Welcome Elementary School Parent Coffee Parent Reporting
Agenda Revised Report Card / Reporting Raising capable people Playground renovation update
Standards-Based Reporting Standards specify what all children should know, understand and be able to do Your child’s performance is measured against standard / grade level learner outcomes Goal: Provide parents with clear information on how their child is doing in progressing toward meeting those grade level standards
Standards AERO (American Education Reaches Out) standards and learner outcomes Writing Reading Math Science Social Studies
Academic Scoring Marks 3 = Meeting Expectations 2 = Approaching Expectations 1 = Below Expectations / Area of Concern
Academics Selected Standards - scoring marks Strengths Next Steps
Learner Attributes Scoring Marks ++ = Consistently Meeting Expectations + = Generally Meeting Expectations - = Inconsistently Meeting Expectations
Elementary School Learner Attributes Critical Thinker Respectful, Collaborative Worker Responsible, Self-Directed Learner Quality Producer
Raising Capable People We are raising our children to leave us Milestones of self-sufficiency Believing you are a capable person is what makes it possible to learn and develop new skills It takes confidence to master new things, and the more you master, the more capable you feel
What can you do at home? Let your child get fully dressed by themselves, including shoes Load own backpack, going through a written or mental checklist of what is needed for school Have your child carry their own backpack to school Fix toast, cereal / get own snacks Put dirty clothes in hamper Get out and put away belongings: clothes, shoes, toys, books, etc. Older - keep school supplies organized
Playground Update Three areas Safety and Quality Improved opportunities for physical activity and social interactions