Decisions, decisions
What decisions do you make? Past decisions Future decisions Business or personal Successful or not
Agenda 1. Decision context Decision process Environment & uncertainty Human factors 2.Adapting for uncertainty & risk 3.Managing risks
Decision Process: this?
Decision Process: or this?
Decision 1:
Decision 2:
Problem-Solving Steps Recognize Problem Define Alternative Courses Evaluate Alternatives and Decide Implement Decision and Monitor What is the problem with this? Anything missing? What is assumed?
The rational model “Evidence-based decision making” Good – if we have the right evidence and know how to use it Assumes decision maker wants to be rational Assumes clear/single criteria Assumes relative certainty of outcomes
BUT… Clear goal? Clear decision criteria?
List goals and criteria for your decisions Exercise
Types of Decisions Programmed Experience Routine Information Decision-rules exist Non-programmed Poorly defined Unique situation Often combined with lack of information and uncertainty or risk
Categorize your decisions: programmed or not? Exercise
Agenda 1. Decision context Decision process Environment & uncertainty Human factors 2.Adapting for uncertainty & risk 3.Managing 4.risks
What causes uncertainty?
Environment of uncertainty Risk regarding decision environment Economic risk: e.g. growth, commodity prices, deflation/inflation; interest rates Leadership direction Weather & Nature Technology Human behaviour Lack of information or poor information Validity of assumptions Ambiguity of goals and criteria
List uncertainties related to the decisions Exercise
Four ways of knowing We know what we know We know what we don’t know We don’t know what we know We don’t know what we don’t know
What are the (known) unknowns of the decisions? Exercise
Agenda 1. Decision context Decision process Environment & uncertainty Human factors 2.Adapting for uncertainty & risk 3.Managing risks
Critical thinking What forms our assumptions and experience?
Discussion How can you reduce ‘what you do not know’?
Reducing what we don’t know Edward de Bono: Six Thinking Hats Defined but separate focus of team members Diverse teams: backgrounds, training, types Critical thinking: questioning assumptions, explicit reasoning Culture People awareness
How does your mind work? How do you gather information? Sensing vs. Intuitive How do you evaluate information and make decisions? Thinking vs. Feeling
Information Processing What is YOUR Cognitive Style (Jung/Slocum)? Sensing Thinker Intuitive Thinker Sensing Feeler Intuitive Feeler
Information Gathering - Sensing Like routine problems? Collect hard facts? Like detail? Break information into components? Like to work all the way through to make a decision? See the world as a series of parts?
Information Gathering - Intuitive Dislike routine? Don’t like taking time for precision? Tend to continually redefine the problem? Consider alternatives simultaneously? Jump around the steps of decision-making? See the world as one big ‘whole’
Evaluation - Thinking Structure the problem Base decisions on logic and analysis Unemotional, objective
Evaluating - Feeling Make decisions based on personal conditions Treat every decision as unique Consider others responses in depth Desire to accommodate others Dislike difficult/unpleasant decisions
Discussion: Relate Jung’s/Slocum’s framework to decisions made Do you recognize people you know? What does new insight suggest for future approaches?
Agenda 1. Decision context Decision process Environment & uncertainty Human factors 2.Adapting for uncertainty & risk 1.Adapt process steps 2.Select decision model 3.Communicate goals, criteria and risks 3.Managing risks
How does this Doctor decide?
Humble decisions (Etzioni) Focused trial and error Tentativeness Procrastination Decision-staggering
More humble decision tactics.. Fractionalization Hedging bets Maintaining reserves Reversible decisions
Reversible decisions Final sale?
List ways the humble tactics could have been used Exercise
BUT….. Clear objective/goal? Clear decision-criteria?
Agenda 1. Decision context Decision process Environment & uncertainty Human factors 2.Adapting for uncertainty & risk 1.Adapt process steps 2.Be aware of decision model 3.Communicate goals, criteria and risks 3.Reducing risks
Decision Models (Harrison) Rational Organizational Political Process
Rational Model Seeks perfection/optimization - a decision- making prescription Requires (almost perfect) information Requires clear decision objectives/criteria - shared by all Uses MS tools such as decision-trees, CPM, etc. Problems?
Rational model “Illusion of precision”
Organizational Model Challenges assumption of perfect information Recognizes limitations of decision-makers Seeks rational, rather than perfect, decisions Quick, satisfactory decisions
Political Model Recognizes a variety of goals, agendas Organizational power is the key driver impacting decisions
Process Model Focus on the process, as opposed to end objective Interdependence of steps: process will impact exhaustiveness of choices Objective-oriented outcome, long-term focus Recognizes behavioural impacts Open to external environment
Which decision model applied? How did it affect the decision? Exercise
Agenda 1. Decision context Decision process Environment & uncertainty Human factors 2.Adapting for uncertainty & risk 1.Adapt process steps 2.Be aware of decision model 3.Communicate goals, criteria and risks 3.Reducing risks
More than one goal
Decision Matrix - example Criteria Alternative AAlternative BAlternative C Financial outcome $ XXX $ XXXX Service Reliability Community Acceptance Environmental Risk Timeliness of completion
Decision Matrix – Example + CriteriaA1- worstA2 – most likely A3 - best Financial outcome $ XXXX $ XXX Service Reliability Community Acceptance Environmental Risk Timeliness of completion
Decisions with uncertainty Communicate range of outcomes Communicate sensitivities Communicate at what point does the preferred decision changes Outcomes Criteria changes Decision process changes
Decisions with uncertainty Segment decision elements Identify points of no return Revisit decision through implementation Communicate and manage risks
When is the decision point?
Show variability
Was range of outcomes understood? If not, how could it have been communicated? Exercise
Agenda 1. Decision context Decision process Environment & uncertainty Human factors 2.Adapting for uncertainty & risk 1.Adapt process steps 2.Be aware of decision model 3.Communicate goals, criteria and risks 3.Managing risks
To quote a genius... “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new” Albert Einstein
Anticipate and plan for risks Good judgment comes from experience, experience comes from bad judgment Author unknown
Communicate: Risk Register CategoryRiskLikelihoodImpactResponse
Types of Risk Strategic – choice of strategies Operational – risk to assets & ability to execute strategy Compliance – people/organizations will not do what they are supposed to do Reporting – reliability and accuracy of information Categorization helps the identification process: checklist
Risk Management Process Anticipate – what can happen? Assess – what would be consequences? Plan – how can we respond? Control - is the process working?
Risk Management Responses Accept E.g. delays due to weather Share or Transfer E.g. P3’s transfer risk of cost overruns Reduce or Mitigate E.g. response plans to accidents/disasters Avoid E.g. don’t engage in conflict
List risks related to the decisions. How could they be managed? Exercise
Too much agreement?
Role of Communication Communication skills and style can enhance of encumber group decision-making Culture can enhance or encumber Clear goals and criteria will enhance decision- making
Agenda 1. Decision context Decision process Environment & uncertainty Human factors 2.Adapting for uncertainty & risk 3.Managing risks 4.Conclusion
Role of financial managers You can improve the effectiveness of decision making: Defining and providing relevant information Clarifying goals, criteria Providing balanced evaluations Communicating associated risks Applying decision process skills Managing risks
How can you use this?
Questions? THANK YOU!