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Title Lookup Allows you to quickly search across all HeinOnline titles and quickly access a publication title Can be accessed from the Welcome Page or from the tabbed menus inside a collection This tool looks up publication titles vs. journal article titles –i.e. Harvard Law Review
Library Home Pages Once you click on a subscribed library from the welcome page, you will land on the “Library (Collection) Home Page” for the chosen content This page varies for each library depending upon the content of the given library Journals – A to Z index listingJournals CFR – Title/Part/Section Locator ToolCFR
Navigating the Content Tabs present various options and menus for working with the content in a given library
Navigating the Content – Resources Tab Link back to the collection home page Link back to welcome page at any time Browse by options Help & Training links More information about the specific collection
Navigating the Content – Search Tab Field Search is a form-based search input, limited to 3 fields, which provides you with drop down menus that show the various meta-data available to search across Advanced Search allows you to build a search string with more than 3 fields, as well as search using advanced syntax such as proximity and wildcards Some collections have special search tools; links would be displayed here for such tools How-to guides are available for searching
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Navigating the Content – Title Lookup This is the same tool as seen on the Welcome Page Displaying it here, provides you access to the tool at any time Allows you to search for a title in the specific collection or across all HeinOnline collections
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Hein’s ScholarCheck This tool allows a researcher to view articles that have a heavy influence on the subject being studied It indicates the quantity of articles that cite an article and links the researcher to all the articles, thus connecting the web of scholarly influence in a given subject area It also allows us to analyze and present most-cited materials across various disciplines, such as the most-cited authors in HeinOnline’s Law Journal Library or the most-cited Supreme Court Cases in HeinOnline
Hein’s ScholarCheck “Cited by” link added to the search results –When you run a search, you may see an additional link listed within a search result that says “Cited by [#]”. Click on the link to generate a list of law review articles that cite that article or document –Choose to sort the results by the number of times cited to see articles that have been cited the most first –Hein’s ScholarCheck tool has been applied in the Law Journal and U.S. Supreme Court Libraries in HeinOnlineLaw JournalU.S. Supreme Court
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A closer look at Custom Tools & Features Available in Various Libraries
Browse or Search by Subject, U.S. State or Country in the Law Journal Library Browse or Search by Subject, U.S. State or Country:Search by Subject –Subject codes are applied at the journal title level –U.S. State and Country were assigned based on the place of publication –Journal titles may be classified into one or multiple subjects –Search across one or multiple subjects
Other Custom Tools United Nations Law CollectionUnited Nations Law Collection –Quickly pull up a treaty by entering a UNTS or L.N.T.S. citation –Search by treaty number, country, short title, Kavass subject, popular name, and more! –View a list of International Agreements by popular name U.S. Congressional DocumentsU.S. Congressional Documents –Congressional Record Daily to Bound LocatorCongressional Record Daily to Bound Locator Quickly locate a page from the Congressional Record Daily within the Bound volume by entering a specific date or a citation, or browse by month/date. Code of Federal RegulationsCode of Federal Regulations –Quickly access a section using the Title/Part/Section Quick Locator or Citation Locator tools
Other Custom Tools, cont. English Reports Full Reprint ( )English Reports Full Reprint ( ) –Case Locator allows you to quickly search for a case name, English Reports citation, nominative citation, or do a key work search –The Chart of Reports tool allows you to browse by old report name, volume number, abbreviation, period (dates), or the series Harvard Research in International LawHarvard Research in International Law –Link to law review articles written by the contributors to the Harvard Research in International Law –Link to related journal articles Legal ClassicsLegal Classics –Browse by title, author or subject –Search by subject
Other Custom Tools, cont. Selden Society Publications and the History of Early English LawSelden Society Publications and the History of Early English Law –Links to more than 140 law review articles discussing the development of early English history –Links to law review articles written by famous English & American lawyers, professors, jurists and more –View the Selden Society Annual Series in full original Latin text or in a modern English translation Treaties & AgreementsTreaties & Agreements –Treaty Metadata Search Tool allows you to search by treaty number, country, short title, signing dates, and more U.S. Federal Legislative History LibraryU.S. Federal Legislative History Library –Search the “Sources of Compiled Legislative History” database by public law number, popular name of the public law, bill number, congress and more
Other Custom Tools, cont. U.S. Statutes at Large –Browse by volume, popular name, public law number, Indian treaties or other treaties –Quickly find a public law number using the Citation Navigator tool World Trials Library –Browse by title or author –Browse by three trials collections: Cornell University World Trials Jenkins Law Library World Trials University of Missouri, Columbia World Trials
Searching Tools
Field Search 3 input fields available Drop down menu lists the meta-data fields available to search across In Law Journal & Legal Classics collections you can search by subject Narrow to a title or several titles Narrow to a range of years Choose to search across different types of articles or documents
Advanced Search Allows you to search across more than 3 fields Advanced search syntax can be used including: –Proximity searches –Wildcard searches Our Advanced Search Syntax Guide outlines all syntax available with this option
Search Results Displays the number of results returned First line of every result links you to the first page of the article/document When searching across the text field, you will get a link that says View Matching Text Pages –Click on this link to view and link to the pages within the article/document where your search term appears
Search Results From your search results you can: –Modify your Search –Search Within These Results to narrow your search further –Run the Search in Other Collections – for example, you could search the Federal Register for the term “boycott guidelines”
Basics of Searching Meta-data fields available for searching vary by collection depending upon the content of each collection –i.e. Can search for an article in the Law Journal Library using the Title field, where as in the U.S. Congressional Documents you can search for a section such as the Extension of Remarks using the Section Description field. For help with the meta-data fields available in each collection, click on “Search Tips” from the search tab menu in a given collectionSearch Tips You can also save your search queries into your MyHein account from the search results screen
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