Focuser - Director Key concern: Wants to know: Preferred rule: Values: Management style: Values of self: Values of others: As a follower, respects: Works best: Management Focus: Wants to have: Learns best by: Focus (what) Task at hand Taking charge, independence Practicality Directing, authoritative Productive Successful experience Strong leadership Clear goals Outcomes Authority doing
Relater - Socializer Key concern: Wants to know: Preferred rule: Values: Management style: Values of self: Values of others: As a follower, respects: Works best: Management Focus: Wants to have: Learns best by: Relate (who) Big Picture Coordinating, facilitating Teamwork Organizing, democratic Flexible Group participation Group consensus, focus Broad, general goals Involvement Influence Observing and participating
Integrator - Thinker Key concern: Wants to know: Preferred rule: Values: Management style: Values of self: Values of others: As a follower, respects: Works best: Management Focus: Wants to have: Learns best by: Integrate (why) Significance Problem-solving, diagnosis Innovation Planning, self-directed Self-reliant Questioning Personal significance, reasons Ideas and input Input Time to assess Listening, self-study
Operator - Relater Key concern: Wants to know: Preferred rule: Values: Management style: Values of self: Values of others: As a follower, respects: Works best: Management Focus: Wants to have: Learns best by: Operate (how) Details Monitoring, analyzing Documentation Controlling, systematic Accountable Compliance Policy, systems, laws, procedures Systems Procedures Clear boundaries Repetition and procedures