ED Studies P & T Review & Modifications of Procedures of Procedures
ED Studies P & T Procedures Service Scholarship Teacher Effectiveness PTPI Target Score of 100 2
Overview Teacher Effectiveness (approximately 70%) Teacher Effectiveness (approximately 70%) Peer Evaluation Peer Evaluation Face-to-Face Instruction Face-to-Face Instruction Online Course Instruction Online Course Instruction Teaching Materials Teaching Materials Student Evaluation Student Evaluation Self-Evaluation Self-Evaluation Interview by P&T Committee Interview by P&T Committee Additional Evidence Additional Evidence 3
Overview Scholarship (approximately 20%) Scholarship (approximately 20%) Priority I Priority I Priority II Priority II Priority III Priority III Priority IV Priority IV Service (approximately 10%) Service (approximately 10%) Standard of performance increases moving from Associate Professor to Tenure to Full Professor. Standard of performance increases moving from Associate Professor to Tenure to Full Professor. Target Score for all three is 100. Target Score for all three is
Scholarship & Service Scholarship and Service credit can be estimated by using the PTPI Spreadsheet. Scholarship and Service credit can be estimated by using the PTPI Spreadsheet. PTPI Spreadsheet PTPI Spreadsheet PTPI Spreadsheet PTPI Spreadsheet See documents W and X on the CD that you received last Fall. See documents W and X on the CD that you received last Fall. 5
Teacher Effectiveness Each of the six subscores is scored with a rubric describing how the evidence supplied by the candidate will be evaluated. Each of the six subscores is scored with a rubric describing how the evidence supplied by the candidate will be evaluated. Teaching Materials Rubric Teaching Materials Rubric Teaching Materials Rubric Teaching Materials Rubric Suggestions for scoring the rubric are provided for each rubric. Suggestions for scoring the rubric are provided for each rubric. For Teaching Materials it is Document I on the CD. For Teaching Materials it is Document I on the CD.Document IDocument I 6
Most Important Change How can you help the P&T Committee better understand the evidence supplied in the portfolio? How can you help the P&T Committee better understand the evidence supplied in the portfolio? Submission of Materials as per the Faculty Handbook will continue. Submission of Materials as per the Faculty Handbook will continue. BUT expanded documentation with respect to the ED Studies P&T procedures must be undertaken to guarantee the validity of your evidence. BUT expanded documentation with respect to the ED Studies P&T procedures must be undertaken to guarantee the validity of your evidence. 7
Example Teaching Materials Rubric has five sub- categories: TM-1, TM-2, TM-3, TM-4, TM-5. Teaching Materials Rubric has five sub- categories: TM-1, TM-2, TM-3, TM-4, TM-5. Teaching Materials Rubric Teaching Materials Rubric The P&T Committee must assign a score for each of these. The P&T Committee must assign a score for each of these. If they can’t find the evidence in your portfolio that addresses that sub- category, the rubric score will be low. If they can’t find the evidence in your portfolio that addresses that sub- category, the rubric score will be low. 8
Recommendations 1.Make sure you provide evidence for every sub-category. 2.Follow the suggestions that the P&T Committee will be using to evaluate each sub-category. Document I. Document I Document I 3.Label each piece of evidence. Use a color-coding system. (Example: Dr. Hewitt’s promotion materials) (Example: Dr. Hewitt’s promotion materials) 9
Recommendations 4.The same strategy could be used in artifacts submitted in the scholarship category. A reprint of an article published in a national journal (I-S4) should be labeled so the P&T Committee knows at what level of scholarship you think the artifact represents. A reprint of an article published in a national journal (I-S4) should be labeled so the P&T Committee knows at what level of scholarship you think the artifact represents. A different color code could be used for II-S4 or III-S2, etc. A different color code could be used for II-S4 or III-S2, etc. 10
Another Important Change The Peer Review Rubric requires visits by your peers to “observe” your instruction. The Peer Review Rubric requires visits by your peers to “observe” your instruction. Face-to-face (Document B) Face-to-face (Document B)Document BDocument B Online Instruction (Document C) Online Instruction (Document C)Document CDocument C Arrangements must be made for the “peer observations” (especially if they involve observations made by “peers” from off- campus) to be made during the Fall semester (ASAP). Arrangements must be made for the “peer observations” (especially if they involve observations made by “peers” from off- campus) to be made during the Fall semester (ASAP). 11
Minor Modifications There are some other minor modifications that may need to take place between now and the next round of promotion and tenure deliberations early next semester. There are some other minor modifications that may need to take place between now and the next round of promotion and tenure deliberations early next semester. The ED Studies P&T procedures are ever evolving, and your suggestions are always welcome. The ED Studies P&T procedures are ever evolving, and your suggestions are always welcome. 12