Phase 1- School identifies ICT needs History of ICT capabilities in adhoc Resourcing limited Sustainability of ICT limited How can we improve our ICT capabilities for the benefit of students?
Phase 2: School enters ICT cluster Upgrade of ICT equipment and maintenance begins Exploration of ICT tools to enhance learning What are the ICT tools we need to help our students access engaging learning opportunities?
ICT facilitator assists us to identify ICT goals each year goals included inquiry-based learning. What are our priorities for our students needs? What does inquiry-based learning encompass?
Goal 1 To make a paradigm shift of learning about and with ICT to learning through ICT Strategic Target: Investigate the theory and practice of inquiry-based learning. What is inquiry-based learning? Why is inquiry-based learning important?
Phase 3 – Transforming Explore what educators are saying today: –The accelerating rate of change –Neuroscience challenges beliefs –Predicting the future is difficult (what will life be like in 2050?) What are the implications for learning?
Communicating The way that we communicate today is changing The thinking process as we communicate is changing Tony Ryan says, “The capacity to think and create and to find solutions will become the core skills needed in next 10 years”
He asks…. “How do we develop connected, confident lifelong learners/thinkers?”
The internet has increased learning opportunities Educators have identified the same transformations taking place all over the world
Our staff’s journey into inquiry based learning Fresh and new to inquiry Baby steps Small staff – enabled us to have ongoing reflective discussions formally and informally Discussions included powerpoint presentations, readings, relevant websites, positives and negatives of class progress in inquiry model. Term 3 major focus on inquiry begins with staff Term 4, 1 st inquiry started
Shared statement At Foxton Primary School: Inquiry based learning is…. A shared approach which seeks knowledge, understanding or information as you develop a range of processes and skills that can be applied in different contexts. This may lead to an action or the communication of new knowledge.
Year 8 leaver What skills and attitudes do we want our Year 8’s to leave school with? Staff brainstorm Draft chart created Shared with students Student input Parent Feedback Continue to develop
Foxton Primary School Year 8’s Life-long learner (Bi) Multi-lingual ICT Literate Responsibility Compassion Persistence Embraces diversity Uses Initiative Life skills Confidence Self-image Empathy Respect Motivated Compassion Supportive Tuakana/Teina Positive Literacy Numeracy Knowledge Divergent Thinker Community minded Compassion Problem solver Open minded
Deciding on model Take into account our bilingual approach to learning and make sure model reflects this. Create a team who would develop our ideas further Explore ideas about inquiry models online and at other schools Select suitable model to trial
STIMULATE Spend time going through the major topic – Just immerse in main topic looking at everything possible. Have Fun
TAKE AIM Make more of a focus towards a specific Question.
RESEARCH Begin to research regarding your focus question. Search all possible sources. Libraries, internet, phone and , write letters, send faxes, interview professionals or people you know.
INTENTION Narrow down your findings. Does the Information answer your focus question? Has it opened up more questions? Could your question be answered?
VISUAL How will you present your finding? What media will best suit your work and be best suited to express your ideas? Will your ideas, opinions, findings and Information be portrayed the way you Wish? How do you include your intended actions through your presentation?
EVALUATE Self Reflect and evaluate your inquiry process. What worked well for you? What could you improve on For next time? Did your focus question get answered? Was your media the appropriate one for your work to Be presented? What did people enjoy from your findings?
Our first inquiry Topic decided “Us as an Island” Guided inquiry Science-based How do we care for the sea, beaches and waterways? Thinking Tools incorporated: 6 Hats, Blooms Taxonomy, Thinkers Keys Utilising the language of inquiry a priority
Foxton Primary Inquiry – Term 4, 2008 Schoolwide Theme “Us as an Island” Big picture question: How can we demonstrate effectively kaitiakitanga (guardianship) of our NZ landforms? (How can we be useful guardians of our beaches?) (Me pehea matou e tautoko ana i a Tangaroa?) Suggested focus areas:Coastlines, Erosion, Sea Changes, Tides Changes, Sunsmart, Marine Reserves, Marine Conservation, The Pacific Ocean, Currents, Beach Life Suggested key questions:How can we sustain our coast? Why do we need to sustain our coast? What is a tidal wave and can it be controlled? How can we utilise and protect our beaches safely? What is erosion and can it be controlled? What is a marine reserve and how can it benefit us? Should we be concerned about marine conservation? Are the weather changes affecting the sea and causing disasters around the world?
Staff reflections - Positives Students picked up on 6 Hats rapidly and enjoy using thinking tools Other thinking tools explored Students are utilising ICT more effectively to engage with inquiry Higher student engagement and deeper meaningful learning is apparent Creating our own model
Negatives Term 4 not a good time, too much on Still early days for inquiry – lots still to explore and implement Need more time to unpack purpose and therefore ensure ownership and higher motivation Action as a result may not eventuate because of time Limited focus on other thinking tools
Interesting Each class is at different stages Each class is taking a different emphasis- beach pollution, sea creatures, coastal erosion and caring for our river.
Random and relevant
Classroom displays
Inspirations to our inquiry-based learning journey: Jan-Marie Kellow Karen Boyes Jan Thomas I can we can cluster schools Michael Pohl Schools the cluster has visited Websites Dr Art Costa Howard Gardner And many more