What to learn? 1.Read the text and get some information of the three persons. 2.Learn the principles of the three persons. 3.Learn to describe a person.


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Great People of Ancient China
Presentation transcript:

What to learn? 1.Read the text and get some information of the three persons. 2.Learn the principles of the three persons. 3.Learn to describe a person. 4.Express your opinions about their principles.

己所不欲,勿施于人。 1.Students should often go over what they have learnt. 2. Treat others in the way you want to be treated. 学而时习之,不亦乐乎。 Confucius

Confucius Institute( 孔子学院 ) American philosopher Emerson said "Confucius is an honor of the world“.

Confucius Mencius Mozi influentia l man

Fast Reading

What’s the passage mainly about ? A. teachings of ancient Chinese thinkers B. three great philosophers of ancient China China C. interesting stories about the three philosophers philosophers D. the history of ancient Chinese philosophy philosophy Tip : Read the first and the last sentence of each paragraph to get the main idea. Fast -reading

Para. 1 Introduction about Confucius His ideas influenced Chinese society for more than 2000years. his influence What did he stress? He stressed the importance of kindness, duty and order in society. Philosopher status( 身份 ) Careful-reading (Task 1) 他强调了仁爱,责任 和社会秩序的重要性 他强调了仁爱,责任 和社会秩序的重要性。

Name status Background ( 背景 ) Achievements ( 成就 ) Mencius Mozi thinker & adviser & adviser teacher He was brought up by his mother. His family was very poor. The Book of Mencius the founder of Mohism Para2&3 Careful-reading (Task 2) His mother moved her house three times in order to get her son a better learning environment. a better learning environment. (墨家学说的创立者)

Confucius Mencius Mozi Careful-reading (Task 3)

Confucius MenciusMozi Kindness,duty and order in society. 1.Government was most important. 2.All men were equal. 3.Love all human beings. 4.People should avoid wars. 1.Man is good. 2.Government is important. 3.People are more important than rulers. (民贵君轻) (兼爱,非攻)

Retell the three philosophers’ stories in the first person( 第一人称 ). Retell the three philosophers’ stories in the first person( 第一人称 ). Hello, boys and girls.I’m Confucius. I’m coming back. I’ll tell you sth about my past story here. I was born in a time when states were often at war with each other. So I believe kindness, duty and order in society are very important. Most of my time I travel from state to state teaching my principles. Hello, boys and girls. I’m Confucius. I’m coming back. I’ll tell you sth about my past story here. I was born in a time when states were often at war with each other. So I believe kindness, duty and order in society are very important. Most of my time I travel from state to state teaching my principles. Summary

Kindness,duty and order in society. 1.Government was most important. 2.All men were equal. 3.Love all human beings. 4.people should avoid wars. Confucius MenciusMozi 1.Man is good. 2.Government is important. 3.People are more important than rulers.

Discussion: What can we do to put the teaching about ‘kindness’ in practice in our daily life? What can we do to put the teaching about ‘kindness’ in practice in our daily life?

Presentation A: What do you think of Confucius/ Mencius/ Mozi’s teachings? B: I agree with most of them. Especially the teaching about kindness. A: What do you make of ‘kindness’? B: I think in daily life……

How to love parents, classmates and teachers, etc? How to love parents, classmates and teachers, etc? How to love parents, classmates and teachers, etc? How to treat the weaker people (the old, the disabled, the poor etc)? How to treat the weaker people (the old, the disabled, the poor etc)? How to treat the weaker people (the old, the disabled, the poor etc)? How to treat the weaker people (the old, the disabled, the poor etc)? How to prevent wars? How to prevent wars? How to prevent wars? How to prevent wars? … … Clues( 提示 ):

1. Divide our class into several groups, and each group chooses a leader. Homework 4. Present your information to the whole class. 3. The leader organizes the information. 2. Every group member searches for information about Laozi. Write a similar passage about Laozi.

What to learn? 1.Read the text and get some information of the three persons. 2.Learn the principles of the three persons. 3.Learn to describe a person. 4.Express your opinions about their principles.

