Next Generation Science Standards Update
NRC Fidelity Review The NGSS have passed a fidelity review by the NRC. The review panel was made up of some members from the actual Framework committee and other experts who were familiar with the Framework and NGSS. The National Academies Press will publish the NGSS in print form. This represents the first time in its history that the NAP is publishing a report that was not developed by a committee or board of the National Academies.
NGSS State Adoption Update Congratulations Rhode Island Kentucky*
Business Support Businesses are critical partners in the successful adoption and implementation of the NGSS 52 companies have signed a letter of support for the NGSS
Next Generation Science Standards Network
NGSS are finished, what now?
Purpose of NGSS Network The NGSS Network will provide 1)strength that derives from a large number of states committed to adopting and implementing the NGSS; 2) expert advice regarding the adoption and implementation of the NGSS; and 3)opportunities for states to learn from each other.
Structure of the NGSS Network As with the Lead State initiative, states in the NGSS Network will need to show a commitment to the adoption and implementation of the NGSS States in the NGSS Network will name a state advisory team similar to those used during the development of the NGSS by the Lead State Partners. These teams will be responsible for leading the development and implementation of the NGSS in their states.
Structure of the NGSS Network (cont.) The NGSS Network is also designed to include small working groups made up of state representation and expert advisors who will focus on specific issues around NGSS implementation.
NGSS Network Core Activities Annual NGSS Leadership Conference State Work Groups NGSS Adoption Institutes NGSS Implementation Institutes
NGSS Network Strategies
Strategy 1: Demonstrate the Contribution of the NGSS to College, Career and STEM Readiness Strategy 2: Assist States with Communications and Coalition Building Strategy 3: Build Capacity through NGSS Delivery Tools and Methods
Strategy 1: Demonstrate the Contribution of the NGSS to College, Career and STEM Readiness Strategic Goal: Develop evidence-based policy recommendations and tools that demonstrate the contribution of the NGSS to college and career readiness. Help States Incorporate the NGSS into STEM Pathways Help States Align High School Graduation Requirements in Science with the NGSS and College and Career Readiness
Strategy 2: Assist States with Communications and Coalition Building Strategic Goal: Over the three-year project period, Achieve will provide supportive messaging and tactics to NGSS Network states through direct communications support and via STEM and education reform coalitions. Communication Tools State Coalition Support and Strategic Counsel
Strategy 3: Build Capacity through NGSS Delivery Tools and Methods Strategic Goals: Develop materials and practices in partnership with Lead States and content-area and pedagogical experts that ensure effective, exemplary delivery of the NGSS in classroom instruction. Creating Tools to Help States Evaluate Alignment of Instructional Materials Develop Model Content and Assessment Frameworks with Multiple Curricular Pathways STEM Materials
But, now the fun starts “The how thinker gets problems solved effectively because he wastes no time with futile ifs.” -Norman Vincent Peale