Romans 1-8 Positional Sanctification
1:1-171:18-3:203:21-5: THE GOSPEL OF GRACE THE THREE TYPES OF SINNERS JUSTIFICATION SANCTIFICATON Sanctification Positional 6:1-10 Sanctification Practical 6:11-8:17 Justification Explained 3:21-31 Justification Exemplified 4:1-25 Identification: In Adam All Die In Christ All Live 5:11-21 The Immoral Sinner 1:18-32 The Moral Sinner 2:1-16 The Religious Sinner 2:17-3:8 Conclusion: All Are Sinners 3:9-20 Accountable for the Gospel 1:1-5 Addressees The Romans 1:6-7 Aspirations in the Gospel 1:8-15 Acclamation of the Gospel: Salvation to all who believe 1:16-17 ROMANS The Justice of God Revealed Justification’s End Results 5:1-11 THE THREE TENSES OF SALVATION
Positional Sanctification 4.Romans 6:6c-7 – Important relationship: Know your freedom from the sin nature. a)Romans 6:6c – Know that we should no longer be slaves to sin.
Positional Sanctification 1)First, note that Paul did not write that we should no longer be slaves to the human body, but rather that we should not be slaves to sin. 2)Second, note that sin is in the singular and is a noun. This phrase, then, refers specifically to indwelling sin, the sin nature, rather than to individual sins.
Positional Sanctification b)Romans 6:7 – Know that we should not be slaves to sin because he who has died is freed from sin. 1)Because of the believer’s identification with Christ in His death, the sin nature’s right to rule as master in the believer’s life has been legally broken so that the believer is now legally freed from slavery to the sin nature. Romans 8:3-4
Positional Sanctification 2)Because God has identified us with the cross-work of Jesus Christ and the effects of this work have passed on to us, we are no longer slaves to the sin nature. 3)Because of our identification with Christ's death, we have been freed from our previous relationship with the sin nature.
Positional Sanctification a.It is important to know that we died (Romans 6:2, 7) to the sin nature, but the sin nature did not die. b.It is important to comprehend that the sin nature was rendered powerless over us in its entirety (in body, soul, and spirit).
Positional Sanctification 5.Romans 6:8-10 – Important practical RESULTS of our identification (death and new life) in Christ’s death and resurrection that you should know a)Romans 6:8 – Now if we have died with Christ, [then] we believe that we shall also live with Him.
Positional Sanctification 1)In the future: Your death with Christ is so valid that even though it is appointed unto man once to die (Hebrews 9:27), should the rapture happen today, you would go straight to heaven without dying. You do not need to die.
Positional Sanctification 2)Today: Now if (if is a first class condition, meaning the speaker assumes a reality) we died with Christ (and we did), then we believe we shall also live with Him (and we will).
Positional Sanctification b)Romans 6:9 – Knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, is never to die again… 1)Christ died once and was raised from the dead once, and in these actions He conquered death once for all, for all men for all time.
Positional Sanctification 2)Death mastered Him once but will never do so again; Christ now masters death. He holds the keys to death and hell. Hebrews 2:14-15, Revelation 1:18
Positional Sanctification c)Romans 6:10a – For the death that he died he died to [in reference to] sin … 1)Romans 6:10b – He died to sin… Sin here is a singular noun, thus referring to indwelling sin or the sin nature. a.Christ died for our sins (1 Corinthians 15:3, 1 Peter 3:18), but here Paul wrote that He also died to sin on our behalf. He condemned sin in the flesh. Romans 8:3
Positional Sanctification b.We do not have to die to the sin nature ourselves because in His one death on our behalf, He died to every form of sin, including sin singular or the sin nature. Romans 7:17-18
Positional Sanctification 2)Romans 6:10c– He died to sin, once… Christ doesn’t need to re-die. He died once; therefore, in Him you died to the whole realm of sin. Hebrews 7:27
Positional Sanctification 3)Romans 6:10d – He died to sin, once for all. His one death was for all of humanity even though only the redeemed benefit. His one death was enough to liberate us from all forms of evil, including Satan, the world, sins plural, and the sin nature. Hebrews 2:9, 10:10
Positional Sanctification d)Romans 6:10b – …but the life that He lives, He lives to God. 1)The life that Christ lives (present tense), He lives to God and to God alone. 2)His resurrected life is the basis of your power to live the Christian life. Colossians 1:27b, 3:4 3)Because you are now in the living Christ, you are not only dead to sin but also marvelously alive unto God.