Public Private Partnerships Microsoft partnering with Governments, Society and Industry Joep van Leersum Regional Business Development Manager Government.


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Presentation transcript:

Public Private Partnerships Microsoft partnering with Governments, Society and Industry Joep van Leersum Regional Business Development Manager Government Microsoft Middle East & Africa E-administration workshop Rabat, March 2003 Nabil Medkouri Marketing Manager Microsoft Morocco

Agenda Challenge for Governments Modernizing Government Services Strengthening economic development Meeting broader societal goals Questions & Answers

Challenge for Governments “Build competitive and dynamic knowledge- based economy, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion”

Challenge for Governments Modernizing Government Services Strengthening economic development Meeting broader societal goals

Web Portals: Information more exposed to some extent Traditional Interactions: Multiple interactions with multiple organizations to accomplish a task… One interaction to accomplish a task… Web Services: Government organizations become transparent Governments Today: Disconnected Islands Modernizing Government Services Governments Today: Disconnected Islands

Work Home School Library & Community Center Mobile Kiosk Licensing Justice & Public Safety Tax & Revenue Postal Service Social Service Defense Education Health & Human Services Healthcare Transportation Licensing Justice & Public Safety Tax & Revenue Postal Service Social Service Defense Education Health & Human Services Healthcare Transportation Government and Constituents as centric services Core Modernizing Government Services Government and Constituents as centric services Core

a few examples in the region Modernizing Government Services a few examples in the region Agence Nationale de la conservation Foncière: Land Management Registration System Lebanon's Directorate of Health and Social Services (DHSS): Improving the Quality of Patient Care Dubai Ports and Customs: e-Mirsal On-Line Customs Services Spanish Tourism Portal : Local & Regional Tourism business Ecosystem Office of the Minister of State for Administrative Reform, Lebanon: Informs Portal

Challenge for Governments Modernizing Government Services Strengthening economic development Meeting broader societal goals

Offices in 12 countries Strengthening economic development Offices in 12 countries Casablanca 93 Jeddah 97 Riyadh 96 Dubai 91 Abu Dhabi 98 Dhahran 97 Kuwait 99 Cairo 95 Beirut 99 Muscat 01 Tunis 99 Algeria 00 Jordan 01 Rabat Million people – 4% of WW Qatar 03 Bahrain 03

Strengthening economic development Offices in 12 countries 5200 Partners, 623 ISVs Morocco Partners: 700 ISV’s: 8 Tunisia Partners: 450 ISV’s: 7 Lebanon Partners: 372 ISV’s: 23 Jordan Partners: 260 ISV’s: 30 Kuwait Partners:435 ISV’s: 11 Bahrain Partners:42 ISV’s: 24 Qatar Partners:65 ISV’s: 2 Algeria Partners: 350 ISV’s: 8 Egypt Partners: 1600 ISV’s: 300 Saudi Arabia Partners: 237 ISV’s: 40 UAE Partners: 619 ISV’s: 150 Oman Partners: 70 ISV’s: 20 Casablanca 93 Jeddah 97 Riyadh 96 Dubai 91 Abu Dhabi 98 Dhahran 97 Kuwait 99 Cairo 95 Beirut 99 Muscat 01 Tunis 99 Algeria 00 Jordan 01 Rabat 02 Qatar 03 Bahrain 03

Points of focus for PPP Strengthening economic development Points of focus for PPP ICT Industry Development Development of Ict Policy Exchange of best practices Generation of Arabic content

Opportunities for Engagement Strengthening economic development Opportunities for Engagement Partner & ISV Development Programme Open Application Sharing Programme Local Language Interface Programme (LIP)

A Desktop solution for both Windows and Office. Focused on the User Interface. Office Standard based and WindowsXP: –WindowsXP (Home/PRO) –Office 2003 STD: Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. One size fits all. No customization. Spell checker when possible (word list only in most cases). What is in LIP?

Opportunities for Engagement Strengthening economic development Opportunities for Engagement Partner & ISV Development Programme Open Application Sharing Programme Local Language Interface Programme Government Security & Shared Source Programme

GSP is Partnership Strengthening economic development GSP is Partnership Information exchange and Feedback Partnership visit to MS Headquarters in Redmond: Meet developers See how Windows is built Review Source Code Discuss specific needs

GSPis Access Strengthening economic development GSP is Access Access to source code of Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows CE Access to Microsoft security experts Access to training Access to documents relating to security Access to information about how Microsoft implements security on its own networks

Challenge for Governments Modernizing Government Services Strengthening economic development Meeting broader societal goals

Social & Economic inclusion Meeting broader societal goals Social & Economic inclusion Education and lifelong learning –Access to technology and skills development Employability and adaptability Digital inclusion –Extend the availability and accessibility of IT to all individuals in society –Provide skills training and assistance to communities that are under-served or disadvantaged

