I may not be perfect but parts of me are excellent Communication Styles RYLA March 2012
There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about!
COMMUNICATION: Comes from the Latin “communs” PURPOSE: To meet on common ground To share meaning
There is a direct link between the quality of your communication & the quality of your life.
“ The greatest barrier to communication is the illusion that it has been achieved.”
“We don’t see things as they are. We see them as we are.” Anais Nin
To Build Relationships that Work You Need: awareness of self awareness of others to value the differences (both positive and negative)
“To get people to come across, you need to know where they’re coming from.”
Titles I may not be perfect but parts of me are excellent Why you can’t be more like me It takes all kinds Please Understand me
Behavior Matrix by Dr. Jung A Communication Styles Model
Each of US Has A Recognized Habitual Communication Style.
It is Possible To Recognize and Identify The Communication Style of Others After a Relatively Short Exposure To It.
We Communicate Most Effectively With Those Individuals Who Have Styles Similar To Our Own.
Dominant Passive 5 10 Formal Informal
More Serious Conscientious Task Oriented Concerned with Etiquette Stiff Formal Conservative Less Spontaneous Emotionally Withheld Perfectionist Proper
Flexible Emotionally Expressive Relationship Oriented Liberal / Tolerant Less Concerned with Etiquette Informal Open / Warm More Individualistic Less Detailed Less Disciplined Casual
Assertive / Aggressive Gives Out Info Louder Demanding Risking Dominant Decisive Bossy High Energy Action Oriented Honest High Profile
Easy Going Asks for Info Good Listener Calm / Patient Tolerant Passive Procrastinates Loyal Low Profile Less Decisive Lower Energy Less Risking
Gets results by innovation Gets results by people 10 Dominant Passive Promoter Supporter Analyzer Controller Informal Formal Gets results with people Gets results by system (Amiable) 10 Relationship Oriented, Emotive Emotionally Withheld 10 (Thinker) (Driver) (Expressive) Recognition Pleasure Autonomy Humanitarian Love Physical Comfort Order Justice Knowledge Achievement Honesty Power
Gets results by people 10 Dominant Passive Controller Informal Formal 10 Relationship Oriented, Emotive Emotionally Withheld 10 (Driver) Achievement Honesty Power
10 Dominant Passive Analyzer Informal Formal Gets results by system 10 Relationship Oriented, Emotive Emotionally Withheld 10 (Thinker) Order Justice Knowledge
10 Dominant Passive Supporter Informal Formal Gets results with people (Amiable) 10 Relationship Oriented, Emotive Emotionally Withheld 10 Humanitarian Love Physical Comfort
Gets results by innovation 10 Dominant Passive Promoter Informal Formal 10 Relationship Oriented, Emotive Emotionally Withheld 10 (Expressive) Recognition Pleasure Autonomy
Comfort Zone Communication Controllers -prefer to tell others what to do Promoters -prefer to tell others how they feel Supports -prefer to ask others what they are feeling Analyzers -prefer to ask others what think
Group Instructions 1.List 5 strengths of your style 2.List 5 weaknesses of your style 3. Identify a movie that reflects your style 4. Identify a song 5. Identify a car 6.Your communication “turn ons & turn offs” 7. Draw a T-Shirt with a logo or saying
Controller Strengths: Accomplishes tasks, gets bottom line results Self motivated and hard-working Forward-looking, progressive Fast decision maker Disciplined - like to control self and others Offers inspiration, guidance and leadership
Controller Weaknesses: Too busy Sometimes over-committed Can be parental Sometimes viewed as overly aggressive
Supporter Strengths: Dependable and loyal team player Works for a Leader with a cause Good Listener Patient and emphatic Good at reconciling factors
Supporter Weaknesses: Takes criticism very seriously (internalizes) Dislikes conflict Fears hurting feelings of others, disappointing others Invalidates
Analyzer Strengths: Conscientious and steady Comprehensive Defines, clarifies, gathers information, criticizes and tests Maintains standards
Analyzer Weaknesses: Slow to decide Tends to withdraw when under stress Gives too much detail
Promoter Strengths: Enjoyable to be around Moves quickly with high energy Has a creative imagination Initiates relationships Motivates others towards goals
Promoter Weaknesses: Can be unreliable Tends to “oversell” Lack of follow through Prefers to let others handle details
Style Contributions... Success Formula Controller -- Results and Accomplishments + Supporter -- Relationships and Stability + Analyzer -- Precision and Accuracy + Promoter -- Involvement and Enthusiasm = Team Effectiveness --- Balance and Partnership
Thank you Karen Harrison