Coming in for the home s t r e t c h ! Presenter: Bridgette Blue Elzora B. Watkins
Objective Determine your leadership talent and skills Define what makes a team and identify your strengths Learn and prepare for the stages of team building Discover the significance of an encouraging atmosphere on team performance Collaborate with team
Agenda First Base: Team Building (45 minutes) Tall Tower Task What Kind of Fruit Are You? Second Base: Team Development (1 hour) Team vs. Group Team Development Wheel Third Base: Sweet Endings (15 minutes) Cakes Pies and Shapes Home Base: Planning for the School House 1st Quarter Planning
First Base Team Building (45 minutes) Tall Tower Task What Kind of Fruit Are You?
No talking Tall Tower Task You have ten minutes to build the tallest structure. The only stipulation is… No talking
Let’s reflect Who did what?
What Kind of Fruit are You? Gathering Your Fruit What Kind of Fruit are You? The Office of School Leadership
What learning is natural to you?
What Kind of Fruit Are You? Directions: Read across each row and place a 4 in the blank that best describes you. Now place a 3 in the blank for the second word that best describes you. Do the same for the final words using a 2 and a 1.
Are there any Bananas? Natural abilities include: Planning Fact-finding Organizing Following directions Bananas learn best when they: Have an orderly environment Have specific outcomes Can trust others to do their part Have predictable situations Bananas may have trouble: Understanding feelings Dealing with oppositions Answering “what if” questions To expand their styles, Bananas need to: Express their own feelings more Get explanations of others views Be less rigid
Who are my oranges? Natural abilities includes: Experimenting Being Independent Being curious Creating different approaches Creating change Oranges learn best when they: Can use trial and error Produce real products Can compete Are self-directed Oranges may have trouble: Meeting the limits Following a lecture Having few options or choices To expand their styles, Oranges need to: Delegate responsibilities Be more accepting of others’ ideas
Are there any melons? Natural abilities includes: Debating points of view Finding solutions Analyzing ideas Determining value or importance Melons learn best when they: Have access to resources Can work independently Are respected for intellectual ability Follow traditional methods Melons may have trouble: Working in groups Being criticized Convincing others diplomatically To expand their styles Melons need to: Accept imperfection Consider all alternatives Consider others feelings
Last but not least the grapes Natural abilities includes: Being reflective Being sensitive Being flexible Being creative Preference for working in groups Grapes learn best when they: Can work and share with others Balance work with play Can communicate Are noncompetitive Grapes may have trouble: Giving exact answers Focusing on one thing at a time Organizing To expand their styles, Grapes need to: Pay more attention Not rush into things Be less emotional when making some decisions
Establishing a Culture How do you establish a team culture that uses the strengths and talents of all your members? You have 10 minutes to think, discuss, and brainstorm how you can support the team. Pass out the four fruit chart to each group, while they are still in their corners. Allow participants to discuss, brainstorm and chart how they can support the other fruits. 10 minutes to work together and one minute per group to share out. Webinar: Lets hear only from the grapes now. “How can you support those…. Call on each fruit to share out
Second Base: Team Development (1 hour) Team vs. Group Team Development Wheel
What is a Team? A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, set of performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable. The essence of a team is common commitment. Without it, groups perform as individuals; with it, they become a powerful unit of collective performance.
Group versus Team Use the handout to identify the qualities which best describe your team at this time Two minutes to check where you are and three minutes to discuss in your group where you are with your team
Group versus Team Team members have shared goals or a reason for working together. Team members are interdependent (that is, they perceive that they need one another’s experience, ability, and commitment is order to arrive at mutual goals). Team members are committed to the idea that working together leads to more effective decisions than working in isolation. The team is accountable as a functioning unit within a larger organizational context.
Stages of Team Building In order for teamwork to be effective in your building, professional development may be necessary. Hold a team-building session in which you engage your staff in physical and mental team-building challenges and acclimate them to working cooperatively.
Team Development Wheel Count off from 1to 4 Ones will be at stage one Twos will be at stage two Threes will be at stage three Fours will be at stage four Describe how your stage will be and what it looks like for the members at that stage. Use a post-it to place where you are on the wheel Divide you chart paper into four boxes label them stages 1-4 Chart some strategies you would use to move you through the four stages.
Groups Share Out Stage One shares out
Stage One Forming Members come together for the first time as a team Some members may know each other but not as members of the same team Some don’t know each other at all Strategies Activities and warm-up exercises that allow all members to meet one another and talk on a one on one basis Exercises should be designed to reveal something about each member Divide you chart paper into four boxes label them stages 1-4 Chart some strategies you would use to move you through the four stages.
Groups Share Out Stage One shares out
Stage Two Storming Once the team is acquainted conflicts may arise over goals, leadership, power, hidden agendas Strategies Problem Solving Techniques Conflict Management/ Resolution
Groups Share Out Stage One shares out
Stage Three Norming Conflicts are resolved during this sage Members feel ownership in the team Cliques that interfere with teaming have dissolve Members can move from one committee to another without feeling uninvited Strategies Continue to participate in teambuilding activities Use activities that affirm individual’s worth in a team Be on alert for saboteurs
Groups Share Out Stage One shares out
Stage Four Performing If all things are go through the first three stages Team experiences maximum involvement Productivity is high Strategies Members need continued reinforcement for their roles and responsibilities in the team Retreats and special speakers to reaffirm their value as members Social/fun activities Natural closure Divide you chart paper into four boxes label them stages 1-4 Chart some strategies you would use to move you through the four stages.