Thanks for listening

Para1:1. 同 …… 处于战争状态 2. 是一段 ……. 的时间 3. 强调 …….. 的重要性 4. 被 …… 影响 Para2:1. 与 …… 相似 2. 抚养 培育 3. 听从某人建议 4. 周游列国 5. 统治者的军师. 谋士 Para3:1. 出生于 2. 因为 以 ……… 而闻名 3. 在某些方面 某种程度上 4. 结果 5. 照顾 照料 at war with it is/was a time when stress the importance of be influenced by be similar to bring up travel from state to state an adviser to the ruler take/follow one’s advice be born in be famous for in some ways as a result look after

1.Translation Ancient China was a place where states were often at war with each other. But it was also a time when there were many great philosophers. 2. Replacement Mencius followed Confucius’s principles and became an officer in a state. Careful-reading (Task 4)

Task 4: 1. Ancient China was a place where states were often at war with each other. But it was also a time when there were many great philosophers. 古代中国各诸侯国之间经常发生战争。但那也 是一个产生了许多伟大哲学家的时期。 at which in which

He became a student of Confucius’s ideas, and was then given an important position in the government of a state. 2. Replacement : Mencius followed Confucius’s principles and became an officer in a state. Mencius followed Confucius’s principles and became an officer in a state. ________________________________ ________________________________ 他学习了孔子的学说,后来在一个诸侯国的政府内任要职。

which of the three philosophers or which of their teachings do you agree most? Why? which of the three philosophers or which of their teachings do you agree most? Why?

Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs improvement Self-assessment ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆☆

Thanks for listening

Read the passage again,then fill in the chart with proper information according to the passage. Name job Born date Teachings Confucius Mencius Mozi Philos -opher thinker adviser teacher 551BC- 479BC 372BC- 289BC 476BC- 390BC Kindness,duty and order in society. 1.Man is good. 2.People were more important than rulers. 1.Government was most important. 2.All men were equal. 3. Love all human beings.

According to Mencius 1. What’s the difference between man and animals? 2. Which is more important, people or ruler? 3. Why did Mencius resign? Man is good. People Because the government didn’t follow his advice.



1. What was Mozi famous for? 2. Why were Mozi’s beliefs similar to those of Confucius? 3. What did he spent many years doing? Unusual clothes and behaviour. He considered that government was most important. To find a state where people would follow his teachings.

equal important look after philosopher philosophy ruler state teachings thinker treat war In ancient China, private teachers traveled from state to s_______ explaining their p________ Confucius was the most important of the ancient Chinese p________ Confucius’s t_________ influenced society for more than 2000 years. Other important t_______ included Mencius and Mozi. All three teachers believed in the i_________ of kindness and good government. Mencius’s ideas were very similar to those of Confucius, but some of Mozi’s t_________ were very different. For example, he hated the idea of w_____ and believed that strong people should l_________ weaker people. tatehilosophy hilosophers eaching hinkers mportance eachings ar ook after

7. From the text we can infer that ___. A. great people are born in poor families B. different teachings lead to war C. it takes time before a belief is accepted by others D. Mencius was a student of Confucius’s

To know more about Confucius, Mencius and Mozi, let’s come to the passage Philosophers of Ancient China!

Para. 2Introduction about _______ born in ___ BC and brought up by ___ ______ at an important _______ in the __________ first and later _______ The Book of _______ Man was ____. ______ were more important than _____. Mencius 372 his mother position government Mencius kind People rulers resigned

Para. 3 Introduction about _____ ______ BC ___________ was most important. All men are _____. Love all ______ _____ and look after the weak. hate the idea of ____ Mozi 476BC Government equal human beings war

Mencius Mencius was a ______ whose teachings were very ________ those of Confucius. He held an important _______ in the government of a state, but he _______ later to travel from state to state to teach the ________ of Confucius, because the ruler didn’t _____ his ______. thinker similar to position resigned principles follow advice

8.Strong people should look after weaker people. 9.People should avoid wars. 10.Students should often go over what they have learnt. Mozi Confucius Mozi 6.We should love all human beings. 7.The order in society is important. Mozi Confucius 兼爱 社会秩序(三纲五常) 力强当养力弱 非攻 学而时习之,不亦说乎。