Education Meeting broader societal goals Education Components required for Government to be successful –Access –Infrastructure –IT Skills –Localized Content –Technical Support

The Future of Education Meeting broader societal goals The Future of Education The computer room The school network The school computer E-Learning The future Anytime Anywhere Learning

Social & Economic inclusion Partnering in Meeting broader societal goals Social & Economic inclusion Partners in Learning Unlimited Potential Language Interface Programme Digital Inclusion: Availability of appropriate and affordable technologies Partner & ISV Development Programme

Partners in Learning Microsoft’s contribution to Education Partners in Learning Empower schools to significantly raise the level of ICT Literacy amongst their staff. Support teachers and schools develop cultures of innovation. Work with schools in preparing students for the digital workplace Program elements Grants IT Academies Innovative Teachers Fresh Start School Agreement

Unlimited Potential Microsoft’s contribution to Lifelong learning Unlimited Potential Promote lifelong learning for underserved youth and adults through technology skills training in community based centers Partnering with local organist ions to make community technology and learning centers (CTLC) more successful and sustainable by providing Technology support (setup and ongoing) Microsoft employee engagement Technology curriculum Best practices exchange through UP Support Network Bring innovative, social benefit technology solutions to scale through cash investments

Unlimited Potential – Arab Region Projects in Algeria, Bahrain, Dubai, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, UAE, Saudi Arabia More 200 new CTLCs planned for 2004 Community development Women’s empowerment Civil servant training Youth empowerment $2.5 million committed with goal of serving 1million individuals Cash donation Software Curriculum IT expertise & employee support

–Jordan Education Initiative: –Discovery Schools –Lifelong Learning –Jordan ICT Industry Development –Microsoft through PiL: –Develop and implement ICT curriculum –Training teachers in ICT skills –Support Knowledge Stations –Set up a support center for schools –Build an Innovative Teachers Network portal –Provide a virtual digital library –Offer affordable software solutions to schools Partnership in practice Ministry of Education, Jordan Partnership in practice

–Improve speed and quality of education while addressing under use of ICT in partnership with MOE: –Access of students and citizens in rural areas to higher and specialized education –Community of students and teachers leveraging Internet –Improve productivity of MOE employees –Junior Developer Initiative –Middle East Center for Innovative Education Technology –Identity technology solutions for education –Train teachers –Share best practices Partnership in practice Ministry of Education, Egypt Partnership in practice

–10 CTLC in youth centers –Partnership with SEJ, UNDP drives other local and international partners –Provide access, IT skills –Train the trainers and provide software and curriculum –Leverage the center as platform for development programs and micro- enterprise incubation ICT Skills and access for every young Youth Centers in Morocco

–300 university graduates –IT skills development Internships at Private Sector and Multinationals –Career Fair –70% had secured jobs before program completion, 90% are still in the Jobs –Partnership with Private Sector & Government PreparingUniversityGraduates to workforce Preparing University Graduates to workforce Unemployment Graduate in Morocco

– Technical Support for 75 existing KS – Capacity Building for Trainers – Community based projects – Management & Sustainability Programs – Evaluation and impact assessment – In partnership with the King Abdullah II Fund, National Information Center & the government Towards a Knowledge Base Society Jordan Knowledge Station

–150 young men and women (50% women) –IT skills development & Business Skills –Internships at Private Sector and Multinationals –Funding Small Business –Create the Market through partners –Partnership with the Future Generation Foundation, Integrated Care Society, RITSEC, Social fund and Women Council Preparing young people to the SME industry Youth Empowerment - Egypt

–New Style of learning –10,000 learners, educators, parents, from 17 African country participating in TQA –Library with more than 1000 educational web site –Collaboration, engage learning, teamwork, IT & management skills Young people: Critical Learners and Thinker Think Quest Africa

–Mel Electronic Library –Launched in 2003 –10 PC, internet access and solar power –Trained more 1150 person from rural areas –In Partnership with Merci Corp, local schools/community and USAID Towards a digital inclusion Mobile Electronic Library – Lebanon

Conclusion Making the knowledge based economy a reality Through Public Private partnerships: PPP’s help to be creative in reducing digital divide and capacity buildingthrough the transfer of knowledge (broad audience: Underserved area’s, Youth, Women,...) PPP’s help to be creative in reducing digital divide and capacity building through the transfer of knowledge (broad audience: Underserved area’s, Youth, Women,...) Modernizing Government is not only about technology, but about bringing down internal barriers and one single point of entry (outside in instead of inside out) Modernizing Government is not only about technology, but about bringing down internal barriers and one single point of entry (outside in instead of inside out) The Government in partnership with Private Sector offering adaptable programs (such as GSP, LIP, OAS, best practice sharing...) can consolidate national economic development The Government in partnership with Private Sector offering adaptable programs (such as GSP, LIP, OAS, best practice sharing...) can consolidate national economic development

© 2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.