RealProperty PLUS IT Professionals Security Implementation and Utilities © 2009 Domin-8 Enterprise Solutions LLC. All rights reserved.
2 How to get there?
3 Setup user profiles - Main
4 Setup user profiles – Access Rights
5 Setup user profiles – Assign Nodes Select the nodes to which the user is to be authorized, and click “Assign”.
6 Setup user profiles – Assign Menu Select which items you wish to appear on the selected menu (which may be shared by multiple users) Select which items will reside on each PC in the selected group
7 Setup user profiles – Assign Menu To add a new group, a new computer, or a new menu, click the Then enter the new group name, computer name, or menu name Be sure the button has the name of the group that you want the computer to be created in by selecting the group in the left panel (not displayed here), The easiest way to create a menu, is to copy from another menu, and un-check the items you wish to remove.
8 Customizing a menu
9 Utilities Accrual To Cash – This utility used when a property that has already been processing but was not defined to maintain both cash and accrual books, is configured to maintain both sets of books. After setting up the cash controls, the utility processes all of the past GL detail using the rules that have been defined, and creates retroactive cash books. Combine Vendors – sometimes users setup a vendor more that once without realizing it. This utility allows you to combine multiple vendors into one vendor. This attaches all of the vendor history for selected vendors to the vendor being kept, and removes the vendors that have been combined. Apply Code Groups – this utility applys the code grouping rules that are defined in the Transaction Codes, CPI, Business Types to existing A/R and Tenant History so that you may view and print according the defined code groups and tiers. Copy LADS panels – this utility allows the user to copy a sample Lease Abstract Database panel from the RPP training database (or any other database) into the current active database as a starting point for customization.
10 Utilities GL Analysis Utility – In the unlikely event that an out of balance condition is identified, this utility may be used as first research step. This will either pinpoint the post that created the problem (usually because of a system failure that was not handled correctly by the user), or unequivocally determine that no post is at fault. Report Viewer – This utility allows a user to reopen for viewing/printing reports (other than crystal reports) that have been saved to a file with the “Save As” option from the View panel. Compare A/R to History – This utility compares the current outstanding A/R to the Tenant history and lists any discrepancies. If discrepancies are found, there is an option to rebuild the A/R from the history. Recalculate A/R balances – This utility recalculates all A/R balances from the current outstanding A/R. There should generally be a need to run this utility, unless there is some kind of system failure during a post or restore. Recalculate GL Data from GL Detail – This utility recalculates all of the GL Data monthly buckets for selected properties by reading the GL Detail. It essentially does what the year-end process does, and is used by customers who do not wish to run the year-end process to carry forward balance sheet account balances but do wish to run financial reports for the new year.
11 Utilities Assign Responsible Profile - This process is used when the "bill to" profile has been changed to be a different profile. It insures that the history and A/R entries are properly attached to the "bill to" profile. Reset Occupying Profile - This process is used when a change is made to a profile's "bill to" profile and it is no longer a different profile. It will re-attach all of the history and A/R that was attached to the previous "bill to" profile. Clear Windows Temp – This utility clears the windows temporary directory of all files not currently being used. Many processes including RPP leaves work files in that folder. Convert PC Names – This utility allows you to change the name of a PC, and then have those changes reflected in the RPP database setup files. Convert Backup Database – This utility rebuilds the A/R files in your Backup database. Sometimes these files can get corrupted as a result of the large number of deleted records, if you do a lot of restores. Validate Batches – This is a utility that analyzes all of you’re A/R and A/P batches to see if there are any empty batch headers, or detail that is missing a batch header. If it finds any, then you have the option to either delete the empty batch header, or create any missing batch headers.
12 Utilities Reprint A/R batch – This utility allows you to reprint an A/R batch from the backup files. Move Invoices – This utility allows you to drag invoice line items from one batch to another. Client Reset – This utility allows you to easily reset each of your client PCs to point to a new server should you need to install a new one and need to change the name.
13 Questions We are open to your suggestions as to how RPP security may be improved to better meet your needs!