The principle contribution of Plato and Aristotle to the discipline of Political Science Was in the area of normative theory was essentially in the field of public law was in their belief in democratic government was in the area of power politics 1
According to Aristotle Political science should be an exact and precise science mathematical theorems should govern political inquiries politics is beyond rational study politics is not an exact theoretical science 4
Periodic elections, limited duration of legislative sessions, and the separation of power were limits put on governmental power by Rousseau Locke Burke Hobbes 2
The most important political thinker of the Romantic Era was G.F. Hegel Immanuel Kant Jean J. Rousseau John Madison 3
The intellectual concept ‘state of nature is associated with which of the following? Idealism Marxism Liberalism Fascism 3
The doctrine of the ‘golden mean’ Was espoused by Aristotle was the ethical basis for the Sophists was part of Cicero’s legal dogma was a major Socratic premise 1
The doctrine of original sin Was propounded by St. Ambrose was part of the theology of St. Gregory was the key element in the thought of St. Augustine was Luther’s complaint against the Roman Church 3
When Karl Marx wrote his blueprint for a better society, he was influenced greatly By the condition of the urban proletariat by the philosophy of Hegel by economic matters all of the above 4
Which of the following is not correct? Plato’s ideal form of government was elitist Plato’s best possible form of government was a polity Plato did not care for democratic rule Plato believed that only a special few should have political power 2
The first major Christian thinker was St. Thomas Aquinas Aristotle St. Just St. Augustine
The Enlightenment period Was an era of reason and progress made no lasting contribution to political thought stresses feeling over rationality claimed Rousseau as its leading thinker 1
Universal moral rules of obligation known by reason alone are often called Natural rights divine rights natural laws conventions 3
Inner contentment and the supremacy of Natural Law are part of Stoicism Platonism Socratic method Augustinian thought 1
The combining of evolutionary biology with the laissez faire state is found in the theory of James Mill Herbert Spencer T.H. Greene Jeremy Bentham 2
Imperialism as the final stage of capitalism was Lenin’s addition to Marxism part of classical Marxism a premise of fascist theory a socialist premise 1
On Liberty was authored by Jeremy Bentham J. S. Mill James Mill Herbert Spencer 2
That economic relationships determine most aspects of human existence is central to Fascism Communism National Socialism Liberalism 2
The principle of ‘the greatest happiness for the greatest number’ is part of Common law civil law utilitarianism natural law 3
The most widely recognized philosopher of Conservatism is Edmund Burke G. Gentile T. Hobbes John Locke 1
The importance of Machiavelli in political science lies in the fact that he Is the author of the social contract theory separated politics from religion in his commentaries supported the divine right of kings was the first democratic thinker in western political thought 2
The statement ‘truth is in words not in things’ Is a rationalistic argument was uttered by Descartes reflects the view of nominalism was St. Augustine’s theological premise 3
Which of the following is not correct regarding the core values of liberalism? The political core includes popular sovereignty capitalism is the only logical economic system the moral core includes values derived from antiquity the political core includes consent and constitutionalism 2
Who of the following did not advocate independent state control from the church? Dante William of Ockham Marsiglio of Padua Gregory 4
The general will was a concept of Thomas Hobbes Jean J. Rousseau Montesquieu Immanuel Kant 2
Transcendental thinkers such as Emerson and Thoreau Contributed to the 19th Century understanding of American community supported Luther’s view of church-state relations had no influence on the political thought of their generation, but influenced 20th century thought believed in the primacy of individual conscience 4
According to both St. Augustine and John Locke, the core function of government Is to extend the voting franchise is education should be fragmented, divided and subject to checks and balances is public safety 4
Aristotle argued for a mixed regime in order to Provide diversity advance Athenian political influence perpetuate the ideas of Plato advance governmental stability 4
A concern with moral law and the autonomy of will would best describe The writings of Immanuel Kant the writings of John Locke the writings of Condorcet the writings of Thomas Paine 1
The author of Reflections on the Revolution in France was Adam Smith Edmund Burke Thomas Paine Johann Fichte 2
Superman and the will to power were concepts introduced by Georges Sorel Friedrich Nietzsche Benito Mussolini Gustav Le Bon 2