economic factors Political/Nationalistic factors Humanitarian/Cultural factors Military factors
Economic Factors Manufacturing nations need more natural resources & more markets.
Political or Nationalistic Factors Nationalism - a belief that one’s national goals are superior to those of other nations.
Humanitarian or Cultural Factors Spreading Western ideas & Christianity. It was their duty to spread the blessings of Western civilization across the globe.
Military Factors Growing navies need new naval bases worldwide.
Let’s Take Over Activity You have the opportunity to take over any country in the world. Please complete the teacher-provided graphic organizer for full credit. You have 25 minutes.
Examples of Imperialism The British in India The West in East Asia The Scramble for Africa Imperialism in Latin America
Imperialism Arguments… ProAnti
Arguments Against Imperialism –Neutrality –Isolation
Arguments for Expansion Obtain new markets. Protect overseas investments. Rekindle the American pioneer spirit. Bring civilization to the “heathen” people around the world.
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