Overview Communications Action Plan, included: Branded Look Key Messages Recommended Communication Tools/Collaterals Recommended Strategies/Tactics to Get Out the Messages Evaluating the Effort 2
Communications Action Plan Primary Audiences State and local policymakers and elected officials Consider board members, community business partners, employers and media 3
Umbrella Strategies Communications Action Plan A.Brand Goodwill as a Credible Contributor to California’s Economic Health and to Jobs in Local Communities B.Develop Materials that Matter C.Create Awareness D.Prepare for the Media Launch and Rollout E.Select the Right Messengers F.Build Local Support G.Leverage Good Results NOTE: Some of these occur in tandem. 4
Brand Goodwill as a Credible Contributor to California’s Economic Health and to Jobs in Local Communities Tactic #1: Develop an overall “look” for the materials and tools. 5
Brand Goodwill as a Credible Contributor to California’s Economic Health and to Jobs in Local Communities Key Messages GOODWILL IS GOOD FOR THE ECONOMY GOODWILL CONNECTS THOUSANDS OF CALIFORNIANS TO JOBS WE REINVEST IN OUR LOCAL COMMUNITIES Supported by facts or “proof points” from the 2012 Report. Tactic #2: Craft messages and template language that can be used in all Goodwill communications with key audiences. 6
Develop Materials that Matter Tactic #1: Develop compelling “buck slips” incorporating key messages. 7
Tactic #2: Identify a customizable product with a longer shelf life mailed directly to policymakers/ elected officials, board members, community business partners and donors/funders. Develop Materials that Matter 8
Tactic #3: Develop a flexible information toolkit with templates, to be used at both the state and local levels. Toolkit includes: The 2012 Report. Fact sheet summarizing key details within the 2012 Report. Quick reference of questions and answers about the 2012 Report. One or more buck slips. Press release seizing on Goodwill’s strength as a leading economic contributor. Calendar. 9
Create Awareness Tactic #1: Distribute a “Goodwill Welcomes You” card to newly elected legislators and officials. 10
Create Awareness Tactic #2: Distribute buck slips to legislators at the state Capitol, key regulatory agencies and local legislative district offices. Tactic #3: Meet with legislators at the Capitol and within the district offices to personally deliver and discuss the 2012 Report. 11
Statewide and Local Fact Sheets Create Awareness 12
Create Awareness Tactic #4 : Conduct a Day at the Capitol event with “leave- behind” materials. Tactic #5 : Push printed articles/stories to policymakers at the Capitol and in their district offices. (Clipped news stories on economic growth or decline in local markets/legislative districts attached to a buck slip sent to legislators with a personal note.) 13
Prepare for Media Launch and Rollout Tactic #1: Prepare media kit. Tactic #2: Draft media advisory, statewide press release and sample local press release. GOODWILL DRIVES ECONOMIC GAINS FOR CALIFORNIA AND ITS COMMUNITIES New Study Proves Goodwill’s Worth in Pumping Millions into State and Local Economies While Connecting Thousands of Unemployed Individuals to Jobs Tactic #3: Create statewide Goodwill media list. Tactic #4: Coach, as needed, spokespersons on anticipated questions from the media. Tactic #5: Pitch media. 14
Prepare Media Launch and Rollout Media Outlets Capitol Press Corps Major Media Markets Business Journals Distribution March 19 a.m. – Capitol Morning Report and AP Daybook March 20 a.m. –PR Newswire and ACS Media List Pitching March 20 – Major media markets and Business Journals March 21 a.m. – Capitol Press Corps and Sacramento media 15
Select the Right Messengers Tactic #1: Identify at least two primary messengers or spokespersons to speak to the media on a statewide level. Tactic #2: Identify key spokespersons for local Goodwill media markets. Tactic #3: Arm spokespersons with the media kit. 16
Build Local Support Tactic #1: Schedule meetings with board members and community partners/leaders to inform them about the 2012 Report. Tactic #2: Distribute buck slips with personal notes to community partners/leaders to keep Goodwill’s role as an economic contributor in front of them. Tactic #3: Write letters to the editors of local newspapers. 17
Leverage Good Results Tactic #1: Audit news coverage for results. Send stories to legislators and local officials, board members, and community partners. Tactic #2: Post positive comments about media stories on Goodwill Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites. Tactic #3: Reprint and post or link to news articles on Goodwill websites, in newsletters, blasts and alerts. Tactic #4: Encourage local Goodwill leaders, employees and customers, as appropriate, to write letters to the editors that support Goodwill and highlight media accounts of Goodwill’s contributions. 18