Gallery Walk
Dessert Personality Test If you were buying a Dessert and you had your choice of the following, which would you choose? Think carefully. Once you decide, you can not change. Angel Food Cake Brownies Lemon Meringue Pie Vanilla Cake with Chocolate Icing Strawberry Short Cake Chocolate on Chocolate Cake Ice Cream Cake Carrot Cake
Angel Food Sweet, loving, cuddly. You love all warm fuzzy items. A little nutty. Sometimes you need an ice cream cone at the end of the day.
Brownies You are adventurous, love new ideas, are a champion of underdogs and a slayer of dragons. When tempers flare up, you whip out your saber.
Lemon Meringue Smooth, sexy and articulate with your hands, you are an excellent after-dinner speaker and a good teacher. But don’t try to walk and chew gum at the same time.
Vanilla w/ Chocolate Icing Fun-loving, sassy, and humorous. Everyone enjoys being around you, but you are a practical joker. Others should be cautious in shaking hands, however, you are a friend for life.
Strawberry Short Cake Romantic, warm, loving. You care about other people can be counted on in a pinch. You tend to melt.
Chocolate on Chocolate Sexy, always ready to give and receive, very energetic, and really likes to get into life. The opposite sex is always attracted to you.
Ice Cream Cake You like sports, whether baseball, football, basketball or soccer. If you could, you would like to participate, but enjoy watching sports. You don’t like to give up the remote control.
Carrot Cake You are a very fun loving person, who likes to laugh. You are fun to be with. People like to hang out with you. You are a very warm hearted person.
What Shape Are You? Squiggle Square Rectangle Circle Triangle
SQUARE Convergent Thinker A Square feels most comfortable with a stable environment and clear directions on what to do. A square is conservative and likes things that are regular and orderly. If given a chance, a square will work on a job until it is finished, even if it is repetitious, cumbersome and lonely. The Square, Rectangle and Triangle are all convergent. They are working towards something specific and finite, and they do it in a logical and systematic way. But they might be lacking in personal creativity. If you really need something specific done, the Square is the most likely to do it exactly as specified. Squares will work well in the accounting department. A Square will need fairly specific instructions. Squares will not be happy just floating around, not knowing where things are going. A Square will feel good about being presented with a technique and carrying it through until it is done. It doesn't matter much if it is repetitious, regularity is a source of comfort. For a Square it is a good idea to have more of a formal routine, certain rituals that are repeated.
Rectangle Convergent Thinker A Rectangle likes structure and regularity. But she/he will establish it with organization, meetings, committees and so forth. This will have to be done the proper way, taking all rules and regulations into consideration. If given a task she/he will start organizing to be sure it can be done the most systematic way. The Rectangle is a convergent thinker working towards something specific and finite, and the rectangle does things in a logical and systematic way. But rectangles might be lacking in personal creativity. If things need to be organized amongst a group of people, then the Rectangle is most likely to make that happen. A Rectangle needs to see how things are organized. A Rectangle needs to make a systematic overview and will probably also enjoy understanding the principles of a situation. A Rectangle is comfortable knowing and noticing that systematic techniques are being used and that he/she is in control.
TRIANGLE Convergent Thinker A Triangle is goal oriented. A Triangle enjoys planning something out and then doing it. Triangles are motivated by the accomplishment. Triangles tend to look at big long-term issues, but might forget the details. When given a task a triangle will set a goal and work on a plan for it. A Triangle needs to see a goal and needs to see some accomplishments. Triangles appreciate having a chart of steps to follow. Triangles will take great pleasure in checking off each item that gets done. It should always be clear what the underlying intention is. If the direction is agreed upon, the Triangle can be quite flexible in how to get there. Triangles are convergent thinkers. They are working towards something specific and finite, and they do it in a logical and systematic way. But they might be lacking in personal creativity. A Triangle might be a good executive, setting goals and making sure they are met. Triangle
CIRCLE Divergent Thinker A CIRCLE is social and communicative. No hard edges. A CIRCLE handles things by talking about them and smoothing things out with everybody. Communication is the first priority, and making sure there is harmony. When given a task circles will talk about it. The Circle is a divergent thinker. Circles are creative, extroverted, and intuitive. They will reach out to new areas and to other people. But they aren't particularly systematic or dependable. For any kind of personal relations the Circle will be good. A Circle will be a good personnel person or a receptionist or customer service representative. Convergent people (squares, rectangles)might be really frustrated that the divergent ones(circles, squiggles)don't seem to be able to get done what they are supposed to, but will do all kinds of other things and not care about deadlines. The divergent people might find the convergent ones cold and narrow minded, not taking human factors and new possibilities into consideration. A Circle doesn't need a plan or a system and is probably turned off by one. Circles need to talk about whatever is at hand. You need to be flexible working with circles and dealing with whatever is going on. For Circles getting to an overall harmonious situation is more important than getting techniques done right. Circle
SQUIGGLE Divergent Thinker A Squiggle is off-the-wall and creative. A Squiggle feels best doing new and different things most of the time and gets bored with regularity. When given a task, a Squiggle will come up with bright ideas about it. A Squiggle is a divergent thinker. Squiggles are creative, extroverted, and intuitive. They will reach out around them into new areas and to other people. But they aren't particularly systematic or dependable. If anything new is needed a Squiggle is the person for the job: Advertising, problem solving, etc. The convergent people (square, rectangle, triangle) might be really frustrated that the divergent ones (squiggle, circle) don't seem to be able to get done what they are supposed to, but will do all kinds of other things and not care about deadlines. The divergent people might find the convergent ones cold and narrow minded, not taking human factors and new possibilities into consideration. A Squiggle must be presented with new and different things. Unexpected angles is what will motivate a squiggle. It is perfectly fine if no kind of technique is recognized and every session is different. With a squiggle you must be flexible enough to jump around a bit and avoid preconceived ideas about where things will end up.
Envelopes, Five sheets of paper, tape, scissors, per table Fruit worksheet Group vs. team Page 91 (turn and talk) Page 90