Mozi Mozi founded the _______. Born in a poor family, he became famous for his unusual clothes and ________. Though his beliefs were ______ to those of Confucius, his idea of love was ____________ Confucian idea of kindness. He taught that we should love all ____________, and look after those who are weaker than ourselves. He believed that all men were _____, and he was against the idea of ____. Mohism behaviour similar different from human beings equal war


孔府 Confucius Mansion 孔林 Confucius Cemetery 孔庙 Confucius Temple

孔府 Confucius Mansion

孔林 Confucius Cemetery

孔庙 Confucius Temple

In ancient China, states were often________ with each other. But there were many great____________, of whom Confucius was the most___________ who ______________________of kindness, duty and order. Mencius’s ideas were very_____________ those of Confucius’s. He held an important _______ in the government of a state, but he _______ later,because the ruler didn’t ______________. He believed man is _____ and ________were more important than______. However, some of Mozi’s _________ were very different. For example, he hated the idea of _____ and believed that strong people should _________ weaker people. philosophers teachings war look afterSummary at war influential stressed the importance similar to position resigned follow his advicegood people rulers

Discussion Which of the three philosophers or the teachings do you like best? Why? I like…because… I think…

1.Confucius stressed the importance of the following aspects except _______. A.kindness B. friendship C. order D. duty 2. “If the government was kind, then people would be good.” is the teaching of _________. A.Mencius B.Confucius C. Mozi D. Xunzi 3. Which shows the right order of time when the three great thinkers lived? A. Confucius--- Mencius ---Mozi B. Mencius----Mozi----Confucius C. Confucius---Mozi---Mencius D.Mozi--- Mencius---Confucius

2. According to Mencius, why is man different from animals? Mencius believed that the reason why man is different from animals is that man is good.

Please tell whose ideas the statements are: 1.Man is born good. 2.All human beings are equal. 3.The family is important. We are members of a group. 4.Treat others in the way you want to be treated. 5.People are more important than rulers. Mencius Mozi Confucius Mencius 人性本善 人无长幼贵贱(众生平等) 家国天下,修齐治平(治国必先齐家 ) 己所不欲,勿施于人。 民为贵,君为轻。(民贵君轻)

Choose one person who you like most, why? Whose ideas do you agree with most, why?

Choose one philosopher you like most and tell some ideas of him to your partners.

Write a short passage to introduce an ancient person who is well-known. Tell us something about his or her deeds,main ideas and achievements.

HOMEWORK Write a similar passage about Laozi.

Kindness,duty and order in society. 1.Man is good. 2.People were more important than rulers. 1.Government was most important. 2.All men were equal. 3. Love all human beings.4.people should avoid wars.

Confucius Mencius Mozi Kindness,duty and order in society. 1.Government was most important. 2.All men were equal. 3.Love all human beings.4.People should avoid wars. 1.Man is good. 2.People were more important than rulers.

3. Which is NOT the right statement about Mozi? A. He was known for his unusual clothes and behavior. B. He hated the idea of war. C. All his beliefs were the same as Confucius. D. He believed all men were equal.

4. “If the government was kind, then people would be good.” is the teaching of _________. A. Mencius B. Confucius C. Mozi D. Xunzi

5. Which belief by Mozi was similar to that of Confucius? A. We should love all human beings. B. The government shouldn’t treat people badly. C. We should look after those who are weaker than ourselves. D. The government was most important.

孟子 ( 前 372 — 前 289) 名轲,战国中期鲁国 邹人。受业于子思 ( 孔 子之孙,名 ) 之门人, 曾游历于宋、滕、魏、 齐等国,阐述他的政 治主张,还曾在齐为 卿。晚年退而著书, 传世有《孟子》七篇。 他是战国中期儒家的 代表。 Mencius

(372BC-289BC) People are more important than rulers. Man is born good. 民为贵 君为轻 人性本善

Mozi 墨翟 (公元前 468— 376 ),人们尊称墨子。 他是战国初年的鲁国 人,大约生于公元前 468 年,死于公元前 376 年。

Mozi (376BC-390BC) All human beings are equal. We should love all human beings. 众生平等 兼爱