Effective Project Manager
Lesson Objectives To describe duties, responsibilities, and qualities of an effective project manager/leader To explain how change management and project management work together To describe the importance of a communication management plan To discuss ethics and project management To define what entails a productive meeting
Roles Defined Role expected behaviors for a given position Complex or simple Easy or hard Confusing or clear cut Project Leader ◦ Trade offs ◦ Responsibilities
Managing versus Leading a Project Managing—coping with complexity Formulate plans and objectives Monitor results Take corrective action Expedite activities Solve technical problems Serve as peacemaker Make tradeoffs among time, costs, and project scope Leading—coping with change Recognize the need to change to keep the project on track Initiate change Provide direction and motivation Innovate and adapt as necessary Integrate assigned resources
Qualities of an Effective Project Manager/leader Effective Time Management Skills A systems thinker High emotional intelligence Strong personal integrity Critical thinker Problem solver Communicator Counselor
Suggestions for Project Managers Build relationships before you need them. Trust is sustained through frequent face-to-face contact. Realize that “what goes around comes around.”
Managing Project Stakeholders Project Management Maxims: You can’t do it all and get it all done Hands-on work is not the same as leading. What’s important to you likely isn’t as important to someone else Remember: project management is tough, exciting, and rewarding—endeavor to persevere.
Change Management
Influence as Exchange The Law of Reciprocity One good deed deserves another, and likewise, one bad deed deserves another. Quid pro Quo Mutual exchanges of resources and services (“back-scratching”) build relationships. Influence “Currencies” (Cohen and Bradford) Cooperative relationships are built on the exchange of organizational “currencies” (favors).
Commonly Traded Organizational Currencies Task-related currencies Resources Lending or giving money, budget increases, personnel, etc. Assistance Helping with existing projects or undertaking unwanted tasks. Cooperation Giving task support, providing quicker response time, or aiding implementation. Information Providing organizational as well as technical knowledge. Position-related currencies Advancement Giving a task or assignment that can result in promotion. Recognition Acknowledging effort, accomplishments, or abilities. Visibility Providing a chance to be known by higher-ups or significant others in the organization. Network/ Providing opportunities for linking with others. contacts Source: Adapted from A. R. Cohen and David L. Bradford, Influence without Authority (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1990). Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Organizational Currencies (cont’d) Inspiration-related currencies Vision Being involved in a task that has larger significance for the unit, organization, customer, or society. Excellence Having a chance to do important things really well. Ethical correctness Doing what is “right” by a higher standard than efficiency. Relationship-related currencies Acceptance Providing closeness and friendship. Personal support Giving personal and emotional backing. Understanding Listening to others’ concerns and issues. Personal-related currencies Challenge/learningSharing tasks that increase skills and abilities. Ownership/involvement Letting others have ownership and influence. GratitudeExpressing appreciation. Source: Adapted from A. R. Cohen and David L. Bradford, Influence without Authority (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1990). Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Project Communication Plan What information needs to be collected and when? Who will receive the information? What methods will be used to gather and store information? What are the limits, if any, on who has access to certain kinds of information? When will the information be communicated? How will it be communicated?
Information Needs Project status reports Deliverable issues Changes in scope Team status meetings Gating decisions Accepted request changes Action items Milestone reports 4–13
Developing a Communication Plan 1.Stakeholder analysis 2.Information needs 3.Sources of information 4.Dissemination modes 5.Responsibility and timing 4–14
AIDET Acknowledgement for their time ….. Appreciate your willingness and time to review this project proposal. Introduction …. Who are you and your qualifications. Duration How long will this take to accomplish deliverables. Explanation include the scope of the project, what do you want to do, how are you going to accomplish it, what are you going to deliver. Thank you
I-SAR (Studer Group) Introduction State your name and your company, unit, division. Situation What is going on right now. Background Why important. Previous issues. Assessment Risk factors, concerned issues Recommendation/Request
Strength Finder Activity
Go through the list of themes and rate yourself from 1-10 based on how much you relate to the description: Achiever – busy and productive Activator – often impatient Adaptability – go with the flow Analytical – all factors affect situation Arranger – figure out how all pieces fit Belief – set core values that do not change Command – have presence Communication – easy to put thoughts into words Competition – measure themselves against others Connectedness – few coincidences and everything has a reason Context – enjoy thinking about the past
Ethics and Project Management Ethical Dilemmas Situations where it is difficult to determine whether conduct is right or wrong: Padding of cost and time estimations Exaggerating pay-offs of project proposals Falsely assuring customers that everything is on track Being pressured to alter status reports Falsifying cost accounts Compromising safety standards to accelerate progress Approving shoddy work Code of conduct Professional standards and personal integrity
Guidelines for Productive Meetings Use agendas Have a facilitator Take meeting minutes Draft next agenda List action items Adhere to the “100-mile rule”
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