Learning Objective Chapter 2 Thinking Critically Copyright © 2001 South-Western College Publishing Co. Critical Thinking Skills Information Management Strategies Objectives O U T L I N E 2 C H A P T E R
Learning Objective Chapter 2 Thinking Critically 1. List a number of methods for generating ideas and identify ways of using information. 2. Recognize the basic elements of critical thinking and list several of the intellectual traits of a critical thinker. 3. Describe several the role of reasoning in creative problem solving. 4. Develop a strategy for becoming a critical thinker. Learning Objectives
Learning Objective Chapter 2 Thinking Critically INFORMATION MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Information Management Strategies Critical Thinking Skills Generating Ideas Brainstorming A group-based, structured, moderated process Starts with a warm-up, participants review rules Practice exercises Present the real problem call out many ideas record, categorize, and evaluate every idea Recommend the most promising ideas to the problem owner Reverse Brainstormin: being critical List a number of methods for generating ideas and identity ways of using information.
Learning Objective Chapter 2 Thinking Critically Critical Thinking Skills Idea-Spurring Questions New questions may spark innovative solutions Can We Put the Product, Material or Devise to Other Uses? Adapt? What else is like this? What other ideas does it suggest? Modify? Change meaning, color, motion, sound, odor, form, or taste ? Magnify? Add? Stronger? Larger? More? Faster? Heavier? Minify? Subtract? Eliminate? Smaller? Less? Slower? Lighter? Information Management Strategies List a number of methods for generating ideas and identity ways of using information.
Learning Objective Chapter 2 Thinking Critically Critical Thinking Skills Substitute? What else? Another place? Another time? Other components? Rearrange? Another layout? Another sequence? Change pace? Reverse? Opposites? Turn it around? Turn it upside-down? Combine? A blend? An assortment? Mix or match? Combine purposes? Combine ideas or functions? Information Management Strategies List a number of methods for generating ideas and identity ways of using information.
Learning Objective Chapter 2 Thinking Critically Critical Thinking Skills Forced Relationship Technique We look at one item and force its attributes on another in order to generate new possibilities. Attribute Listing Mostly for improving tangible items Select object or process, list parts, list essential qualities, systematically change or modify parts. Bionics How is it done in nature? Scientific Methods Define and analyze the problem Gather and analyze data Propose and test solutions Information Management Strategies List a number of methods for generating ideas and identity ways of using information.
Learning Objective Chapter 2 Thinking Critically Critical Thinking Skills Visual Imagery Technique Forming a mental or visual image to produce creative ideas or solutions to problems. Reproductive imagination Speculative imagination Structural visualization Gathering Information Gathering Primary Data: first hand information Field research: participant observer, direct observation, case study Content analysis: the study of documents Experiments: research with well defined methods Survey research: random selection Information Management Strategies List a number of methods for generating ideas and identity ways of using information.
Learning Objective Chapter 2 Thinking Critically Critical Thinking Skills Gathering Secondary Data: already available Limits: dated, biased, costly Electronic databases: Business Periodicals Index, GPO Monthly, The Humanities Index, MLA International Bibliography, Public Affairs Information Service, Social Sciences Index Encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks and reference books, yearbooks, and almanacs, bound volumes, journals and periodicals, abstracts and indexes, government publications, directories, business publications, book reviews Information Management Strategies Finding Business Information on the Internet World Wide Web:.gov.edu. com.org search engines: finding information on the web List a number of methods for generating ideas and identity ways of using information.
Learning Objective Chapter 2 Thinking Critically Critical Thinking Skills Information Management Strategies Assessing Information Topical?Current? Complete? Biased? Accessible?Useful? Meaningful? Usable? Using Information To describe To predict To explain List a number of methods for generating ideas and identity ways of using information.
Learning Objective Chapter 2 Thinking Critically Critical Thinking Skills Information Management Strategies CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS What is Critical Thinking? The ability to think about one's own thinking process. Skillful, responsible thinking that is conducive to judgment because it relies on criteria, is self-correcting, and is sensitive to context. 30 Developing an awareness of the assumptions under which we, and others, think and act. Thinking fair-mindedly about many subjects and issues, not just their own beliefs and viewpoints. List a number of methods for generating ideas and identity ways of using information.
Learning Objective Chapter 2 Thinking Critically Critical Thinking Skills Recognize the basic elements of critical thinking and list several of the intellectual traits of a critical thinker. Information Management Strategies What is Critical Thinking Is Not The ability to think about one's own thinking process. Skillful, responsible thinking that is conducive to judgment because it relies on criteria, is self-correcting, and is sensitive to context. 30 Not the compiling of facts, figures, formulas, and answers Critical thinking involves more - a deeper, more reflective set of skills. The uncritical thinker is often unclear, imprecise, vague, illogical, unreflective, superficial, inconsistent, inaccurate, or trivial. The Elements of Thought
Learning Objective Chapter 2 Thinking Critically Critical Thinking Skills Information Management Strategies Universal Intellectual Standards Clarity Accuracy Precision Relevance Depth Breadth Logic Recognize the basic elements of critical thinking and list several of the intellectual traits of a critical thinker.
Learning Objective Chapter 2 Thinking Critically Critical Thinking Skills Describe the role of reasoning in creative problem solving. Information Management Strategies At Least One Question Is at issue in Every Instance of Reasoning All Human Reasoning Is Designed to Serve Some Purpose or Goal All Reasoning Must Start Somewhere and Proceed in Some Direction All Reasoning Uses Some Ideas or Concepts and Not Others How Reason Is Used to Solve Problems
Learning Objective Chapter 2 Thinking Critically Critical Thinking Skills Describe the role of reasoning in creative problem solving. Information Management Strategies Most Reasoning Relies on Principles or Theories Most Reasoning is Based on Some Experiences, Evidence, or Data All Discliplines Have a Logic
Learning Objective Chapter 2 Thinking Critically Critical Thinking Skills Information Management Strategies Intellectual Humility Intellectual Courage Intellectual Empathy Intellectual Integrity Intellectual Perseverance Faith in Reason Intellectual Sense of Justice Intellectual Traits of a Critical Thinker Describe the role of reasoning in creative problem solving.
Learning Objective Chapter 2 Thinking Critically Critical Thinking Skills Develop a strategy for becoming a critical thinker. Information Management Strategies Think Independently Develop Insight Exercise Fair-mindedness Explore Thoughts Underlying Feelings and Feelings Underlying Thoughts Develop Intellectual IIumility and Suspend Judgment Develop Intellectual Courage Strategies for Becoming a Critical Thinker
Learning Objective Chapter 2 Thinking Critically Critical Thinking Skills Information Management Strategies Develop Intellectual Integrity Develop Intellectual Perseverance Develop Confdence in Reason Develop a strategy for becoming a critical thinker.
Learning Objective Chapter 2 Thinking Critically The End Copyright © 2000 South-Western College Publishing Co.