“ All Government services should be available to the common man in his locality, throughout his life, through a one-stop-shop (integrated service delivery), ensuring efficiency, transparency, & reliability ” To meet out the said objective the following ICT based kiosks have been setup by the State Government as per the following: ◦ Implementing the NeGP vision of setting up of 6626 Common Services Centers (CSC) in Rajasthan catering to rural population with a project cost – Rs. 60 Cr as revenue support to ensure financial viability for rural entrepreneurs. ◦ State Govt. Initiative to cater urban population across the State under Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode through e-Mitra project. 3
e-MitraCSC Operational kiosks – 974 Revenue – 180 Cr Transactions ~ 15 Lakhs Operational kiosks – 3544 Transactions – 3.48 Lakhs Revenue – 16 Cr 4
LSPs 1. Aksh Optifiber Ltd 2. CMS Computers Ltd 3. Veermati Software Technology Ltd 4. Silver Touch Technologies Ltd 5. Vakrangee Softwares Ltd SCAs 1. CMS Computers Ltd 2. Vakrangee Softwares Ltd
6 StakeholderRoles & Responsibilities VLE/kiosk ownerDelivery of services through kiosks Service Centre Agency (SCA) for CSC & Local Service Provider (LSP) for e-Mitra Training and selection of kiosk owners Day to day management and help to VLEs, ensuring connectivity Credit Limit Maintenance DoIT&C overall co-coordinator on behalf of Central and State Government for successful implementation SDA – RajCOMP Info Service Limited State designated nodal agency Policy formulation and project monitoring Budgetary assistance on behalf of DoIT&C District eGoverance Socieities Setup in 2005 under the chairmanship of District Collectors Overseeing activities of SCA and LSPs Monitoring e- governance project progress at district level Departments/PSUsDelivery of departmental services
7 Payment Collection Submission of Application Form Submission of Grievances/Information Retrieval Digitally Signed Certificates
8 List of Services G2C Utility bill payments: Electricity (DISCOMs) & Water (PHED) Digitally signed certificates for caste, bonafide, and solvency. Online applications and examination fee deposition (Rajasthan Police, JMRC, RPSC, Panchayati Raj, PWD etc.) Request copies of answer sheets (BSER) Digitally signed copies of Land Records RSRTC roadways online ticketing Collection of dues/fees for Rajasthan Housing Board Application for PAN card Application for Ration card Application for eGram services (EG1/2) B2C Utility bill payments: Landline and Mobile (BSNL) Utility bill payments Airtel, Reliance, Tata, Idea, MTS etc. Financial and Insurance services: ICICI Online LPG gas booking Pre-paid mobile recharge Airtel, Reliance, Tata, Idea, Vodafone, BSNL etc. DTH recharge Tata Sky, Big TV, Dish TV
9 Digitally Signed Certificate Service Launched in May, 2011 by Hon’ble Chief Minister, GoR, Digitally signed caste, bonafide and solvency certificates available free of cost to the citizens at the doorstep. More than 10 Lakh certificates have been issued since May Key Features: Reduced the hassle of visiting various far off government offices Time bound delivery of certificates (RGDPS) SMS alerts providing updated application status Online verification through unique token number Online record of applications reducing paper work and file management Easy reprint facility of certificates
10 Rajasthan Public Service Commission Addition of various recruitment exams conducted through RPSC have given a huge leap to the transaction volume through CSC/e-Mitra network. Approximately 30 Lakh recruitments have been done. Based on the successful roll out of RPSC recruitments, the application form and fee collection has been replicated for various other departments such as Panchayati Raj, PWD, BSER, Rajasthan Police Department.
11 Digitally Signed Copy of Land Records Difficulties / problems in issuance of manually signed land records: time lag in approval from the signing authority Steps taken by department to overcome difficulties: Introduction of digitally signed land records Changes made in land record act to lend Legal sanctity to digitally signed land records All CSC and eMitra kiosk owners authorized to print digitally signed land records
12 e-Mitra web based application hosted at State Data Centre has a three tier architecture. RDBMS software at backend in-house application or commercial application at mid-tier web servers at front-end All G2C services at kiosks are delivered through this portal. All participating departments and service counters are hooked on to SDC. Key Features Dynamic application generating real time content Dynamic Service Creation User Management of all Stakeholders The application and servers are robust and support high degree of concurrency Integration with Online payment gateway SMS Integration mechanism 24X7 helpdesk available, support on Operational Manual available online (in Hindi) Maintaining credit limit of kiosk owners and LSPs/ SCAs on pre paid basis Complete digitized workflow for the delivery of Digitally signed certificates E-Mitra Application -
14 Last mile connectivity through District HQ, Municipal Towns, Tehsil HQ, Panchayat Samiti HQ, Gram Panchayat level Additionally, citizens can also avail services online from their home through internet.
15 Success of an e-Governance implementation is truly measured by the number of citizen transactions it commands! Total Transa ctions (in lacs) March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 July We pride in our high transaction volumes!
16 Self-Sustaining model with minimum revenue assistance to kiosk owner, LSPs/SCAs, DeGS & RISL based on per transaction service charges to ascertain a minimum income level Average income per kiosk S.No3 major ServicesTransactions July ‘2012 Commission Rate (Rs.) Income 1Utility Bill Payment /-Rs Digital certificates /-Rs RPSC / TOTAL Income from three G2C services Total number of Kiosk4588 Therefore, Average income per kiosk by G2C Services4114/-
All government departments to identify and roll-out e-service delivery of minimum two G2C services. Rajasthan Guaranteed Delivery of Public Services Act, 2011, (to ensure time bound delivery of G2C services) Movement of CSCs in BNRGSKs for meeting out the connectivity and power cut issues Authorizing CSC/e-Mitra centres as enrollment agencies: ◦ UID (AADHAR) ◦ digitized population register(NPR) ◦ Pan Card services ◦ Updation in electoral voter list 17
BNRGSK (IT enabled building) are being set up with solar power backup at all Panchayat Samitis & Gram Panchayat of Rajasthan by Department of Panchayati Raj to provide e- services and other important facilities such as: ◦ Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) office ◦ Collection of important data ◦ Networking of Block level offices ◦ Latest progress & Updates of various schemes ◦ Banking counters at panchayat level ◦ Cheap Rs.1/- per month ◦ Availability of panchayat services ◦ Integrated availability of post office, mini bank, RKCL training center, edusat etc. 18
Non availability of Broadband Connectivity in rural areas Non availability of Banks in rural areas; Channelizing through Business correspondents activity Lack of electricity supply during business hours 19
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