Presents 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell Broadening and Enhancing Relationships © the Leadership Difference, Inc GOAMPI Peak Performance Series
Enhanced communication with our customers and each other Identify and appreciate diverse styles Develop techniques for adjusting our communication style as the situation requires Have fun! Learning Objectives 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
Metacognition Individual Interpreted Reality ValuesSchemasExperiences Schemas are ways we organize ideas and thoughts = the process of thinking about how you think 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
What is Interactive Style? Cornerstone of the work of Carl Jung There are four primary interactive tools Compilation of several theories on human interaction Establishes the basis of rapport building by providing shared schemas among humanity Each of us has a preferred and a secondary tool This combination contributes to our communication style Communication and rapport are the cornerstone of Team Performance The assessment 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
The Romantics The Styles 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
The Romantics The Warriors The Styles 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
The Romantics The Warriors The Experts The Styles 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
The Romantics The Warriors The Experts The Masterminds The Styles 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
Emotional sensitivity versus logical sensitivity Indirect communication versus direct communication Honor bar versus aggressive negotiators Large CTL container/small spoon vs. small CTL container/large spoon Intrinsic need = praise vs. intrinsic need = independence Romantics Versus Warriors 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
Experts Versus Masterminds Factual sensitivity versus conceptual sensitivity Details versus “Big Picture” Cautious versus risk taker Linear thinker versus systemic thinker Intrinsic need = security versus intrinsic need = excitement 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
Presents 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell Broadening and Enhancing Relationships © the Leadership Difference, Inc GOAMPI Peak Performance Series
Enhanced communication with each other Identify and appreciate diverse styles Develop techniques for adjusting our communication style as the situation requires Have fun! Learning Objectives 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
Metacognition Individual Interpreted Reality ValuesSchemasExperiences Schemas are ways we organize ideas and thoughts = the process of thinking about how you think 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell Styles and Selling
5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell Styles and Leadership
5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell Behavioral CuesAdjustments Easy smile Engages in small talk Personable Takes interest in you Tactful and diplomatic Most accessible Loyal Keeps promises Likes consensus Smile Use their name Do not rush to transaction Ask lots of open ended questions Get to know them personally Update them frequently Keep your promises Respect their feelings Be diplomatic Be likable Romantics Value Relationships
The Romantics The Best Friend (Jennifer Aniston/Ryan Reynolds) The Love Interest (Drew Barrymore/Hugh Grant) The Crusader (Jennifer Garner/Hugh Jackman) 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell Warriors Value Results Behavioral CuesAdjustments Direct Intense Offers short answers Want to be “bottom lined” Not interested in unnecessary details or stories Great source of referrals Values status and deals Impatient/Decisive Competitive May display evidence of status (watch, car, clothes) Show value quickly Funnel toward closed ended questions Get to the point Don’t waste their time Be prepared to negotiate Be confident Explain value without unnecessary details Ask for referrals Cite examples of success
The Warriors The Hired Gun (Demi Moore/Clive Owen) The Sage (Judi Dench/Gene Hackman) The Power Broker (Sigourney Weaver/Al Pacino) 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell Experts Value Reliability Behavioral CuesAdjustments Detailed and thorough Educated (researched) Lots of questions Conservative Risk avoidant Long sales cycle Technical/Process approach Respectful of procedures and politics Know your stuff Answer all questions accurately Admit when you do not know an answer Expect a long sales cycle, don’t give up Minimize their risk Be thorough Keep all promises, appointments, etc. Focus on heritage and reliability
The Experts The Voice of Reason (Gwyneth Paltrow/Tom Hanks) The Specialist (Jody Foster/Samuel L. Jackson) The Detective (Gillian Anderson/Kevin Kline) 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell Masterminds Value Innovation Behavioral CuesAdjustments Creative Systemic Minds Bore easily Risk acceptance Like new, innovative, unconventional Impulsive but elusive Short sales cycle Unusual approach Be enthusiastic Introduce unusual options or processes Expand them beyond their stated interest Close aggressively Indulge them while they consider many options Help them eliminate options Endorse their creativity while protecting them from chaos
The Masterminds The Social Reformer (Meryl Streep/Denzel Washington) The Adventurer (Rachel Weisz/Harrison Ford) The Eccentric (Angelina Jolie/John Malkovich) 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
Contact Dave Follow Dave Online click here to follow us on Facebook or look us up! Read Dave’s Book Click here to order Dave’s book: Live and Learn or Die Stupid 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell Read Dave’s Newsletter Send us an request to join the mailing list or sign up for the newsletter through our Facebook page.
The Romantics Trust their feelings (gut reaction) about situations and people Sometimes value others above themselves React strongly to emotion Have a need to feel committed to another person idea or cause Consider the impact of their actions on others 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
The Romantics Value harmony among people with whom they interact Show appreciation of others easily and respond to praise Recognize the importance of tact Have a strong desire to make a contribution The respond best to salespeople and customer service providers who are likable 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
Recognizing The Romantics They are personable and talkative May invest time in conversation unrelated to purpose Loyal, they will ask for you by name Rarely criticize and express anger tactfully Quick to praise you 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
The Warriors Are competitive Have a strong desire to improve Are analytical Value logic, justice and fairness Consider truth more important than tact 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
The Warriors Believe feelings are only valid if they are logical Are often seen as driven or extremely goal oriented Focus on enhancing rather than praising Seem always to have a plan Rarely act without a purpose They react best to sales people and customer service providers who are valuable 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
Recognizing The Warriors They get to the point quickly May appear more irritated than they are Talk fast Want an answer immediately May expect things to be handled on their terms Negotiate aggressively Come across as very intelligent Not overly friendly, but genial 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
The Experts Trust what is certain and concrete Value realism and common sense Like to apply and hone established skills Tend to be specific and literal Give detailed instructions 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
The Experts Present information in a step by step manner Are focused on the present Have great respect for the rules Value consistency and reliability Respond best to a salesperson or customer service provider who is knowledgeable 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
Recognizing The Experts They often have great depth of knowledge about the process If they don’t, they may want to obtain it from you Very specific with their questions and requests Disappointed if things don’t go exactly as they were told May appear stubborn on small issues Complete their assignments on time and detailed They like appointments for call backs and upcoming interactions 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
The Masterminds Trust inspiration and inference Value imagination and innovation Like to learn new skills and become easily bored with things they have mastered Often use metaphors to explain their ideas 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
The Masterminds Present information in large chunks or in a roundabout manner Tend to be impractical dreamers Can appear to be disorganized and absent minded Seek change, take risks and are comfortable in chaos Respond best to a salesperson or customer service provider who is flexible and innovative 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell
The Masterminds Conversation may go off on other tangents They will challenge you to provide options or exceptions Often very charming and enthusiastic May forget some of the content of previous discussions Often use language like “What if” or “Would it be possible” Less specific and more general in their questions and expectations (Big Picture thinker) 5/1/2015 Dave Mitchell