Slide 1 EuroSciCon – March 14 th 2008 How can I spin out my research and become a company ? An Exploration BioPark, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire Professor Alan Barrell
Slide 2 How can I spin out my research and become a company? Some Questions and Issues Have I decided – or am I exploring ? WHY would I ? What is stimulating me ? Do I have a VISION – I want to fulfil ? Can I express it clearly ? Do I have PASSION and INSPIRATION ? Do I have a supportive team and family ? What’s my RISK profile ? Do I have GLOBAL aspirations ?
Slide 3 More Questions for Entrepreneurs Is my intellectual property valuable and protected ? Have I set up a company properly – within the law ? Do I have the finance to make my plans successful? If I don’t have the finance – where will it come from ? In this regard – do I have a strong and clear Business Plan ? Can I confidently present my Business Model to aggressive investors? Do I have a strong and reliable team to carry through the plan ? Is my role clear – in the new company context?
Slide 4 And there are still more…… Am I confident I can carry out the role I am assigning myself ? Do I have a mentor ? Or need one ? How clear and confident am I that there is a REAL market for what I plan to do ? Who will BUY what we have ? Have I looked closely and carefully at Competition ? Am I ready to take RISKS ? Do I know what my NEXT STEPS should be ?
Slide 5 The Spirit of Exploration and Adventure Inspiration is often a starting point…. Starting with HEROES and HEROICS
Slide 6 Do HEROES change World ? – what are they good at? ……could it be…. Exploring…… Discovering…. Risking……… Believing……. Creating…….. Changing……. Enabling…….. Visualising…..
Slide 10 Pericles – “First Citizen of Athens” – Soldier, Thinker, Leader, “Culture, Beauty, Glory”
Slide 11 Aristotle – Plato – “Before their time – Thinkers, Philosophers, Leaders”
Slide 12 About the same time in China………“The Greatest Master” ? – Can we learn anything…..
Slide 13 A REAL Hero….he changed the WORLD ! From a prison cell
Slide 14 A Hero’s Home for 18 Years….Could WE have survived it ?
Slide 15 “To get rich is GLORIOUS” Deng Xiaoping 1982 China Wakes ! A Recent Chinese Hero
Slide 16 A “Brainpower Hero”
Slide 17 Einstein on IMAGINATION…. “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world” Albert Einstein
Slide 18 Which great scientist / entrepreneur was born 200 years ago in 2009 ? He had world changing Imagination….
Slide 20 “You look at things and ask - why? but I dream of things that never were and ask - George Bernard Shaw why not?” Why MINDSET matters – what’s an Entrepreneur ?
Slide 21 Schumpeter (1911) on Entrepreneurs “ Entrepreneurs blow gales of creative destruction.” Role of the entrepreneur in transforming economies by developing: New products New methods of production New ways of organizing Untapped raw materials Enhanced competitive performance Josef Schumpeter Vienna 1911
Slide 22
Slide 23 Exploring Creativity and Innovation CREATIVITY – The ability to develop new ideas and discover new ways of looking at problems and opportunities INNOVATION – The ability to apply creative solutions to problems and opportunities to enhance or enrich peoples lives Creativity is THINKING – Innovation is DOING – discuss please ! Consider the relationship between Creativity, Innovation and Vision………
Slide 24 Three Converging Revolutions Three Pervasive Technology Platforms BIO TECH Pharmaceuticals Diagnostics Research/Info Tools Industrial Genomics Bioinformatics Proteomics INFO TECH Hardware Software Communications NANO TECH Electrical Structural Biomedical Energy & Environment Biosensors Biochips Bioelectronics Microfluidics Nanobiotechnology Drug Delivery Nanodevices Nanosensors Nanoelectronics
Slide 26 Innovation and the Impact of Technology -Traffic in one day in 2003: All international phone calls 1971 All airline passengers 1975 All mobile phones 1984 All s 1992 All SMS 1998 Source: Analysys, World Bank and ITU
Slide 27 Thinking of Creativity and Innovation - Would you invest in this team ?
Slide 28 What did you decide? Creativity and Innovation are “inside” not “outside” qualities. Presentational styles have changed ! Microsoft Corporation, 1978
Slide 29 Leadership, Vision and Achievement – Balancing Vision with Plans and Action Vision without Action is a Daydream…. Action without vision is a Nightmare…. Japanese Proverb – Anon
Slide 30 Building an Enterprise Society. Networking and Communities – Manageable Units – working where real PEOPLE can influence things – and “our business” can contribute Building communities of enterprise,social inclusion and common purpose Sub-regional development Regional economic development National economy
Slide 32 The Competitive Threat “Today’s Peacock is tomorrow’s feather duster” – Think about it……..
Slide 33 In of Excellence ! In Pursuit of Excellence ! “Excellence can be achieved, if we: Care more than others think is wise, Risk more than others think is safe, Dream more than others think is practical, Expect more than others think is possible.” Deborah Johnson-Ross
Slide 34 An invitation to explore further….