Semantic Community Infrastructure Sandbox for 2013 Dr. Brand Niemann Director and Senior Enterprise Architect – Data Scientist Semantic Community AOL Government Blogger January 11,
Briefing to MITRE Chief Scientist Title: Meeting on Industry Survey, Jan. 11, 2013, MITRE 3, Room 4T323, p.m. Host: Martin Hyatt, MITRE Purpose: Survey what is going on commercially and match these capabilities up with the government and then take it to the next level by experimenting with those products. Don Hutcheson, Chief Scientist: Start the meeting with a briefing on MITRE research roadmap, and potentially a case study that demonstrates the type of problems we face. Briefing: Mills Davis and Brand Niemann report on text analytics, semantic technologies, and big data in that order of priority by starting broad and then drilling down. Questions and Answers: Allow time for this by Chief Scientist and other invited attendees. 2
Martin Hyatt, MITRE Title: Disruptive Technologies: A History of Unintended Consequences – Disruptive technologies are ones that fundamentally affect future advancements. Such technologies are marked by their cascading effect on similar technologies, their effect on interconnected technologies, their effect on society and culture, and the chance that their effects will be detrimental as well as beneficial. Author: While the other authors in this issue have immersed themselves in the details of their chosen emerging technology, Martin Hyatt works on a broad level involving a full spectrum of emerging technologies. He describes his role at MITRE as “looking at emerging technologies, their applications, and their social implications.” Since his graduate studies at Stanford University over a decade ago, Hyatt has been developing a methodology to unify the various structured approaches to invention. “It’s like a periodic table for creative methods,” Hyatt explains. Using this methodology, Hyatt can help researchers locate solutions in one field of emerging technology and apply them to vexing problems in another field. 3 Source:
Don S. Hutcheson, MITRE Chief Scientist Renaissance Thinker Baltimore, Maryland Area Computer Software Current – MITRE, Liftoph LLC, Liftoph Productions "Liftoph LLC" Previous – IBM, SAIC, US Internal Revenue Service Education – University of Maryland College Park 4
Mills Davis, Industry Advisor Mills Davis is the founder and managing director of Project10X, specializing in industry research and strategic programs. Mills consults with technology manufacturers, global 2000 corporations, and government agencies on next-wave semantic technologies and solutions. Mills served as co-lead for the Federal CIO council's Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice (SICoP) research into the business value of semantic technologies. Also, he is a founding member of the AIIM interoperable enterprise content management (iECM) working group, and a founding member of the National Center for Ontology Research (NCOR). Currently he is a Principal (Strategic Markets) at Be Informed NA, directs strategic marketing, multi-client R&D programs, and first-of- a-kind engagements with partners and client organizations, and on the Advisory Team for Semantic Insights. 5
Chuck Rehberg, Chief Technology Officer Chuck Rehberg has over 25 years of successful software product invention, development, and delivery. He currently serves as the CTO of Trigent Software specializing in mission critical software development and legacy migration outsourcing. Under his leadership, Trigent has delivered patented rules engine and semantic technologies that enable the effective delivery of business solutions. Prior to Trigent, Mr. Rehberg co-founded Dovetail Software as its VP of Engineering. Two years later, Dovetail was acquired by Ardent Software-->Informaix-->Ascential-->IBM. Previously, Mr. Rehberg held various engineering, and managerial roles at Digital Equipment Corporation, R&O, and Cayenne Software, and has been an architect member of the Technology Office at Ardent Software and then Informix. In addition, he has served as Vice-Chair Technical of the CDIF Standards Committee. Mr. Rehberg holds an MS in Computer Science and a BS in Chemistry from the University of New Mexico and is co-inventor of several US patents with others pending. 6
Brand Niemann, Director and Senior Data Scientist Brand Niemann, former Senior Enterprise Architect and Data Scientist with the US EPA, completed 30 years of federal service in Since then he has worked as a data scientist for a number of organizations, produced data science products for a large number of data sets, and published data stories for Federal Computer Week, Semantic Community and AOL Government. Brand and Mills Davis co-lead the Federal Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice from Brand founded the Federal SOA Community of Practice for the Federal CIO Council that still has conferences at MITRE in April and October. 7
Federal SOA Community of Practice Knowledge Base with MITRE 8
Semantic Insights Research Assistant 9
How Semantic Search Would Aid GPO Efforts to Expand Data Reach 10
Build a Simple Report and An Ontology of the Content (Chuck Rehberg) 11
Recorded Future 12
Using Social Media Comments To Speculate About Future Cyber Events 13
Recorded Future: Temporal Analytic Engine 14
Be Informed
Be Informed Platform For Business and Tech Teams – They Really Get It! 16
Be Informed: Summary of Meta Model For Capturing Business Processes 17
Semantic Community: A Semantic Web Strategy for Big Data 18
Semantic Community: Spotfire for Big Data Analytics 19
Semantic Community: Mission Statement for 2013 Help the Data Transparency Coalition help the 113th Congress with the re- introduction of the Data Act to Building the Federal Financial Information Network in the Cloud for the 113th Congress, January 4, Slides. Continue to work with Big Data Analytics (e.g. Recorded Future, Spotfire, etc.), Content and Knowledge Management (e.g. MindTouch), and Semantic Technologies (e.g. Be Informed, Semantic Insights, etc.) for data science and data journalism. Slides. Help start Open Government Data for Japan (and the US and Europe) with the Right Data (Statistical) with the Right People (Data Scientists) Working on the Right Business Problems (Return on Investment): January 21, Slides. Help the Federal Big Data Senior Steering Group, with A Semantic Web Strategy for Big Data and to move From the Year of Big Data to the Year of the Data Scientist Working With Big Data, January 24, Slides. Help the ACT-IAC AMWG, C&T SIG, and ET-SIG with Big Data on Mobile Devices, Collaboration and Transformation, & Government Challenges With Big Data, January 16 and February 23, Slides. 20