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Air Masses Fronts Tectonic Plates El Nino And Hurricanes TopographyVocabularyMisc. Easy Medium Hard I'm a Thinker! I'm a Thinker! I'm a Thinker! I'm a Thinker! I'm a Thinker! I'm a Thinker! I'm a Thinker! I'm a Thinker! I'm a Thinker! I'm a Thinker! I'm a Thinker! I'm a Thinker! Washers Review
Air Masses EASY This is a huge body of air that has similar temperature, humidity, and air pressure at any given height.
Air Masses MEDIUM The Air mass that would be located in the area shaded red would be called what? ?
Air Masses HARD This type of air mass brings cool, humid weather to the West Coast of the United States.
Air Masses THINKER! This general type of air mass forms over land.
Fronts EASY This is the name of the boundary where two different air masses meet.
Fronts MEDIUM Which direction is the Cold front moving?
Fronts HARD What pressure system is associated with warm fronts? Low Pressure
Fronts THINKER! This is the type of front that forms when a warm air mass overtakes a slowly moving cold air mass.
Tectonic Plates EASY What causes tectonic plates to move?
Tectonic Plates MEDIUM What feature is formed when two continental plates separate such as the North American and Eurasian plate? Rift Valley
Tectonic Plates HARD What comes to mind when you see this picture? Alfred Wegner, Continental Drift, or Pangaea
Tectonic Plates THINKER! What is this WHOLE process called?
El Nino and Hurricanes Easy Where do hurricanes get there energy?
El Nino and Hurricanes MEDIUM The weather phenomena known as El Niño…. A. Commonly occurs around Christmas time every 4 to 7 years B. Is indicated by a warming of the waters off the coast of Peru C. Is indicated by a slowing down or reversal of the trade-winds D. All of the above.
El Nino and Hurricanes HARD When El Nino hits South America what will happen to its normal rainfall? It will INCREASE!
El Nino and Hurricanes THINKER What process does this relate to? Coriolis Effect!
Topography Vocabulary EASY These connect areas of equal elevation…
Topography Vocabulary MEDIUM What is the contour interval of this map?!?!
Topography Vocabulary HARD What is the elevation of the star?
Topography Vocabulary THINKER! Which of the topography maps below fits the erosional feature to the left?
Miscellaneous EASY What type of weathering is this? Mechanical or Wind
Miscellaneous MEDIUM What two processes cause this to occur? Weathering and Erosion!
Miscellaneous HARD Which direction does our jet stream move? From West to East
Miscellaneous THINKER!